"An elephant can use its trunk for a variety of purposes. This one is wiping its eye"
28/09/2005 21:42

++ Today I have my first Bio250 lab, and I was completely not prepared. It was still alright, my partners seem to be pretty good. We were supposed to extract DNA of wheat gem cells, and we didn't really get much cause I think we screwed up at one point or another. Changing the subject, I'm so pissed with ROGERS cable, they took almost 3 weeks to come install the internet at my apartment, and when they did the modem was bad. Then the guy told me he'd come the next day and he never did. Then I called them and they told me someone would contact me to see what they were going to do. Then finally after a few days I just went there, which was really far from where I live, I had to take the subway and ride my bike for 50 minutes there and 50 minutes back, it was in the middle of nowhere. SO annoying, I got there and finally got to exchange the damn modem. The only thing that came on time was the bill, that they do on the deadline. Well I'll stop here, I need to do some work tonight... Here is a picture from my apartment at night...


"I'm a lil' piggy, Oink Oink Oink"
27/09/2005 22:25

++ Now that I have internet I just have to try to manage my time, its horrible cause sometimes I just spend too much time on it (not studying of course). Well but after posting here I will do some biochem, take a look at some amino acid structures and things like that, I have to start memorizing those things, there are just too many of them, sooner or later I'll have to start cramming. On the new section, University, I will be posting some mat135 texts from last year, which will be useful for 1st year students, if any of them come here. I am also going to post some summaries I make for PSL302 material, I don't know when I'll finish it but it will be there when I do.


"Today, I thought it would never happen"
25/09/2005 21:01

++ FINALLY, I have Internet again. After being handicapped for weeks, I can finally navigate the digital world once again. I think Internet is one of the only things that even when you do have it, and use it everyday, you are still thankful for the privilege. It's hard not to see the wonders of this ability to see other worlds, find new ideas, socialize without being personal, and other marvelous advantages of being one with the net. Having the biggest network in the world just under your mouse. Anyhow, let me stop with this philosophical, and inspiring feeling of gratification. I just wanted to tell everyone, that still checks this website, that it is finally back on full power. I will be updating it much more often now that I actually have new things to talk about... There is a bunch of new posts undernearth that never went on air before today as well.


19/09/2005 09:20

++ Weekend is over but it was certainly enjoyed. Carlin came over here on friday we tried to watch a movie, but we just talked on the balcony with Yang for most of the night, which was a lot of fun. Then saturday morning my parents came over here, we went to look at a new apartment and then they came back here and made some lunch. Later I met Carlin on Campus to buy some textbooks and things like that, I almost have all my books. Then yesterday I did some studying and came over to Carlin's apartment in the afternoon, it was fun we had this really good pizza and gelato, uhmmm. But now I have to fall back and focus on school again, I'll stop here and start reading some biochemistry. The image below is something me and my cousin did a long time ago, we wanted to make a south park website, but we never actually finished it.


"Não compreendo "
14/09/2005 22:20

++ Today was a pretty easy day, I only had two classes, but I was able to use my time a little better than usual. I already started studying physiology, I am going to try to keep up with the material that way I should be able to do decently in that class. I also had biophysics today, which was good too, I really like our professor, she explains everything so well. I am also going to start working on a new section of the website, which hopefully will be up shortly after I have internet again.

++ Now, looking back at a few posts ago, I just remembered how last week I was living in Barrie still and doing nothing, enjoying my summer. Its crazy how fast I've adapted this year, I already feel like I've been here forever.


"Bom dia raio de sol"
13/09/2005 09:24

++ Hey everyone, this week I started classes, I actually have biochemistry in 35 minutes. Yesterday I had my first Spanish class which seemed to be pretty easy for me, I think I can do really well on it, hopefully boost up my GPA. I also have Physiology, which was a bit more intimidating, but also seemed doable, its just more complicated of course, and will require quite a bit of memorizing. Than later I had Biophysics (PHY238) which was all right as well, I liked professor Serbanescu a lot, she explains much better than all the previous physics profs I had. I think this class won't be too bad this year, the only problem is to remember integration and differential equations from last years Calculus...


"Back in town"
09/09/2005 08:14

++ I just came back from Carlin's new apartment an hour ago. We are finally back to Toronto, getting ready to start a new year in school. This year in case I never mentioned before, we are living outside campus. Carlin is living on the north end of the city with her old roomate Sri, and I am living just east of UofT, on Wellesley with Yang, who was a good friend from last year. I just moved here yesterday, and my apartment needs quite a bit of work still, a lot of cleaning to do, some organizing as well. This is the first time living in my own apartment type of thing. I still have no telephone which I get tomorrow, and Internet which I get on the 21st hopefully... On the past few days I have also started playing this new computer game called "Evil Genius", and its a lot of fun, I haven't gotten very far on it yet though.


"Dream Conection "
06/09/2005 08:30

++ I just woke up half an hour ago, after a long sleep and a really interesting dream. On this dream I was in sort of a cottage near some lake. I was there with Carlin and her friends. At one point I noticed that there was some Polar Bears on the water, they were huge and I was shocked to see that, then they killed a very large seal and brought it to land, together with several other dead seals, and took them away through the streets. By that point everyone was watching those big animals travelling together in the middle of the street. After a few hours there was a huge storm, which is what happened for most of the dream. It was like a hurricane I guess, and people were going really crazy. Now I don't remember most of the details anymore, but I am pretty impressed how the story on this dream was so coherent, and I only realised at the end of the dream that the polar bears knew about the storm before I did on my dream. Once again I am in awe, dreams are so cool, I hope I get to learn more about them in the future.


"Myth Busters Marathon"
04/09/2005 00:16

++ I'm back, after a while without updating the website I think I will start to do it more regularly now, soon I'll be living in Toronto without the distractions of Gran Turismo and other things. Today, or should I say yesterday, I started to move my stuff to my new apartment in Toronto. Even though the apartment was pretty dirty, it is still very exciting to be moving in to an apartment on my own. It's different than residence. The apartment is located exactly on the corner of Wellesley and Sherbourne, and is decently close to the school. A few days ago my parents bought a new car, Chrisler Sebring, which I have already taken for a drive and it feels really good. After driving small cars for so long I enjoy a 200+ Hp ride. Specially now that I'm becoming obsessed with cars again. Well I guess I'll stop here, I'll start updating the website soon, for the myth busting fans, tomorrow there is a "Myth Busters Marathon" @ 6PM... it will be very good stuff I predict.
