Syntax Research Group

at UofT Linguistics

Fall 2002

Place: RL 6071

Time: Monday, 12:00 - 14:00


Workshop on Ergativity                   

                            Atelier sur l'ergativité

October 18-19, 2002


The Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics

December 13, 2002

Workshop/Conference Calls

The Niagara Linguistics Society
January 11-12, 2003

In the Shadow of the Groundhog:
2nd  Midwinter Workshop
January 31, 2003

Date Presenter Topic

September 30 Christine Pittman The Adverbial "All" in English

Kenji Oda Issues in Irish Syntax

October 7 Jonathon Herd Maori is a Predicate-Raising Language

Raphael Mercado Verb Raising and Restructuring in Tagalog

October 14


October 21 Alana Johns Some Issues Concerning Algonquian Questions 

Susana Bejar TBA

October 28 Keir Moulton The Diachrony of CP in English

Elizabeth Cowper TBA

November 4 Manfred Sailer
Universität Tübingen
, Germany)
On Collocations in German

November 11 Ana-Teresa Perez Leroux TBA

November 18 Dave McKercher Switch Reference and Direct Quotation in Zuni

November 25 Gabriela Alboiu TBA

December 2 Magdalena Goledzinowska Maturation of argument structure: a lexical account of unaccusatives, unergatives and reflexives with clitics in child Polish

December 9 (Empty Slot)

Directors: Elizabeth Cowper, Alana Johns, Diane Massam

Schedule / Email Boys: Jonathon Herd, Raph Mercado

Department of Linguistics at University of Toronto

 Last Update: Nov. 24, 2002 by Kenji Oda