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Welcome to Yueping's Homepage

Thank you for visiting my homepage. The following is a brief introduction about myself. Having received the master degree from the Telecommunication System Engineering Department of The Academy of Post and Telecommunications of MPT, Beijing PRC,I started my career on telecommunication in The Fifth Research Institute of the MPT, PRC Chengdu. Five years later, I joined AT&T chengdu office as a business manager and then switched to RELTEC Company (Later on became Marconi Communications Inc.) All those years, I had dedicated myself to the development of telecommunication in China through different sectors, ranging from sales, marketing to systems and development engineering, and I do remember the words that one of my respected teachers told me: "Anything you do will benifit you sometime in your life."

In 2001 I became a Canadian permanent resident living in Toronto with my family and sequently accepted my second master degree in Information Science and Library from the University of Western Ontario. I like to be a librarian and have started my new life here.

English Homepage

This page is maintained by Yueping He,
Last update: August, 2004
