@InCollection{robinson2008, author = {Robinson, Jonathan}, title = {{\emph{Qui praedicat periculum in illo peribit}}: William of St-Amour's Anti-Mendicant Sermons}, shorttitle = {{\emph{Qui praedicat periculum}}}, booktitle = {Weapons of Mass Instruction: Secular and Religious Institutions Teaching the World. Proceedings of a St.\ Michaels College Symposium (25--26 November 2005)}, shortbooktitle ={Weapons of Mass Instruction}, crossref = {zGoering2008}, pages = {51--63}, url = {http://individual.utoronto.ca/jwrobinson}, annote = {NOTE: streamlined for biblatex!} } @Collection{zGoering2008, editor = {Goering, J. and Guardiani, F. and Silano, G.}, title = {Weapons of Mass Instruction: Secular and Religious Institutions Teaching the World. Proceedings of a St.\ Michaels College Symposium (25--26 November 2005)}, shorttitle = {Weapons of Mass Instruction}, booktitle = {Weapons of Mass Instruction: Secular and Religious Institutions Teaching the World. Proceedings of a St.\ Michaels College Symposium (25--26 November 2005)}, shortbooktitle = {Weapons of Mass Instruction}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Legas}, date = 2008, series = {St.\ Michael's College Series}, number = 9, annote = {NOTE: streamlined for biblatex!} }