Erin’s Theory on What is Wrong With the World

Little dogs that wear sweaters
Dead animals on the road that keep getting run over
Dogs that bark constantly for no reason
My neighbour’s dog
When my cats bring in dead animals and leave them on my floor
When my cats bring in animals they think are dead but they’re just stunned and they wake up and run amok and I have to catch them
People who walk slow in the mall
When salespeople call and then act like you called them
When someone says, “Ew, look at this.”
When someone says, “Ew, smell this.”
When someone says, “Ew, taste this.”
The smell of wet pavement
The smell of burnt popcorn
The way coffee doesn’t taste as good as it smells
Taco Bell’s lack of real meat
Artificial cheese flavouring or processed cheese
Anything lemon flavoured
Olives and how the olive-ify everything they come into contact with
Relish on hotdogs
Gory movies
Bad teeth
Ugly cartoons
Nails on a chalkboard
Nails or a dry pen on paper
When my cat vomits on my bed and I have to clean it up
Roadrunner cartoons
When you discover that the bathroom stall you are in has no toilet paper
Men with really hairy backs
The movie “The Truman Show”
The garbage juice that is always all over the street in garbage day because the truck leaks every time it stops
When my hands are in water too long and they get all pruny
Never having time to shave my legs in the morning.
Negative attitudes that some people have for teenagers.
Man’s need to kill everyone that doesn’t agree with them or worship them or let them do whatever they want. In other words, wars.
Door to door salespeople.
People who try to sell their religion.
People who advertise their religion.
The fact that Christianity has become a fad instead of a system of beliefs.
The fact that I make minimum wage and do more work than anyone else.
People who know about pregnancy and AIDS and still think it won’t happen to them.
People who apologize too much.
People who fish for pity.
People who fish for compliments.
The fact that if you dislike a person it’s okay unless that person is of a different race or sexual orientation than you and then you must hate them because you’re are prejudiced.
The fact that equality sometimes means special treatment.