宽宽在加拿大  Herui in Canada

Using my superior skills, I mastered skating in just one winter.

How could you not smile when you smell my cooking?

After one year of hard working, we finally graduated!

Why do these dumpling balls taste so weird?

Don't I make good imitations?

The brutal wind of autumn time brushes against my red cheek...

Even while we are waiting for the subway to come, my dad took a picture of us.

I accidentatally bumped my head on the bar in the subway.

This is my school.

Look at my snow-angel!!!

Ha Ha Ha... Wait, what am I laughing about?

Watch out!! I'm really fast with my new rollerblades!!

My first time at Niagara Falls...

Hey! Look at me!! I'm in the United States! Now I'm in Canada...