My Happy Family

Here is my happy family. This picture was taken in Chengdu, China, October, 1998, before I went to Toronto, Canada.
Also the picture was taken for the memorial of the 10th anniversary of my marriage.
The other memorial was for celebrating my lovely son, named Mr. Guan Herui, having joined the Chinese Team of Excellent Children(Shao Xian Dui). You can see my son wear his school uniform but no special tie.

My Sweetheart

My wife, Mrs. He Yueping, was born in Meishan, Sichuan, China. She graduated from Beijing Post & Telecommunication University in 1986. Three years later she achieved the Master Degree of Engineering in Chinese Academy of Post & Telecommunication. In 1994 she left the Fifth Institute of Post & Telecommunication of the Ministry of Post & Telecommunication, for AT&T Co. in Chengdu Office. Now she is working at Realtec Co. Chengdu Office acting as a manager in charge of product marketing.
In 1988 she happily became my sweetheart, and since In 1991 she has been a great mother.
On July 24, 1999 my honey and me delightfully reunited in New York, USA, after almost nine months separation. Then we spent one week travelling around some famous cities in eastern USA, including New York, Boston and Washington DC. And then we came to Toronto, Canada.We took one week visiting Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec city, Halifax, P.E.I and other eastern cityies in Canada. We enjoyed so many beautiful views, buildings and legends. What a wonderful time in our life!
my wife

This picture was taken in front of the Congress Building, Ottawa, the capital of Canada, August, 1999.