Peterson, Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Toronto, Civil Eng., karl.peterson@utoronto.ca
ph+1 416-978-4589, fax+1 416-978-6813, room 326 Galbraith Bldg.
St. George St., Toronto, ON M5S 1A4, CANADA
research focuses on the application of microscopic techniques to the study of
the durability and performance of building materials, especially concrete!
if that sounds interesting to you, you might also enjoy the following links:
CME185H1 - Earth Systems
Science, 2011-2017.
CME358H1 - Survey Camp,
(formerly CIV1298H)
- Microscopy Applied to Building and Geomaterials, 2011-2014, 2016.
CIV1250H -
Instrumentation Techniques for Cement and Concrete Researchers, guest lecturer,
(formerly CIV1299H)
- Chemistry of Cements and Concrete, guest lecturer, 2012, 2014, 2016.
Concrete Microscopy Course, Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands, guest lecturer, 16-20 May 2011, June 11-15 2012, June 24-28, 2013.
Students, 2010 – present:
Jiazheng Hu, M.A.Sc. student,
co-advised with Prof. G. Grasselli
Yusheng Qiu, M.A.Sc. student, co-advised with Prof. G. Grasselli
Dehghan, Ph.D., Durability testing protocols for
concrete made with alternative binders and recycled materials, Doctoral
dissertation, 2018.
Johnson Ha, M.A.Sc., co-advised with Prof. G. Grasselli,
FDEM Tunnel
Modelling in Georgian Bay Shale, Master’s thesis 2017.
Chloe Chan, M.A.Sc., Carbon
Sequestration Strategies in Cement Based Material: Carbon Nano Platelet Admixture
Interaction and Long term Carbonation of CO2 injected Concrete
Blocks, Master’s thesis 2017.
Lu, Ph.D., X-ray
computed tomography assessment of air void distribution in concrete,
Doctoral dissertation 2017.
Chan, B.A.Sc., Assessment of silica fume agglomeration in concrete, Undergraduate thesis
XiaoTian Yun,
B.A.Sc., The characterization of Turkish fly ashes, co-advised
with Prof. D. Panesar, Undergraduate thesis 2014.
Sona Nezami, M.A.Sc., Assessment of
flatbed scanner method for quality assurance testing of air content and spacing
factor in concrete, Master’s thesis 2013.
Gulzhanat Ahkanova, M.Eng., Effect
of the aggregate size and foam addition on pervious concrete properties and
microstructure, Master’s project 2013.
Funding, 2010 – present:
2D/3D modeling of concrete weight coating
to understand its performance including crack development, Co-PI: Giovanni Grasselli, NSERC Collaborative Research and Development
Grant Program, 2018-2022, $200,000.
2D modeling of onshore pipeline
concrete coating to understand its performance including crack development, Co-PI: Giovanni Grasselli, Ontario Centres of Excellence Voucher for
Innovation and Productivity II, 2018-2020,
Protective concrete coatings for
pipelines, Co-PI:
Giovanni Grasselli, Shawcor,
2018-2020, $140,000.
Assessment of acid-resistant coating
for cement-based pipes, holding tanks, and enclosures, NSERC Engage Grant, 2017-2018, $25,000.
Impact of meta-stable chloride
hydrate phases on concrete durability at near-freezing temperatures, NSERC Discovery Grant, 2014-2018, $100,000.
Innovative design of a sound
numerical model calibration process: from lab tests to input data, MITACS Accelerate, 2016, $30,000.
Rapid assessment of life cycle CO2
absorption in conventional and carbonation-injected construction blocks, and
microstructural characterization of carbonation-injected pavers, co-PI Prof. M. Dittrich,
NSERC Engage Grant, 2015, $25,000.
Exploration of novel additives to portland cement binder systems, NSERC Engage Grant, 2015, $25,000.
Potential for incorporation of
recycled fibre reinforced polymers in portland
cement concrete,
NSERC Engage Grant, 2014, $25,000.
Investigation of coarse aggregate
surface treatments to enhance concrete strength, PI Prof. D. Panesar,
NSERC Engage Grant, 2014, $25,000.
AVS testing: Advancement of scanner
based method, and exploration of x-ray tomography and fluorescence based
methods, MTO HIIFP,
2012-2013, $24,997.
Automated hardened concrete air-void
system (AVS) test method, MTO HIIFP, 2011-2012, $23,760.
Investigation of applications of
x-ray milli/micro-fluorescence (MXRF) technology to
concrete, Connaught
Fund, 2011, $10,000.
Investigation of portland cement concrete exposed to automated deicing systems, Colorado Department of Transportation, 2010, $25,003.
Contributions, 2010 – present:
H., Peterson K., Chernoloz, O., “Measurement of
entrained air-void parameters in Portland cement concrete using micro X-ray
computed tomography,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, v. 12, n.
2, p. 109-121, 2018.
H., Alymov E., Shah S., Peterson K., “Measurement of
air void system in lightweight concrete by X-ray computed tomography,”
Construction and Building Materials, v. 152, p. 467-483, 2017.
Dehghan A., Peterson K., Riehm
G, Bromerchenkel L.H. "Application of x-ray microfluorescence for the determination of chloride
diffusion coefficients in concrete chloride penetration experiments,"
Construction and Building Materials, v. 148, p. 85-95, 2017.
Dehghan A., Peterson K., Shvarzman
A., "Recycled glass fiber reinforced polymer additions to portland cement concrete," Construction and Building
Materials, v. 146, p. 238-250, 2017.
K., Anzalone G.C., Nezami,
S., Oh, C.Y.S., Lu, H., “Robust Test of the flatbed scanner for air-void
characterization in hardened concrete,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, v.
44, p. 599-614, January, 2016.
Nariseti, C., Mohanty, B.,
Peterson, K., “Crack visualization and mapping in rock samples due to impact
loading with tungsten carbide bits,” Blasting and Fragmentation, v. 9, n. 2, p.
126-138, 2016.
K., Julio-Betancourt G., Sutter L., Hooton R.D., Johnston D., “Observations of
chloride ingress and calcium oxychloride formation in laboratory concrete and
mortar at 5°C,” Cement and Concrete Research, v. 45, 2013, p. 79–90, 2013.
Adhikari S.,You
Z., Peterson K. “Multi-phase characterization of asphalt Concrete using X-ray microfluorescence,” International Journal of Pavement
Research and Technology, v. 6, n. 2, p. 117-122, 2013.
Truschke C., Peterson K., Van Dam T., Peshkin D., DeDene C., DeDios R., “Investigation of Portland Cement Concrete
Exposed to Automated Deicing Solution Applications on
Colorado’s Bridge Decks,” Transportation Research Record, No. 2220, p. 1-11, 2011.
Radlinski M., Olek J., Zhang
Q., Peterson K., “Evaluation of the Critical Air-Void System Parameters for
Freeze-Thaw Resistant Ternary Concrete Using the Manual Point-Count and the
Flatbed Scanner Methods,” Journal of ASTM Int’l, Vol. 7, No. 4, 14 p., 2010.
Conference proceedings
Qiu Y., Peterson K., Ha J., Grasselli
G., "Finite/discrete element modeling (FDEM) of time-dependent swelling
mechanisms in southern Ontario shales," Geo Ottawa 2017, Ottawa, Canada,
October 1-4, 2017.
Y.C., Peterson K., Bromerchenkel L.H., Dittrich M., Monkman S.,
"Assessment of carbon sequestration potential of concrete blocks with an
accelerated environmental exposure chamber," 13th Canadian
Masonry Symposium, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 4-7, 2017.
Y.C., Qiu B., Torreão E.,
Peterson K., Sinha A., "Assessment of admixture adsorption by carbon nano additive,"
Proceedings of the 16th Euroseminar
on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Les Diablerets,
Switzerland, May 14-17, 2017.
J., Grasselli G., Peterson K., Tatone
B.S.A., Lisjak A., Mahabadi
O.K., Gaspari G., "Simulating tunnel behavior in
interbedded shale and limestone using FDEM," Proceedings of the Tunneling
Association of Canada Annual Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October
16-18, 2016.
C., Peterson K., “Portlandite in concrete sand from
Hawaii: Fact or fiction?”, Proceedings of the 38th International
Conference on Cement Microscopy, Lyon, France, p. 334-343, April 17-21, 2016.
Dehghan A., Peterson K., Zacarias
P., Smith M., “Investigation of coarse aggregate surface treatments to enhance
concrete strength,” Proceedings of the 15th Euroseminar
on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Delft, The Netherlands, June
17-19, p. 97-107, 2015.
H., Peterson K., "A step-wise segmentation method for micro x-ray computed
tomography of lightweight concrete," Proceedings of the 36th
Int’l Conf. on Cement Microscopy, Milan, Italy, April 13-17, 2014.
Nezami S., Totty K., Peterson K., Sibbick
R., “Comparison of hardened concrete air-void test results from Rapid Air 457
and flatbed scanner automated analysis equipment” Proceedings of the 35th
Int’l Conf. on Cement Microscopy, Chicago, Illinois, USA, April 28-May 1, 2013.
Anzalone G., Peterson K., Sutter L., “Concrete chloride
concentration profile collection with an environmental scanning electron
microscope and x-ray energy dispersive spectrometry,” Proceedings of the 35th
Int’l Conf. on Cement Microscopy, Chicago, Illinois, USA, April 28-May 1, 2013.
K., Mailloux L., Sutter L., “Regressions in portland cement clinker microscopy – Clinker from 1906: A
snapshot of the early American portland cement and
road construction industries,” Proceedings of the 34th Int’l Conf.
on Cement Microscopy, Halle, Saxony-Anhalt Germany, April 1-4, 2012.
K., Sutter L., “Impact of hydrated cement paste content and entrained air-void
system parameters on the durability of concrete,” Proceedings of the XXI
Symposium on Nordic Concrete Research, Hämeenlinna,
Finland, May 30-June 1, 2011.
L., Vermillion J., Peterson K., King M., “Effect of entrained air-void and
supplementary cementitious materials on durability of concrete” Proceedings of
the 2nd Int’l Conf on Sustainable Construction Materials and
Technologies, University of Wisconsin Madison Center for By-Products
Utilization, Ancona, Italy, June 28-30, 2010.
Conference abstracts
Nasseri M.B., Goodfellow
S.D., Peterson K., Young R., “Investigation of permeability anisotropy and polymodal fracture pattern development using a true-triaxial geophysical imaging cell,” AGU Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, California, December 9-13, 2013.
Conference posters
H., Peterson K., “Measurement of air-void parameters of concrete using x-ray
CT” Proceedings of the 10th Int’l Conf. on Concrete Pavements, Québec, July
8-12, 2012.
K., “Watching cement harden: Combined backscattered electron and transmitted
light images for the observation of cement hydration,” Annual Meeting of Microscopical Society of Canada - Société
de Microscopie du Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, June 7-10,
Technical reports
Peterson K.,
Anzalone G., Nezami S., Oh
C. Y. S., Lu H., “Evaluation
of an Open Source Software Flatbed Scanner Method for Air-Void System Testing,”
MERO-057, Ministry of Transportation Materials Engineering and Research Office
Report, 169 p., 2016.
Sutter L.,
Hooton R.D., Scott Schlorholtz S., Hand D., Peterson
K., Kueber M., Ahmed Z., de Groot A., Longmire B.
“Methods for Evaluating Fly Ash for Use in Highway Concrete,” NCHRP Report 749,
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board of
the National Academies, Washington, DC, 54 pp., 2013.
Sutter L.,
Hooton R.D., Scott Schlorholtz S., Hand D., Peterson
K., Kueber M., Ahmed Z., de Groot A., Longmire B.,
“Research Description and Findings Specifications and Protocols for Acceptance
Tests of Fly Ash Used in Highway Concrete,” NCHRP Report 749, National
Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board of the
National Academies, Washington, DC, 329 pp., 2013.
L., Anzalone G., Peterson K., “Alkali silica
reactivity and potassium acetate deicers: Identifying
fundamental mechanisms,” R&D Serial No. 3223, Portland Cement Association,
Skokie, Illinois, 2012.
L., Peterson, K., Anzalone G., “Reduction of minimum required weight
of cementitious materials in WisDOT concrete mixes,”
Final Report SPR#0092-08-08, Wisconsin Highway Research Program, Madison,
Wisconsin, 2011.
K., Sutter L., “Impact of hydrated cement paste quality and air-void system on
the durability of concrete,” Final Report RC-1552, Michigan Department of
Transportation, Lansing, Michigan, 2011.
L., Van Dam, T., Peterson, K., “Evaluation of concrete pavements with
materials-related distress,” Final Report RC-1533, Michigan Department of
Transportation, Lansing, Michigan, 2010.
Link to free open-source flatbed scanner
air-void analysis macro BubbleCounter [written for ImageJ]: