
|初识加拿大| |游玩Ontario Place| |学英语| |开心CNE| |飞行表演| |岛上科学周| |端午节| |加拿大国庆节|



我已经来到加拿大两个星期了,加拿大的环境很好,地面几乎没有脏东西。只要在有草和 树的地方,就可以看到很多松鼠在那玩耍。抬起头来看,碧蓝的天空上经常会飞过几只麻 雀、鸽子或者海鸥。如果把可以吃的东西放在手中,那些鸟儿就会飞过来吃你的东西。为 什么加拿大有这么多动物呢?因为加拿大人很爱护环境和动物,动物们不害怕人,所以, 动物们就在这里居住下来了。
在加拿大孩子最幸福,上学不用交学费,直到上大学,而且上课时,可以随便走动,还可 以下棋、玩玩具、看书,甚至可以玩电脑。学校还要让学生到公园去玩,有时候还要在学 校举行各种游戏,让学生玩一天。在学校上课也很轻松,几乎没有作业。我们班上只有15 ~ 20个同学,他们都来自不同的国家。我现在虽然只听得懂一点英语,可我并不灰心,我 相信我一定能学好英语的。加拿大非常好!


游玩Ontario Place

今天,爸爸和妈妈要带我去多伦多最大的水上公园--Ontario Place公园玩儿。我可高兴了,因为 我听爸爸妈妈讲,Ontario Place里面有很多好玩的,全是为小孩准备的,也有少数是为大人准备的。 于是,我们就坐电车来到Ontario Place。买了票以后,售票员并没有给我们票,而是拿了三张长纸 条粘在我们的手上,因为 只要有了这张纸条,就不用再买票,可以随便玩公园里的任何一样东西。我一进大门,就看见了很多 好玩儿的,有快艇、巨型迷宫、火星之旅、激流勇进、儿童乐园、小岛俱乐部,还有坐真正的直升飞 机这一项目呢!我玩了一段时间后,爸爸妈妈说要回家了,我只好不玩了。
当我们走到大门口时,我忽然看见大门口湖边有一个地方在玩碰碰船。我立刻动了心,爸爸妈妈 拿我没办法,只好让我去玩一次。我高高兴兴的来到那里,穿好救身衣,然后排队等待。过了一会儿 该我上船了。我连忙挑了一个好船,坐了上去。工作人员解开挂在岸上的橡皮筋后,我急忙向后转, 这时,已经有很多人在水池中间撞来撞去了。我瞄准了一艘红色的碰碰船,然后,加足马力,向它冲 过去,但是,船上的那个人已经看到我了,他立马转了一圈,用碰碰船的背面对着我。我立即掉转 方向,可是晚了一步,只听“砰”的一声,我浑身上下都湿淋淋的,像个落汤鸡似的。我想:我一 定要报复他。于是,我再一次加足马力,向他冲了过去。但他却不慌不忙的向人多的地方开去,根 本不理我。我火了,朝他猛冲过去。这时,他忽然一闪,我“啪”的一下撞在了两艘正在相撞的船 上,浑身再一次湿透了。我被他捉弄了两次后,想到了一个好办法。我悄悄地开在他的后边,慢慢 地靠近他。这时,他掉转船头,我急忙向他冲去,他还不知道是怎么会事,就被撞得满身是水了。 我哈哈大笑起来,他也笑了。可时间不留情,偏偏在这个时候,这一轮的游戏结束了。我依依不舍 地离开了这个地方,离开了公园......



我刚来到加拿大时,只会说一点英语,生活学习都很不方便。于是,妈妈就给我报了一个E.S.L班, 就是英 语学习班(English as Secondary Language),我每天都去上。可是这个英语学习班是为英语水平中等 的小孩准备,除了玩就是写,我的基础较差,没学到 什么东西。我只有自己在家学“迪斯尼快乐学英语”教程了。迪斯尼快乐学英语一共有26集,每集都不同,比 如说,有FAMILY(家庭)、FRIENDS(朋友)、MOUNTAIN(山)等等,而且它全是利用一些好看的 动画片来制作的,其中有一些小朋友们非常喜欢的,比如米老鼠、唐老鸭等等。内容也很丰富,人物、 动物、表情、动作、天气、季节,这些都应有尽有。在片中,每过一段时间,它都要叫你重复或者回 答问题。我经过一段时间的学习后,已经掌握了很多英语单词,每天只要有空,就叫爸爸妈妈给我出 英语题来练习。
有一天晚上,我闲着没事做,就叫爸爸妈妈陪我打扑克牌,爸爸问:“输了有什么惩罚?”我 想了一会儿,突然看见床上的玩具小猴子和玩具小青蛙,于是说:“谁输了就叫他(她)拿小猴子和小青蛙 表演英语节目!”爸爸妈妈听后,都说好。于是,激烈的比赛开始了。结果第一局我输了,我只好表演节目了,我分别扮演起小猴子和小青蛙,开始了他们的对话。 小猴子:“What's your name?” 小青蛙:“My name is funny frog,what's your name?” 小猴子:“Happy monkey,how are you?” 小青蛙:“Fine,thank you,how are you?” 小猴子:“Good,thank you.” 小青蛙:“Do you want to be my friend?” 小猴子:“Yes I do.” 小青蛙:“Let's“play!” 小猴子:“Ok!” 小青蛙:“Let's play tennis!” 小猴子:“Very good!” “啪”“砰”“当” 小猴子:“Yeh,I win!” 小猴子:“Let's run!” 小青蛙:“Ok!”…… 小青蛙:“Oh,yeh,I win!” 小猴子:“Oh,it's time to go home.” 小青蛙:“What a pity!” 小猴子:“See you tomorrow!” 小青蛙:“Bye bye!” 我表演完节目后,爸爸妈妈热烈地鼓起掌来,我也为我的进步而骄傲的笑了。



8月18日,爸爸妈妈带我去CNE(加拿大国家展览中心)玩。我们刚来到大门口就碰上了“老兵大游行”,只见一队队退伍军人 穿着军装,佩戴着军功章,迈着整齐的步伐向这边走来。这些退伍军人都已经六、七十岁了,可是还顶着烈日,拿着沉重的 乐器,一边演奏,一边向前走,我不禁发出了赞叹。这时,走来一群奇怪的退伍军人,虽然他们都是男人,可他们都穿着裙子。我觉得很蹊跷,于是连忙跑去问爸爸,爸爸说:“因为以前有很多英国人坐船来到 这里生活,他们的文化被保留了下来,所以这些从英国来到加拿大的英国人才穿着他们在英国平常穿的服装-裙子。”爸爸说后,我终于解开了心头之迷。
过了一会儿,我们走进CNE,来到一个儿 童博物馆。“哇!这里面的东西可真多呀!”,各种各样的展览让我眼花缭乱。我走到一个玻璃球旁,用手触摸了一下那个玻璃球,立刻从玻璃球的下方的发电机里发出了一束电,跑到我的手掌下面,我被吓得连忙松开手,后来才知道那束电是电不到手的。我正要去找爸爸妈妈,突然看见一个人拿着一个巨型吹泡泡的圆圈在我前面吹泡泡,他深吸一口气,然后用力一吹。“哇!”一个巨大无比的大泡泡飞向了房顶,我瞠目结舌地望着那个泡泡,惊呆了。忽然,我望见了一个大皮球在天上飞,我立刻朝那边看去,原来是一个小孩正在用大型吹风机吹那个皮球呢!我低下头来,突然看见一个电视模样的机器。我好奇地走过去 ,这时,我发现在“电视”下面有一个摄像机。我埋下头,盯着那个摄像机,忽然在那个“电视”上出现了奇怪的东西。原来,是那个摄像机把我摄下来后,经过处理,变成了一个怪物。我急忙又做了几个动作,“电视”上出现的我怪模怪样,把我给笑得直不起腰来。
我在博物馆玩够了以后,爸爸妈妈又带我去儿童乐园。我参加了各种各样的游戏,比如:用手控制夹 子夹玩具、把乒乓球投进有颜色的坑里、用枪同时将三个瓶子打倒等等,假如赢了, 可以得到各种大小不同的漂亮玩具,这些玩具都是中国制造的。那天我们运气不好,一样东西也没得到,我垂头丧气地跟着爸爸妈妈去吃饭。吃完晚饭后,爸爸决定再玩一次,于是,我和爸爸去找了一个射气球的游戏。射了三箭,射破了两个气球,终于得到了一个玩具小羊,我们心满意足地回家了。



今天,爸爸妈妈带我去Ontario place看飞行表演,我很高兴。于是,我们立刻找了一个位子坐下。 这时,已经有很多人来到这里看飞行表演了。过了一会儿,飞行表演开始了,五架排列成三角形的 飞机忽然从我的头顶飞过,把我给吓了一跳。那五架飞机在天空转了一圈后,突然翻了一面,倒着 飞,它飞到最左边时,又往右边一边飞一边翻滚。忽然,从右边飞出一架F16战斗机,速度极快, 就像火箭那么快,响声极大,就像巨雷那么响,我和其它观众都连忙把耳朵捂住。接着,那五架飞机 分成两组,一边三架,一边两架。这两组飞机分别飞到左边和右边后,又调转方向向对方撞去,观众 们都埋着头,不敢往上看,看着两组飞机就要相撞时,那两组飞机忽然把机身一侧,安然无恙地飞过 了,大家都松了一口气。这时,从左边飞出一架大型运输机在天空中慢慢地滑翔,一会儿向上,一会 儿向下,一会儿向左,一会儿向右,就像一只小鸟一样,观众们都不禁发出赞叹,怎么大的飞机在天 空中竟然能飞的那么自由。最后,只见两架喷气机在天空中画了一个心,突然,从下方冲出另一架喷 气机,在那个心里画了一支箭,形成了一个丘比特爱神之箭的图形,大家都拍手叫绝。



2001年9月24日-28日,我和全班同学们在老师的带领下来到了远离市区的湖心岛,要在这个 岛上独自生活一个星期。
9月24日,星期一。今天,岛上的老师带着我们来到一个丛林中的小池塘里打捞各种生物。 这时,有一个人惊奇的叫道:"看!沙滩上有乌龟的脚印!"大家的眼光都不由自主的转到了沙滩上, 果然,在沙滩上有一串小小的脚印直通池塘。我们看到以后,立刻冲进池塘里,都想打捞到小乌龟。 我拿着捕鱼网在水里东捞一下,西捞一下,可一个东西都每捞着。于是,我决定换一个水草多,稀泥 多的地方。我走着走着,忽然被稀泥巴给粘住了根本不能动,我用力想把脚从泥巴里拔出来,可怎么 拔也拔不出来。我使劲全身力气,终于把脚给拔出来了,但没能站稳,"噗"的一声倒在了稀泥地里。 我正在生气的时候,忽然看见我的鱼网在动,我急忙把鱼网拿起来仔细观察。原来是几只蜻蜓的幼虫。 我连忙把这几只小蜻蜓放到一个大盆子里。过了一会儿,打捞结束。大家都捞着了东西,例如鱼、虾、 蜻蜓,还有各种各样的小虫和小生物。
9月25日,星期二。今天,我们要去观察小鸟,老师给了我们一人一个望远镜。 老师先带着我们在一个小湖边观察国王鱼这种鸟,为什么要给这种鸟取这种名字呢?原来,这种鸟可以 发出鱼发出的声音,于是,它就发出这种声音,把鱼引过来,然后,它看清楚鱼的具体位置以后,猛冲 过去,把那条鱼叼上岸吃了,这就是为什么要给这种鸟取这种名字的原因了。忽然,在我们的头顶上飞 过大群"唧唧喳喳" 乱叫的小鸟,老师说那是蓝鸟,我问老师蓝鸟是蓝色的吗,老师说,虽然它的名字是蓝鸟,但它并不是 蓝色的。我这下才明白,一个东西的名字不一定是根据它自身取的。
9月26日,星期三。今天我非常高兴,因为我们要做一个比赛游戏。全班同学分成红队和蓝对两 队,分别有自己的领地和很多涂满各对颜色的木块。红队必须要去蓝队的领地拿到蓝队的木块放回自己的 领地,蓝队也一样。如果红队的人到了蓝队的领地而被蓝队的人抓住了,他就不能动了,除非本队的人 碰到他,才能解脱跑掉。最后看哪个对得到对方的木块多,那个队就赢了。比赛开始了,我守在前线, 看见往我们这边跑的人就抓,可是不能得到对方的木块。我灵机一动,想了一个主意。我背对着敌人, 一步一步地靠近那些木块。忽然,一个人过来问我:"你是谁?"我连忙说:"我是管何瑞!不是别人。"那 人听后,想了一下,以为我是他们队的人,于是走开了。我终于松了一口气,继续接近木块。这时,守卫 木块的三个人发现了我,知道我不是他们队的人,正要抓我时,从我们队里冲出3、4个人,他们都想去抢 木块。我想,这时是个好机会,不能放过。于是,我加快速度,向木块冲去。可在我还没拿到木块之前, 守卫已经把那些人给抓住了,就在我只离木块一米远的时候,一个守卫把我给抓住了,我只能站在这里看 着别人玩了。过了一会儿,游戏结束了,我们这队输了。但我并不甘心,我相信下一次我们队一定能赢的。
9月27日,星期四。今天,我们要做一个生物游戏,生物有病毒、人、狼、狐狸、鹿,还有4个最弱的 动物:兔子、老鼠、松鼠,和花栗鼠。每个东西都有它自己的生命卡,如果比自己凶的生物碰到了自己, 那自己就要给那个生物一个自己的生命卡,自己的生命卡用完了的话,就死了,不能参加这个游戏了。如 果病毒碰到了你,你只要给它看一下你的一张防病毒的卡就行了,可比你凶的生物碰到你,你给它的第一 张生命卡就是那张防病毒的卡。每个动物还要找的6张水卡和6张植物卡,3张卡就可以换一张生命卡。 游戏开始了 ,我是一只小老鼠,只有慌忙地逃跑,在逃跑中,我在一棵倒下的树上找到了一张水卡,在 另一棵树上找到了一张植物卡。正在这时,从树林中 冲出了一只狐狸,我被吓的转身就跑,那只狐狸忽然看见一只兔子躲在一个死路里,于是,它放过了我, 去抓那只跑不掉的兔子了。我终于松了一口气,跑进树林,寻找其他的食物卡。忽然,我看见一大群花栗 鼠和几只老鼠在一条小路中间围着,我连忙跑过去,原来是第二张食物卡,我正在做标记的时候,一个花 栗鼠说:"我感觉什么东西来了,快点!快点!"果然,两只狼向我们扑过来,我们连忙撒腿就跑。这时, 从我们前面跑出一个人,我们想往回走,可后面又有恶狼。我们进推两难,正当他们三人向我们扑来时, 我们挤成一团,一起向那个人冲去,冲出了包围,终于逃过一劫,安全的离开了。可就在这时,游戏结束 了。我依依不舍地离开了这里。
9月28日,星期五今天,老师带着我们去了一个小农场,我们看到了又胖又 脏的猪,又骄傲又漂亮的孔雀,又温顺又瘦的马,和又小又乖巧的兔子。我们看完这些后,老师叫我们脸 对外,围成一个圈,然后,他把一大堆食物倒在我们的脚下。过了一会儿,一只鹅走过来吃我们的食物, 它看到没有危险以后,就把其他的鹅都叫了过来吃食物。一群火鸡看到后,也跑过来吃,水里的鸭子看到 后,也都跑上岸,抢食物,可鹅和火鸡不让鸭子吃。于是他们就打起来了,打赢了的鸭子就可以享受食 物,输了的,只有自己另找食物吃了。我们逛完小农场后,就返回学校了。 在这周里,我非常快乐,希望我还能再到那里一次。



端午节 2002年 6月16日是端午节,我和我爸爸一起去Central Island看龙舟比赛。我们刚到买票的地方就看到有很 人在排队买票,大概排了将近100多米长。我们排了2个小时的队才坐上了去Central Island的船。我们上岛 以后,就跟着人群走,一路上旁边有很多抽奖的小摊子和卖东西的小摊子。当我们到达观看龙舟比的地方以后,简直是人山人海。这时,6只龙舟以极快的速度从湖的另一边向终点线冲去。船上有三种不同公作的人,有一个人是打鼓的,有一个人是掌舵的,还有20个人是划船的。这些划船的人都是一些公司或者大学的人员组成的,他们这次都是来玩儿的。我们看完比赛以后,就高高兴兴的会家了。
The Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Festival is on 16th June, my dad and me went to Central Island on that day, to see dragon boats race. When we went to buy the ticket to Central Island, I almost can't believe my own eyes. Hundreds of people are lining up to buy the ticket, The line is about 100 meters long. We lined up for 2 whole hours before we got on the ship to Central Island. When we have arrived Central Island, we started to follow the crowd, on the road, there is many shops. When we have found the place to watch the race, the exciting game has already begun, six dragon boats gallop at the fastest speed toward the end point of this race. The boat number 4 is in the lead, and boat number 3 is after it, boat number 3 suddenly became very fast and exceed boat number 4, boat number 3 is the winner. In every boat, there are three different jobs to do. One Person is a drummer and another person is a steer person, and last there is 20 rolling person. And those people who joined this game are from a company or a university, if I ever get a chance to join this game I will be glad to do that. When the race is over, my dad and me went back home with a happy face.



July 1 2002 is Canada Day, my family and me went to Queens Park to celebrate it and to have fun. When we have arrived at Queens Park, there were already some performances and many play stations. But the sun seemed to want to burn the ground, my mom and dad couldn't stand the heat, so they went home. After they went home, I met Allen, Allen and me went to see what could we play. We went to see the Little Train Station. But there were so many people lined up, and we have to wait about 1 hour to get on the train. So we went back where we started, we accidentally saw Liyang and Tian. We decided to play Mini Golf, Mini Golf is like Golf but it's just a little smaller. After that, we went to the Little Train Station again to see if the crowd had been decreasing. We lined up until Allen went to get a drink from the Free Drink Car, when Allen went away, Tian said: "Do you guys want to hide from Allen?" He asked. I said: "Great Idea! Tian! It will be exciting!" Liyang shouted: "And he won't even know where we are!" When we all have agreed, we hid behind some bushes, and then peek through them. We can barely see Allen; he was holding a cup of water and is going to the Little Train Station, we all laughed at the same time, we all couldn't resist it, it's so funny. Step by step, we carefully followed him as he walked to the station. We saw him checking the line and then looking shocked. He turned around and around but still couldn't see us; we were hiding behind a huge old tree. He went back to the car to search for us but he doesn't know where we are hiding, Because of all the people blocking in our way. He went in a small garden to look for us, Liyang went after him, but suddenly Allen turned around and spotted Liyang! "Run for your lives!" I screamed. We all ran as fast as we can to wherever we can hide. The bad thing is I got separated from Tian and Liyang but the good thing is I got separated from Allen, too. I kept going forward and found out they are sitting together on the grass, when they saw me. They said: "We are tired." I said: "Me, too." After a good rest, we went to Barrel Fun Station; we waited about 1and a half hour, when we got into the barrel. We spin the turn wheel as fast as we can, and the barrel we are sitting in turned around several times. We kept spined the wheel until Liyang said: "Stop! I want to barf!" We all started laughing and stopped spinning. When our turn is over, our head couldn't stop spinning. We decided to watch a trick performance; a man is throwing three balls in the air and catches it, after he finishes throwing balls, he started to throw sharp knifes and then he said: "Now I am going to do a dangerous trick, I am going to throw the three sharp knifes under my leg, but this is very important for my future generation! Do you want me to do it?" The entire crowd laughed and then shouted: " Yes!" He started throwing, and everyone watched in silence, a minute later he succeeds! After his juggle is finished, my friends and me went home happily!
2002年7月1号是加拿大国庆节, 我们全家一起去Queens Park 庆祝和玩耍。当我们到达 Queens Park 的时候,那里已经有很多人在表演了。但是天气太热,我爸爸妈妈全身冒汗,所以他们就先回家了。他们走了以后,我遇见了Allen,我于是就和他一起到处看一看有什么可以玩的。我们去坐小火车,可是有很多人在那儿排队。我们只有在回到原来我们出发的地方,这时,我们偶然间看到Liyang和Tian。我们四个决定去玩儿小型高尔夫球,小型高尔夫球跟高尔夫球一样就是小一点。玩儿完小型高尔夫球以后,我们又去坐小火车,我们一直排着队直到Allen去喝水。当Allen走远以后,Tian说:"你们想躲Allen吗?"我马上就说:"好主意!肯定会很刺激!"Liyang激动的说:"他也不会知道我们藏在哪里的!"当我们都同意以后,我们飞快的藏在一些矮树丛后面,然后悄悄的偷看。我们看到Allen往火车走的时候,大家都忍不住的笑了起来。我们一步一步的小心意意的跟着他,他突然转身,但是没有看见我们,因为我们已经及时的躲 在一个大树后面了。他神秘的走进了一个小花园,当Liyang偷偷摸摸的走过去的时候,Allen一下就冲出那个花园。我们大家没命的跑了5分钟,最后大家都累了,坐在草坪上休息。我们休息完以后,决定去坐酒桶。我们排了1个小时的队以后,终于坐上了酒桶,我们一转酒桶中间的转盘,我们在坐的酒桶就会转。大家一起使劲的转直到Liyang说:"停止!我想吐!"我们都笑了起来。我们玩儿完之后,都高高兴兴的回家了。


Science Outreach Camp

I went to a camp in University Of Toronto called The Science Outreach; it starts on July 8 and end at July 12. Monday, the campers including me have just arrived here, we don't know the rules, so the teachers let us watched a TV show about the rules, but it is not a real TV show, the teachers are playing the characters in the TV show. First, they acted out the wrong things to do and then a teacher used a fake remote control and presses the rewind button, and then they will act out the right thing to do. After that, we played a game called murder handshake, if the teacher taps on your head then you are the murder and then all of us are goanna shake hands with each other. And when the murder shake hands with people he will scratch their hands lightly, and after 10 seconds the person who shake hands with him will act a death scene. We have to find who is the murder at the end. After this little game, we went to eat our lunch, when we have finished our lunch. We went to play soccer. And in the afternoon, we made several fossils. First we take out the rubber, which has the shape of something. Then we fill the empty part of the rubber with plaster and shake it. We played the game murder handshake while waiting the plaster to be dry, when it's dry, we took it off the rubber and there it is, the fossil. We had great day, but it's time to go home. Tuesday, "today, we are going make a operation game and a slime!" Our teacher said. We all yelled at the same time:"Yes!" First, we made the operation game. I drew a vampire on a blank piece of paper and then cut his brain and two hearts and two intestines off. After that, I stuck a piece of tin foil on the back of my monster. Then I connect the battery's wire to the buzzer and the clip, which I use to take the organs. After we finished the operation game, we went to eat our lunch and play soccer like yesterday. We went back to our classroom. And started making slime, first I poured a cup of glue and added some color and then stir it several times until it's not sticky. Then I rub it in my hand and it takes the shape of a ball. After we finished making the slime it's time to go home. Wednesday, when we have arrived at the camp, our teacher Leora said: "Guess what are we going to do today?" "Roller Coaster?""Nope! It's DNA!"our teacher shouted. First we have to choose two pair of alphabets; we chose A, T and C, G. Then Leora wrote down 4 choices on the blackboard, e.g. are you a boy or a girl? Boy-TTC Girl-TAG. Every letter is different color, when I have finished chosen and finished array the color, I use the color sponge array a line of the opposite. Then I connect those two lines of sponge by some toothpick. Thursday, today is my lucky day, because I are making rocket! First we chose a bottle of our own to be the main part of the rocket, secondly I cut a circle and make a cone to be the head of the rocket. Thirdly I decorated my rocket with straws and cardboards. Then when we finished making our rocket, Leora took them out and filled them with baking soda and "Boom" our rocket went flying in the sky! Friday, Friday is the last day of our science outreach camp but it's the best day of the camp. In the morning we use newspapers and tapes to make a long bridge, I made it to the third longest. And in the afternoon, we have 5 different activities to play, e.g. Building Tent. What a pity that time past so fast, the camp is over. I enjoyed it very much and I also learned several things from this camp. I hope I can join this camp again next year. 科学夏令营 从7月8日到7月12日,我去了一个在多伦多大学的夏令营叫着科学夏令营。 星期一,我们大家刚到这个夏令营,都不知道这个地方的规则,所以老师就让我们看一个关于规则的电视节目。其实,那个不是一个真正的电视节目,电视里的人物是我们的老师扮的。老师先做一遍错的事情,然后另外一个老师按一下倒退的按钮之后,他们就做一遍真确的事情。下午,我们大家都做了一个化石。我们先把石膏倒进一个有形状的橡胶里,然后等它变硬以后,再把它取出来,它就变成了一个化石。 星期二,"今天我们将要做胶泥!"我们的老师说,大家都高兴的跳起来。首先往一个杯子里倒一点白色的胶水,接着再往杯子里倒你想要的颜色,最后用一根棍子搅几下,在手上揉一揉就可以了。 星期三,今天是星期三,我们要做DNA。我们先选四个字母,然后老师在黑板上写下几个关于我们的问题,每个答案都是由三个字母组成,每个字母代表一个颜色。我们把我们的颜色排好以后,再做 一个跟它反颜色的一组颜色。最后,把那两组用牙签连道一 起就做好了。 星期四,今天是我最高兴的一天,因为我们要做火箭。首先,我们用塑料瓶子,硬纸版和吸管来做火箭的身体,然后再用一张纸来做它的头。做完火箭之后,老师带着我们到外面去发射。老师往火箭里放了发酵粉以后,我们的火箭一下就冲上天空。 星期五,今天是这个夏令营的最后一天,我们以一些活动来庆祝。一共有五种不同的活动,比如扎帐篷。这一个星期里,我玩儿了很多东西也学到了一些东西。我希望明年我还能上这个夏令营。


Senior Day Camp

From July 15 to July 26, I went to a camp called Senior Day Camp, it is in John Innes Community Recreation Centre. Monday. I just arrived at the Community Centre's gym and I saw my friend Qingda. The first game we played was a race but it's harder than you think! It's a crawling race, Qingda and me crawled along the way, and at the end our knees were red and hurt. The next game we played was Octopus. The rule is: one person is the octopus and others are the fishes. When he (she) says Octopus, the fishes have to get to the other side of the wall, and that octopus is gonna catch the fishes, if he (she) caught us, we would sit down and became a seaweed to help the octopus catch the fishes. After that, we ate our lunch outside. And when we finished eating, we went to swimming, Qingda and me played tag in water. Then we played Octopus again, and then it's time to go home. Tuesday. Today we started the day with the game Octopus, than we played soccer after. Then, we went in the kitchen to eat our lunch, and then we played a great game called Giants, Trolls, Wizards. The rule is Giants steps on the Trolls, Trolls scare away Wizards, and Wizards cast a spell on the Giants and each character has an action. It's like rock, paper, scissors. There is two teams, on each turn, each team have to choose one character. When the teacher says three, each team will do their actions and if our team is Wizards and their team is Giants, we chase them until they got to the wall. Whomever the other team touched will be on the other team. After this game, we went to swim and played the same game as yesterday. Then we played basketball. 3.Wednesday. Today we did almost the same things as yesterday except that we watched the movie 'Harry Potter'. Thursday. We watched a movie called 'Jurassic Park' it's about six people trapped on an island, and try to survive from the hungry T Rex and a herd of Raptors. In the rest of the day we did the same thing as yesterday. Friday. Today we went to Centre Island, when we have arrived at Halans Dock at Centre Island. We walked about 1 and a half hour and stopped for lunch. Then we played hide and seek in a big plant maze. After that, we went back to the Community Centre. Monday. Today we did most of the things like the other days, but we played touch Football. Touch Football is like football except that if you are holding the ball and try to score, and someone on the other team touched you, you have to give the other team the ball. Tuesday. We played everything like yesterday but Soccer baseball and today we didn't went to swimming. Wednesday. Today the Senior Camp and the Leadership Camp entered the Sports Tournament, the Sports Tournament include three difference sports.1- The Ultimate Frisbee, 2- Soccer, and last but not least, Hockey. Our team won the game Ultimate Frisbee, but lost to the other team in soccer and hockey. 4.Thursday. Today we went to an indoor rock-climbing centre. First, the staffs gave us a belt to wear, then they tight it around our waist. After the staffs finished telling us the safety rules, they divided us into 4 groups. Every mountain has a rope, one side connected to the instructor, and another side connected to us. We keep on climbing until you reach the top or you are afraid and want to go down. On my first try, when I reached the half of the mountain, I was already scared, so I lean on my back and step by step, I walked down the mountain. Then I realized that if you let go of your hands and feet, you would just stay where you are, you won't fall down, that gave me much more of confident. And on the second try, I reached the top! Now I believe in my self even more. On the second hardest mountain, I climbed up to three-quarters high. But time past very fast, we have to go now. But if I get another chance to go rock-climbing, I would be very happy to. 5.Friday. Today is the last day at this camp, so we did something very special! In the morning, the staffs divided us into five different groups. And each group start in a play station, there are five play station in all. In each station, we have to get as much points as possible. The first station is leapfrog, we lined up first and then lie on the grass, and the next person have to jump over the person in front of him (her), the farther our team gets, the more points we get. The second station is egg on a spoon, we have to hold the egg in a spoon and go around the pylon with out breaking the egg. The third station is hit the ghost, we have to throw the sandbag into the ghost's eye or mouth. The fourth station is questionnaire, the staff asks us some question and we have to answer. The fifth station is penalty shot; we have to shoot the ball into the net. And in the noon, we ate free hamburgers and hotdogs. In the afternoon, we watched a movie called The Simpson. I hope I can go to this camp again next summer! 少年夏令营 从7月15日到7月26日,我去了一个非常有趣的夏令营。 星期一,今天我刚到这个夏令营的体育馆就看到了我的朋友庆达。我们的老师介绍完他们的名字以后,我们就开始玩游戏。第一个游戏是一个比赛,但是,这个比赛不是一般的比赛,它是一个爬行比赛。老师一说开始,我们大家都飞快的爬了起来,爬完以后,我的漆盖又红又疼。我们下一个玩的游戏是章鱼抓小鱼,首先我们要选出两只章鱼,然后,我们就从一面墙跑到另外一面墙。被抓到的就坐下来变成水草,帮助章鱼抓鱼。玩儿完这个游戏之后,我们到游泳池去游泳。然后,我们就回家了。 星期二,我们今天一开始就玩章鱼抓小鱼的游戏,然后我们有踢了一次足球。吃完午餐以后,我们玩了一个游戏叫做魔鬼,巫师和巨人。游戏的规则是:我们先分成两队,然后每一次选一个人物。巨人踩死魔鬼,魔鬼吓走巫师,巫师诅咒巨人。如果我队是巫师,另外一队是巨人,我队就要一直追着他们,我队碰到的人都变成我们的队员,最后看哪一队人多就赢。 从星期三到下一个星期二内,我们玩儿的游戏都跟这个星期二玩的游戏一样。 星期三,今天我们和一些比我们大的人比赛了一次。我们玩了三个游戏,飞盘,足球,和冰球。我们赢了他们在飞盘游戏里,但是他们赢了足球和冰球。 星期四,今天我们去了一个室内攀岩中心。首先,那儿的工作人员给我们每个人拴上一个带子,然后他们给我们讲安全规则。讲完以后,我们就开始攀岩。每一个山上都有一条绳子,当我们爬那座山时,我们就把那个绳子系在我们的带子上。我们可以一直往山上爬,直到我们害怕了或者爬到顶了。这是我第一次攀岩,所以我很害怕。刚爬到四分之一的的高度我就慢慢的踩着墙壁滑下来了。这时,我发现假如我不动,我不会掉下去。现在,我有信心了,我下几个山都爬到顶了。 星期五,今天是我们在这个夏令营的最后一天,所以我们玩了一个特殊的大型游戏。老师先把我们分成五个小组,然后做好五个游戏站。每个小组选一个游戏站,就从那儿开始玩。在每个站里,每队要尽力的得分。我队玩的第一个游戏是跳蛙,一个人蹲下以后,后面的哪人就跳过他,跳的越远分就越高。第二个游戏是危险的鸡蛋,我们要把一个鸡蛋放在一个勺子上,然后绕着一些障碍物走。第三个游戏是打鬼,我们要把所有的沙包扔到鬼的嘴巴了。第四个游戏是老师考我们问题。第五个游戏是任意球,踢进越多球,分越多。快乐的两周就过去了,我下一次一定还会参加。


Halloween - Trick or Treat

On every Halloween night, every kid goes trick-or-treating. This year, I went to Bloor to trick-or-treat with my friends Tian, Allen, Liyang, Peter and so on. I pretended to be a monster ape, Tian pretended to be the dead god, Allen were a vampire, Liyang were a devil and peter were a pumpkin ghost. Because there is too many people, so we divided into two groups, Allen Tian and me are one group. We were very excited to go trick or treat, on our way to trick or treat. We saw many different "Ghosts" and "Monsters", like Frankensteins, Ghosts Captains, Evil Clowns, Witches and Wizards and all the scary things you could imagine. We can only go to houses that have lighted pumpkins in front of their doors. Some of the people are nice, they gave us lots of candies after we say "Trick or Treat!". Some of them pretended to be scared of our costumes. There is one big old scary house that looked like a house in a horror movie, we knocked on the door, but there is no one there, I thought: "Maybe the owner of this house got bitten by a vampire!" After we finished trick or treating, we got a full bag of candies and chips. Halloween is Fun!



多伦多的冬天到处都是雪。于是,有一天,我和我的朋友Dick, Allen, Tian 和Peter一起去学校 外面一个很多雪的地方打雪仗。 我们先猜拳,Peter输了,所以他要用雪球打到我们选的国王或者抓住他。游戏开始了,我们 马上开始做雪球,这时,Peter已经在追我们的国王了。我一看见Peter跑过来,就给他吃了一个"满脸是雪",他气的马上向我扔了两个氢(轻)弹,我死(湿)路一条,只有埋下头让他打。Peter正 在打我的时候,Tian发射了一个原(圆)子弹,正好打在他的屁股上,大家都笑了起来,Peter转过身,用复仇的眼光看着Tian。Peter立刻在地上做了几个雪球向Tian发起猛烈的攻击。趁Peter不注意,Allen在地上做了一个超大雪球向Peter扔去,我想Peter这次是必死(湿〕无疑。但是这一次,他一下就跳开,躲开了Allen的大雪球。他忽然跑的一个雪很多的地方做硬雪球,过了一会儿,他拿着几个超硬雪球把我,Tian,和Allen都打在地上,他趁这个机会,把我们的国王Dick给抓了。 打雪仗真好玩儿,下一次我还要玩儿。



I went to a Science Camp named Science Outreach; it starts on Monday, June 30 and ends on Friday, July 4. On the first day of camp, everyone in the camp got divided into 6 groups, and each group has two teachers. Our group has 2 girls and 4 boys including me and 2 instructors named Ryan and Lyda. It's the first day, everybody didn't know each other, so we played a game called move your butt. First, a person is "it" and that person has to stand in the middle and give some information about them. After that, they will say something like "if you are wearing a hat, move your butt" and if you are wearing a hat then you have to move to somewhere else. If you can't find a seat to sit then you are it. We played that game for a while and got to know the people in our group and then we ate our lunch. In the afternoon, we made a roller coaster track with foams cut in half and test it with a marble. I had a great start at the Science Camp and I hoped the next day would be better. Tuesday, my prediction were right, we had a lot of fun that day, we made some racecars with hard cardboard and skewers. When you wrap the elastic band that's glued to a skewer in the car's middle and release it, it will spin and along with the car's wheel, that's how the car works. The next day, we used a battery, 2 wires, a sheet of aluminum foil, and a buzzer to make an alarm system that will buzz when someone takes your pencil or anything. In the afternoon, we played games in a bridge building program that lets you build the strongest bridge that allows a train to pass through the canyon below it. Thursday, we build a boat that could float and go in water by connecting a battery to a motor that's connected to a thing that spins in water to make the boat go. Friday was the last day of Science Outreach, so we had a Carnival, the instructors made 6 stations in the Carnival, and each station had a different Science activity. Then the instructors divided the campers again into several groups. Each group has a schedule of which activity they are going to compete in. The first activity our group played in was a trivia contest, our group and another group had to answer science questions, if a group get it right, they get a balloon which has a paper that has a number on it. In the end, the group who has the most points wins. Afterwards, we did 5 other fun science activities and we had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed Science Outreach, they taught me more knowledge about science and I had a lot of fun. I wish I could go to Science Outreach next year.
在六月三十号到七月四号我参加了一个夏令营叫作科学超越夏令营。 在夏令营的第一天,大家被分成六个小组,每个小组有两个老师。我们组有两个女孩和四个男孩,加上两个很聪明的老师。因为是第一天,大家都互相不认识,所以我们玩了一个游戏叫做"动你的屁股"。开始,有一个人是 "it",他要站在一圈人的中间,告诉我们一些关于他的事情 ,然后说一些象 "如果你戴着帽子,动你的屁股。"的话。如果你真的戴着帽子,你就要找另外一个地方来坐下。我们玩了一段时间以后,大家都互相认识了。下午,我们用剪成两半的长圆形的泡沫塑料来做过山车的轨道,做完以后,我们把大理石放在上面来测试。 星期二,我们用纸板和扦做了一个赛车,我们先把两个 扦插进两个轮子,然后把它们连接到另外两个扦上面来形成一个长方形。 星期三,我们把电池,两个电线和一个蜂音器连在一起来创造一个有趣的警报系统。 星期四,我们用水瓶,电池,两个电线和一个发动机来做成一个可以在水里前进的船。 星期五,今天是夏令营的最后一天,所以我们玩了一些科学游戏,象两个队比赛回答问题。 我很喜欢这个星期,我希望下一年还能参加这个夏令营。


My Visit to Niagara Falls

July 5, 2003 was the happiest day of my life; my family and I were going to visit Niagara Falls. We went to Niagara Falls in the morning by bus. It took about 1 hour and 45 minutes to get to Niagara Falls. It was about 12:00 o'clock when we got there. My mom told me that there are two falls included in the Niagara fall, one belongs to the United States and the other one belongs to Canada. The Canadian Fall is much bigger then The United States' one, it's 56 meters high and 675 meters across and it's shaped like a horseshoe. When I first saw the Niagara Falls, I was amazed at how big the fall is. There are four main attractions in the Niagara fall, the Maid of the Mist, Journey behind the fall, White Water Walk and The Butterfly Conservatory. My mom and me decided to ride the most famous and exciting attraction, the Maid of the Mist when my dad was playing in the Casino. We bought the tickets and went on the ship, I was really excited to ride the boat because it's going to take us near the Niagara fall and the water that's fallen is going to splash all over the people on the ship. The ship went near the United States' fall first, the water droplets that got blown away by the wind hit all the people on the ship, which cooled us off from the burning sun. Then we moved towards the Canadian fall, as we moved closer and closer, the sounds of the fall's water splashing into the lake was so big, it vibrated our ear. When we moved close enough to the fall, the water that splashed into the lake reflected on us and we were soaked wet, I couldn't even open my eyes. The ship stayed there for awhile and then went back to the port. That was the most fun experience I've ever had. After the tour on the ship, we went to the Butterfly Conservatory by a special transportation vehicle that goes around the Niagara Area. Before we actually went in the Conservatory, we watched a short video, it said that in the Conservatory, there would be about 40 kinds of butterflies and 2000 butterflies in total. But when we went in, I only saw about 5 different kinds of butterflies, it was very disappointing. When we finished exploring the Conservatory, we went to a very famous street near Niagara Fall; it has a lot of entertainment facility and fast food restaurants. We curiously explored the street after we had our dinner at Burger King. There were museums and haunted houses, and a special place for kids to play (you get tokens and play all kinds of games, and when you win you get tickets and exchange them for prizes). We went into a Wax museum; it's a museum where almost all the famous movie stars are created by wax. Like Austin Powers, E.T, and the famous cartoon The Simpson. I had a lot of fun in Niagara fall, and I will always remember that day.
游览尼亚加拉瀑布 七月五号2003年是我最高兴的一天,那天,我们全家要去游览世界著名的尼亚加拉瀑布。 我们早上一起来就坐着公共汽车去尼亚加拉瀑布,从多伦多到尼亚加拉瀑布大概要1个半小时到2个小时。尼亚加拉瀑布是世界上最有名的瀑布之一,它有56米高和675米宽。尼亚加拉瀑布还有很多有趣的事物,象坐船到尼亚加拉瀑布的下面。 我们决定去坐船,开始的时候,我们坐的船先往美国的瀑布前进,当我们离那个瀑布很近的时候,大家都被掉下来的水珠淋湿了,接下来,我们往加拿大的瀑布开去,还没有到那个瀑布的边上,我们就可以感觉到被风吹走的水珠飘到我们的脸和手上。船刚刚进入瀑布的中心,所有船上的人都象掉进了水一样的泠湿了。这个经验是我觉得最好玩的经验。 我们坐完船以后,就去看听说很有名的蝴蝶温室。我们听说这个蝴蝶温室有40种不同的蝴蝶,一共有2000个蝴蝶。但是当我们进去的时候,我们只看到了大概5种不同的蝴蝶。我们很失望的离开了。 我们走了以后,都很饿了,所有我们去了一个尼亚加拉瀑布很有名的街上吃饭,这条街上全是玩儿的地方,24小时都开。 我们吃完饭以后,在街上一个蜡博物馆玩了一段时间,就回家了。 我在尼亚加拉瀑布的那天玩的很快乐,我希望我还能去尼亚加拉瀑布一次。



July 12, 2003, my dad and I were going to the zoo, on our way to the zoo, we had to wait for the bus that would take us to the zoo, and I had nothing to do, so I was very bored. I suddenly had an idea, my dad could tell me stories while we were waiting. But my dad insists on telling me stories, I kept on begging him until he said: "okay, I'll tell you a story if you can read the words on the lid of the sewer backwards." I thought to myself: " this is easy!" I looked at the letters on the lid backwards and spelled out the word 'dancer', immediately I shouted out the word: " DANCER!" My dad looked and me and said: "nope, you got it wrong." " What! Of course it's DANCER! What else could it be?" I replied in shock, my dad responded calmly: " look again." I looked at the words again; more careful this time and I found that I didn't saw the line on the letter G and I misplaced it with the letter C. Now the letters formed the word DANGER. I learned two things from that experience; first of all, I have to do things more carefully so I can make sure I didn't do it wrong. And second of all, I have to check whatever I did to see if it makes sense, in my case, if I had checked what I spelled, I would have looked more carefully, because why would anyone write the word dancer on the lid of the sewer? So from today on, I will do things carefully and check it after I finished.


My Visit to the Toronto Zoo

July 12, 2003, was my first day to visit the famous Toronto Zoo. My dad and me went there in the morning by subway and then by bus. It took us about 2 hours to get there, so we arrived at about noon. We bought our tickets and went in, when we were in, I took a map from the ticket counter and looked into it and I was amazed at how big the zoo was. And how organized the zoo was, the animals were organized by which country they live in. I scanned the map carefully and thought of how we were going to visit all the places and attractions and came up with a plan. First we saw some monkeys swinging on ropes then we saw a Grey rhinoceros which had skins that looks like ancient Chinese's armor. After that, we entered the Indo Malaya Pavilion where we saw different creatures, from the big jumbo gourami (fish) to the temminck's tragopan (bird). With the traditional trees and grass and waters, it's like we were actually visiting the country Indo Malaya. I was very excited about seeing the Samatran Tiger, but the tiger was sleeping. Next, we went to the African Savanna, and we saw one of the most famous animals in Africa, the African elephant. The African elephant are the biggest animals on land and they are now in danger because of their beautiful ivory. Next to the elephant, we saw a very interesting hippopotamus. The hippopotamus was swimming in the water and looking for a ball to play with. There's no other hippopotamus in the area so he is very bored and sad although in this zoo, they provide every animal the best care and natural habitat so the animals can feel more like they are home. At about 12:00 o'clock, we entered the Kesho Park, we were very hungry by then so we ate our lunch and continued on our trip. We walked along the trails and saw some naked mole rats, some antelopes, a warthog, some bats, a crocodile, 2 cheetahs, 1 zebras, a lot of gazelles and a few baboons. Then we saw female lion lying in the shade resting and a male lion lying in a cave. The zookeepers feed the lions in the zoo everyday, they don't have any preys in their habitat to hunt down, so they don't have anything to do except for lying in the sun and sleeping. We then followed the path and came face to feet with the tallest animal on earth, the giraffe. The giraffes had a baby not long ago so there were a lot of people there, although the baby giraffe was just born not long ago, she was still 2 times my height. Sometimes I wonder how the giraffes grow so tall just to eat the leaves on high trees. After that, we went to see the animals in the Canadian Domain. We saw a Moose, few Arctic Wolves, 2 Grizzly Bears, 1 Cougar, 2 Bald Eagle, 1 raccoon, 2 ostrich, some snakes, lizards and frogs. The Arctic wolves in the Canadian Domain were very interesting, they look almost exactly like normal white dogs but they are actually wolves. When we were looking at them, one of the wolves defecated right in front of us with his butt facing us. That was disgusting experience. Afterwards, we walked back the way we came and entered the America Pavilion, inside; we saw some snakes, frogs and lizards. Then we went outside to see the cutest animal in the zoo, the baby polar bear. The poor little bear's mom got shot in Ontario, so the zoo had to orphan him or he'll die in the wild by himself. When we got there, the little white bear was sleeping, I was disappointed at how some animals were sleeping and not playing around, but most of the animals were walking and playing. Then We saw 3 polar bears, one was swimming, one was sleeping, and one was walking around. Then we saw a group of Flamingos, they were standing with one foot together in a circle, their standing position were very funny. It was about 5:00 o'clock when we finished visiting the America Area, so we decided to go home, on our way to the front door of the zoo, we saw 2 llamas, some spider monkeys, some lorikeets, some kangaroos and a Komodo Dragon. My Trip to the zoo was one of my best experiences, and I will always remember that day.


Swimming Lesson

I attended a swimming class at a community center from July 29 to August 9. Monday was the first day of my lesson. I was in level 2. There were 11 other children in level 2, and my teacher was a woman. First, we followed the teacher's instruction and jumped into the water and did 20 bobs. Then, we did a front float and a back float. After that, we sat on the edge of the pool and did several flatter kicks. The next day, we did 20 bobs and a front glide plus flatter kick together. And we tried to touch the ground with our hands. Wednesday we did a jump and 20 bobs first. And later we did a front glide and a back glide. After we finished, we tried to stay under water for as long as we could and tried to sit on the bottom of the pool. Then we learned the universal choking sign. I learned 2 new things on Thursday. One is how to side glide and the other one is how to open my eyes under water. Today we did the same exercise as yesterday except for star float. Star float is when you first floated on the water like a star for five seconds, and then you rowed over and floated again for five seconds. In the next four days, we practiced all the things we did before, like front glide, back glide and all the other things. Thursday, today we tried to jump into the water like a ball rolling down. Then we had a contest on what we had learned this two weeks, I won all of the contests. The contests contained holding breath under water, back float, front glide and so on. Friday was the last day of the swim class, so we had free time. I practiced all the things I had learned in this two weeks. Finally, it was time for my report card. I opened it very carefully, "Yes! I passed!" I shouted with joy. The swimming class was over. I enjoyed very much.



At august 12, there was a meteor shower we can see in the Greater Toronto Area. And there is a special program in the Ontario Science Museum just for the meteor. My dad and I decided to visit the museum and saw the meteor shower. So we first took the subway, then we rode our bicycles until we got there. When we had arrived at the Museum, there were already many people there, even CityTV's workers came here. There were four Giant Telescopes and several people explaining. We lined up to saw through the Giant Telescope. We waited about 15 minutes to saw four Double Star that is 150 light-years away. Then suddenly, my dad saw a shiny star moving from west to east. He told me immediately after he saw it, "I can't believe my eyes! It's a Meteor!" I shouted with excitement. After we finished saw through all the Giant Telescopes, we went home. Later at 2:00, I woke up and tried to saw other Meteors, but I can't saw any other stars because I am just too tired to go out.


My trip to the Ontario Science Center

On Monday, December 26, 2003, my dad and me went to visit the Ontario Science Center. We went there in the morning by subway and bus. Right after we bought our tickets and received a guide map, I made a plan as to what we are going to see and where we are going to go. First, since my dad took a great interest in the sea, we went to see the movie "Coral Reef Adventure" in the special movie theatre Omnimax. When we went in the theater, we were shocked to see the theatre so big and round. The movie started soon after we sat down and I was impressed because the screen was so large and wide and the ultra loud sounds gave us an effect of 3-D images. The movie was about coral reefs dying in the Fiji Island area and how we could help to protect them. Afterwards, we started went around the Science Center according to the plan. We went through a long corridor that led us to the special exhibit "Strange Matters" that was truly strange. It showed us the molecule patterns of metals and all sorts of other stuff (crystals, marbles and so on…). It also showed us a pane of tempered glass (very very hard), ferrofluid and it's reaction to magnets, surprising properties of Nitinol and a kind of memory metal that can reshape after you bend it with heat. It was a very strange exhibit indeed; we then walked down the stairs and came face to case with the space exhibition. In front of us was a model of a space shuttle and the computer next to it explained to us how the real space shuttle worked and what it's made of. We walked through it and came to the sports exhibition, where there were all kinds of test to test our strength, agility, endurance, and your sense of balance. And it also gave us information about all sorts of sports equipment and scientific facts. After we finished with our lunch, we went to the technology exhibition; it was displaying a lot of complicated machines. We walked around and came to the Science Arcade, it displayed a lot of amazing and fun things like pictures that doesn't make sense, things that can fool your eyes and a lot lot more. We then walked over an unsupported (one end only) bridge, and came to the chemical exhibit. I learned that different chemicals can produce different colors of flames and they are really useful. We rushed through and came to the Living Earth section. We didn't really look around because we only had 15 minutes left before the Science Center is closed. But I did saw how a tornado could form. We left the Science Center that day happy and full of new knowledge. It was a good day at the Ontario Science Center and I wish that I could go back to it again some day.
游览安大略省科学中心 在2003年12月26号,星期一,我和我爸爸一起去游览安大略省的科学中心。我们乘坐地铁和汽车到达那里。到达以后,爸爸买了两张票,我看了一下地图,就构思出来一个我们要去什么地方的计划。既然爸爸很喜欢海里的东西,我们就先去看了一个关于珊瑚的电影。那个电影院庞大的体积和它的巨大的声音让我真有身临其境的感觉。这个电影讲的是有一些科学家挽救在斐济的一些正在面临灭绝的珊瑚。看完电影后,我们从一个非常长的走廊走到了这个科学中心的特别展览-奇怪的东西。它展示了很多真正是奇怪的东西,像金属的分子结构,加强的玻璃(非常强壮),铁磁流体和它的磁铁反应,镍钛诺的惊奇属性,和一种可以再成型的金属。它确实是一个奇怪的展览。我们走下了一段楼梯然后就到了太空的展览区,对着我们的是一个太空飞船的样式,它的旁边是一个给我们解释太空飞船的用处的电脑。我们走过了这个展览又来到了体育的展览。它有很多试验来测试我们的力量,敏捷,耐力,和平衡判断力。它里面也告诉我们关于运动的信息。吃完午饭以后,我们到了科技的展览区,它正在展示很多很复杂的机器。我们走过它然后到了科学游乐中心,它正在展览许多好玩的东西,像不可理解的图画,可以欺骗你的眼睛的东西和很多很多其他的。我们然后从一个一边没有被支撑的桥上走过去,来到了化学的展览区。我在那儿学到了不同的化学制品可以制造不同颜色的火焰。因为我们只有十五分钟在安大略省的科学中心关的时候,我们匆忙的浏览了地球的展览区,但是我只看到了龙卷风造成的过程。我们那天很高兴的回到了家,我希望我有一天还能够再去游览一次。
