"A arte não pode mudar o mundo, mas pode contribuir para a mudança de consciência e impulsos dos homens e mulheres, que podem mudar o mundo". - Herbert Marcuse
31/08/2004 23:29

++ Hey everyone, one more week until school starts again. I'm very excited to start at UofT, I move in on the 6th I think, it really depends on my dad's availability.

++ Today was a really unusual day for us (Carlin and me), cause we got to see a military helicopter, the Sea King. Carlin's grandfather was in the military during WW2 and since he is one of the last survivors, some people from the Canadian Air Force came to congratulate and meet him. They landed the helicopter in the backyard of Carlin's aunts house in Huntsville, it was pretty amazing.

++ A few new things will soon be added on the website, Carlin's first section on the website is probably going to be a review section, where she will be recommending books and doing her own analysis of different books. We are also planning on doing movie reviews at one point. Carlin will also start putting quotes everyday on the main page which I am definitely looking forward to. Maybe on the next week or so we'll put those things online.

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"Drop by drop is the water pot filled. A little at a time, wise people make themselves good." - Buddha
28/08/2004 12:12

++ Love 'em or hate 'em, you've got to admit that spiders are some pretty impressive, well-equipped animals. They have a top-notch sensor array, a built-in construction set, a heavily armored body and a highly effective venom-injection system. How many other creatures can claim that?

++ These remarkable adaptations have made spiders some of the most successful carnivores in history. In their 400 million years of existence, they've spread over every continent and mastered nearly every environment on Earth. Today, there are about 40,000 known spider species, and potentially thousands more we haven't discovered yet. This is pretty astounding when you consider that there are only about 4,000 different species in the entire mammal kingdom.

++ In this article, we'll find out how these unique animals spin webs, attack prey and walk straight up walls. We'll also look at some particularly interesting spider species, including spiders that swim, spiders that jump from branch to branch and spiders that can kill a person.

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"Does early detection improve the chances of survival?"
24/08/2004 11:47

++ Some influential cancer researchers are questioning the conventional wisdom that finding a cancer early will improve the chance of survival.

++ In a special series, CBC looks at the controversy over whether early detection in an outdated idea for some cancers, the value and potential harm of screening tests that detect disease in people who don't show any symptoms, and how researchers are using new technologies to detect cancer earlier and determine which ones are most likely to kill.

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"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi"
24/08/2004 01:05

++ Iraq's soccer team moved to the semi finals of the Olympic games after winning against Australia, Portugal, Costa-Rica and only loosing to morocco. This is pretty shocking and now they are playing Paraguay to see who goes to the finals. The other game in the semi finals is going to be Italy X Argentina, two great soccer teams. Argentina being undefeated so far, without even letting any other team score on their net so far.

++ Brazil only has 3 medals till this point on the 10th day of the games. One gold and 2 Bronzes. Canada is in 15th, with one gold, three silvers and one bronze.

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"Conhece-te a ti mesmo."
16/05/2004 02:50

++ Hello everyone. Ontem eu fui pra Toronto com a Carlin p/ ver o show do Hawksley Workman. O show foi muito bom, pra quem não conheçe ele é um cantor de Toronto, mas q morou em montreal por um bom tempo. O cara manda muito bem, quem quiser pegue "Anger as beauty" ou "We will still need a song". dae agente dormiu em toronto, na casa da tia da Car. Dae hj agente foi pra UofT fazer uma tour com o Brett e com a prima dele.

++ Ae agente voltou pra Barrie e eu passei o resto do meu dia com a Carlin. agente assistiu Matrix Revolution, q por sinal eu naum curti muito. MAs fora isso meu dia foi maravilhoso.

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"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi"
??/08/2004 ??:??

++http://www.philosophynow.org/ tem um bom website com o menu onde os botoes tem como apertar... muito bom layout, ideia para títuloxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx.

++xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx

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"Champagne and sunset"
16/08/2004 12:30

++Today I updated a bunch of sections of the website including the links, credits and contact, where I added a new msg form. I also made some general changes in the website for a better functionality.

++Brazil finally won a medal in the olympics, a bronze for Judo. Leandro Guilheiro is the name of the guy that finaly got a medal. Unfortunately Canada still has no medals, but I'm hoping this will change soon.

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"Pale yellow; light malty, cereal aroma; toasty cereal, yeasty, light hoppy flavour"
16/08/2004 01:26

++Two days ago was the start of the Olympic Games in Athens. I watched the opening cerimony and it was really nice, i specially liked Bjork. I used to hate her music but for some reason after listening to it more I got to actually like some of it.

++Canada has not won medals yet, but it is still really early on the competition. So far a few surprises like the Turks who are 5th with the Ukranians in the medal standings. The US is 7th and Russia is 8th.

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"Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember." - Oscar Levant
16/08/2004 01:21

++Today is the first time I'm posting on my new space, at my UofT web space. I plan to keep doing this for a while and hopefully entertain a few people that pay a visit to my web site.

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