"And I have to speculate that God Himself did make us into corresponding shapes like puzzle pieces from the clay."
30/10/2004 01:44

++ Portuguese (português) is a Romance language predominantly spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Galiza and East Timor. With more than 200 million native speakers, Portuguese is one of the few languages spoken in such widely-distributed parts of the world, and is the fifth or sixth most-spoken first language in the world.

++ The language was spread worldwide in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries as Portugal created the first and the longest lived modern-world colonial and commercial empire (1415–1975), spanning from Brazil in the Americas to Macau in China. As a result, Portuguese is now the official language of several independent countries and is widely spoken or studied as a second language in many others. There are still more than 20 Portuguese Creole languages. It is an important minority language in Andorra, Luxembourg and Namibia. Large Portuguese-speaking immigrant communities exist in many cities around the world, including Paris in France and Boston, New Bedford, and Newark in the United States.

++ Portuguese is nicknamed A língua de Camões ("The language of Camoens", after Luís de Camões, the author of The Lusiad); A última flor do Lácio ("The last flower of Latium"). Portuguese language speakers are known as Lusitanic or Lusophones.

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"The value of torque is equal to the product of the lever arm by the force applied. T=rFsinx"
29/10/2004 00:44

++ Today was the bio test and I think things went all right, I have to say it was really tough but duable, I think I did well and I'm expecting at least a 70. I have to get used to the fact that in UofT getting a 75 or so is doing well... Well I sure am glad that it's over, and that tomorrow is Friday. I remember last Friday, I forgot to tell everyone here, Carlin came to sleep over and we got bored at around 11:30PM cause the options of things to do here were very limited, so we decided to go out on our pajama and walk a bit downtown Toronto. It was so much fun, I had an awesome time with her.

++ Today since I'm in such a Biology mood I decided to post a new little article on natural selection in the science section of the website.

- The speed of light in a vacuum is exactly equal to 299,792,458 metres per second (approximately 186,282 miles per second). This exact speed is a definition, not a measurement, as the metre is defined in terms of the speed of light and not vice versa.

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"Interspecific variation (species diversity) vs Intraspecific variation (gene diversity)"
25/10/2004 21:44

++ Just got back from a floor meeting, it was pretty short, thats how I like it. Today was a crazy day, I had class basically starting at 11AM until 9PM, I am pretty tired. Tomorrow though shouldn't be too bad since I only have Chem lecture and tutorial. Thursday I have a Bio test and I need to study hard tomorrow and wednesday to do well. Here is a little text I found on Evolution that might look interesting...

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"Give me hungry chicken!"
24/10/2004 00:33

++ Hello everyone, I just got back from Barrie, Carlin and I went to see the family yesterday, pay a short visit. It was nice we both had good meals which are definately always welcome. Now that I'm back I have to start working on my pre-labs that are due this week for Chem and Physics. School is just too hard sometimes and there are so many smart people that it just makes everything really scary. Well I got to go, Carlin is coming soon.


"d/dy(sinx) = cosx"
22/10/2004 00:33

++ Hey everybody, I haven't written anything here for a while so I decided I had to at least post something soon before everyone thinks that I just abandoned the website. The thing is I have been working very hard for school, Carlin and I are definatelly trying our best to go on on our program next year. This week we got our first marks back from the Chemistry mid-term, I didn't do as well as I hoped for but I know a lot of people didn't either. I got a 75% which is decent, Carlin did a lot better but I won't put her mark here cause I don't know if she would want me to spread out her mark across the web.

++ I also have a new roomate now, my old roomate moved out and Antony moved in. He's french and everything is going fine so far, obviously I liked having my own room A LOT better but what can I do, I only pay for a double room anyway.


"Witch of Maria Gaetana Agnesi"
14/10/2004 11:49

++ Hello everyone, today I just worked worked and worked, 7 hours of class can be quite a bit. Tomorrow won't be much better thought, another 3 hour lab for Chemistry, at least tomorrow is friday and it should be a bit better. Carlin and I have it planned we're not going to do work past a certain hour tomorrow, we just haven't decided what hour it's going to be hehehe. We're probably going to go watch Team America tomorrow, if you don't know what it is I'm not a 100% sure either but I know its done by Trey Parker and Matt Stone so I am pretty sure I will like it, possibly even like it a lot. Anthony our good friend is also coming tomorrow to visit us here in TO before he leaves to go on his adventure through Alberta and China, I hope he has a wonderful time there and that he doesn't loose touch with us here. I'm going to leave today with a link to the Blog of Zach Braff.

++ Pra quem não conhece Zach Braff é o diretor, escritor e ator no novo filme que vai sair no Brazil dia 3 de dezembro chamado "Garden State". Vale muito apena eu adorei o filme, é bem original e engraçado. Se alguem já ouviu falar de um seriado chamado "Scrubs", Zach Braff é o JD. Por favor comentem aqui pra quem não sabe é so clicar em qualquer lugar q esteja escrito 'Comentários'. Obrigado!!!

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13/10/2004 00:19

++ Hi everyone, I hope all of you had a good thanksgiving, I sure did. Just wanted to leave here a little message so people don't feel like im abandoning this here... Tony I hope you have a good trip to China, it was good seeing you on the weekend and I know you had a good time.


"yatha ahu vairyo"
03/10/2004 00:12

++ I'd like to say Happy Birthday for my good friend Daniel, who just turned 20 a few days ago, on the 29th if I'm not mistaken. Eu realmente desejo que vc consiga chegar aonde vc quer, e ter um grande futuro pela frente. Um abração pra vc e pra todo mundo de volta ai na terra natal. Cathy valeu por passar aqui fico feliz de saber que vcs ainda não esqueceram de mim aqui no norte.
