"after pacinian and meissner corpuscles I have to slow down in adaptation to a merkel disk, in other words, muscle spindles (Ia) -> golgi tendons (Ib) -> joint receptors (II & III)"
31/10/2005 22:25

++ Today in the shower I started to remember how things use to be in grade 6. I guess because I just got the new CIV 4 for my computer and I needed these tools to be able to crack the exe file. Unfortunately I still haven't figured out how to make the game work well. For some reason that brought me back to those days. I remember once me and my cousin Andre, when ICQ use to be the popular thing, me and the people I knew from IRC use to brag about our UINs, everyone want to have the smallest (oldest) number. So one day, me and my cousin decided to go on a hunt and stayed up all night just for that. What we did is we created a new ICQ account as a female, late teens and we even had a picture of this moderately attractive fictitious girl (which we stole from this person's computer that we invaded, it was probably his girlfriend or something). Then we added random guys that were obviously interested in girls online to be chatting at after-hours. Anyway, we got one for me and then we tried to get another one for my cousin. Both were 6 digits long, which is pretty impressive considering I've never seen smaller than 5. We started talking to this Latino dude, I think he was from Chile. The chat started to warm up and boom! he asked if we had a picture. Of course we were already waiting for that, so we already had this file which we had infected and it looked awesome, the icon was right, the file name was realistic for a picture, and it would even open on his computer when he double clicked it. We sent the picture, he sent his picture (which was hilarious), then we started the action. First we got his ICQ info (password and stuff) then we changed it on ICQ website so once he restarted ICQ he would not be able to log into his ICQ. Then we deleted vital files of his ICQ folder and as a finale we rebooted his computer. It was a work of professionals, the whole thing took only a few minutes including the lag from the dial up of the time. We knew he had another ICQ account, so once he got back in and logged into this account the guy was really pissed off. Me and my cousin were having an awesome time (I realize how nerdy this whole story is but I had fun!), he started talking to us, by now we were using his account. Eventually we gave one of the UINs back because we felt sorry for the guy but it was still a great time.


"A pre-Colombian stone carving of a woman shows a mass at her neck. This mass is an enlarged thyroid gland, a condition known as gointer. It was considered a sign of beauty among the people who lived high in the Andes mountains "
29/10/2005 14:04

++ I'm sick and it sucks. I got a cold near the weekend and it really sucks cause I really want to study for my physiology test and I can't study normally, cause my head hurts. Well complaining doesn't really help. I got my physics test back this week, and I got a 72% which isn't great but I thought I had done much worse. I also got an 87% in my Spanish quiz and soon I'll know what I got on my biochem test. I wish everyone good luck on the PSL mid term and Carlin on her BCH242 midterm.


"Cysteine Alanine Arginine Isoleucine Leucine "Uracil" Valine Tyrosine Alanine Histidine"
25/10/2005 09:34

++ Today is the big day for the BCH210 people, so to celebrate it I made a celebrative title that all the biochemistry people will be able to read, especially carlin cause I would like her to read it. I want to wish everyone the best of luck. Here is what a few of these babies look like. (in order Histidine, Proline and Tryptophan.)


"aMPHIPHILIC <.> aMPHIPATIC what's the difference"
23/10/2005 17:03

++ After my first test of the year I remembered why I got so stressed all the time last year. I did really poorly on my physics test, and I'm just hoping everyone else did too. Now this weekend I stayed in studying pretty much the whole time, well at least that was the idea. I have a biochemistry 210 test on tuesday and I want to try to do really well on it, I'm pretty sure the exam will be hard so might as well earn the easier marks now. After that I don't have another test for another week. Soon Carlin is coming and she's going to bring me some goodies, she's getting us some take out at "Spring Rolls", I bet all of you are thinking the same thing as I am, she is the best girlfriend in the world...


"You have to love anything milanese"
20/10/2005 08:53

++ Man last night I ate made some milanese rice, and it was really good, I want to learn how to make it all myself cause I love it. Well today I have my first mid-term of the year. It's physics, which I think I can do alright since I studied quite a bit throughout the week. I'm just hoping to do well now.


"Poor, anxious, blushing, flustered little Piglet. He clearly suffers from a Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Had he been appropriately assessed and his condition diagnosed when he was young, he might have been placed on an antipanic agent, such as paroxetine"
19/10/2005 10:53

++ Hey everyone, I just finished doing some notes for PSL302 and I am going to start to study for my physics mid-term tomorrow. I've studied quite a bit already for it but I want to work on it some more so that I can try to do as well as I can. Carlin the other day had two tests on the same day, and I think she did very well on both of them, I hope I have the same kind of luck with my test tomorrow. Recently, I have also been downloading a new game for my computer, the new Empire Earth II. I use to play the first one a long time ago, me and my mom use to play at our home LAN, those were some great time I tell you. The new game seems to be much better though, having much better graphics, more civilizations and something I've never seen on these games, weather. You actually get snow, rain and all that stuff, and apparently it changes the performance of your troops. It just sounds incredible. The new Age of Empires also came out but I don't know as much about that game, I use to like Empire Earth better anyway. There are a lot of good games coming out lately, such as the ones I've already mentioned plus Black & White 2, Civilization 4 and this new game by Lionhead called The Movies which seems pretty entertaining.


"Hello and thank you for contacting us. We have shut down the website in
question. Oh wait, just kidding We haven't, since the site in question is fully legal. Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you're in, we have sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the streets and attacking people :-(
17/10/2005 22:36

++ Here is some crazy legal threats published at a bit torrent search website, I thought it was pretty hilarious:

+From: anakata
To: "Dorothy Sherman | GrayZone, Inc." <grayzone@rcn.com>
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 13:57:17 +0200

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 15:35 -0400, Dorothy Sherman | GrayZone, Inc.
> First Notice of Infringement and Declaration

"First Notice of Infringement"? Is that kind of like when I don't pay my
bills on time? "First notice", "Second notice", "Third notice", "WE KILL
YOU!", then a package with the sawed-off head of a pig?

> Fredrik Neij
> Box 1206
> Stockholm 11479
> SE
> Phone: 46.707323819
> Fax: 46.707323819
> tiamo@prq.se
> info@prq.se

We already know our own postal address - you don't have to inform us of

> Tenhults Forenade Rollspelare
> Davidbagares gata 12
> Stockholm 11138
> SE
> Phone: 1.467047954
> tiamo@TFR.ORG
> REGARDING: http://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=billy+corgan

IMMEDIATELY STOP SCREAMING. You may also consider not using red,
underlined HTML.

> http://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=billy+corgan
> (see below)

Sorry, but I can't remove search.php - our users would get upset if TPB
suddenly lacked a search function.
The problem here seems to be that the material is unreleased? If that is
the case, you can easily fix the problem by releasing it. We'll be more
than glad to help you distribute it - free of charge! - to our users.

> I, the undersigned, do solemnly and sincerely declare and CERTIFY
> 1. I am the owner or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner
> of certain intellectual property rights, said owner being named WARNER
> BROS. RECORDS, INC. ("IP Owner").
> 2. I have a good faith belief that the materials identified in the
> addendum attached hereto are not authorized by the above IP Owner, its
> agent, or the law and therefore infringe the IP Ownerÿs rights
> according to the laws of the (check all that apply):
> United States
> Australia
> Canada
> France
> Germany
> Italy
> Japan
> Mexico
> Netherlands
> Russia
> Sweden
> United Kingdom
> All of the above X
> Please act expeditiously to remove or disable access to the material
> or items claimed to be infringing.

The material hosted on The Pirate Bay is (check all that apply):
Your copyrighted work
German scheisse-porn
Torrent files X

> 3. I may be contacted at:
> Printed Name: Dorothy Sherman
> Title: Consultant
> Company: Warner Bros. Records, Inc.
> Address: 3300 Warner Blvd.
> Burbank, CA 91505
> Attn: Susan Genco, Esq.
> Email (correspondence): GrayZone@rcn.com
> Telephone: 212 946-1718
> You should understand that this letter constitutes notice to you that
> the sale and/or other distribution of this product is unauthorized.
> This letter
> does not constitute a waiver of any right to recover damages incurred
> by virtue of any such unauthorized activities, and such rights as well
> as
> claims for other relief are expressly retained.

You should understand that your email and all further communication with
us will be published at http://thepiratebay.org/legal.php , and that we
will charge you for the web publishing and hosting services. Should I
send the invoice to your address above?

> Finally, notwithstanding our use of the required notice form, we
> believe that http://thepiratebay.org 's activities and services fall
> outside the scope of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA").
> Our use of this form, as required by law, is meant to facilitate
> http://thepiratebay.org 's removal of the infringing product listed
> above and is not meant to suggest or imply that
> http://thepiratebay.org 's activities and services are within the
> scope of the DMCA.

We are well aware of the fact that The Pirate Bay falls outside the
scope of the DMCA - after all, the DMCA is a US-specific legislation,
and TPB is hosted in the land of vikings, reindeers, Aurora Borealis and
cute blonde girls.

> I make this declaration conscientiously, believing it to be true and
> correct, and in accordance with the laws of each of the countries
> listed
> above. I am aware and agree that the contents of this statement may
> be relied upon against me in any court or arbitration proceeding.

So it's OK with you if we bring legal action against you for
a) claiming that we host any infringing files, which we don't,
b) claiming that DMCA has any relation what so ever to the activites of
the site,
c) making my eyes bleed by writing in UPPERCASE, underlined, and red

> Fictionally,
> Dorothy Sherman
> Digital Signature: Verisign

I fixed the typo for you.


" The term for that is Chemical Contradiction."
15/10/2005 17:27

++ Ae todo mundo. Ontem eu e a Carlin fomos numa palestra de astrofísica, foi muito interessante. Foi sobre a formacão de sistemas e a possibilidade de vida em outros planetas. Agora hoje eu nao vou fazer muita coisa porque eu tenho que estudar um monte. Tenho prova de Física essa semana e prova de bioquimica na semana seguinte. A foto ai em baixo é do meu college que se chama "University College" que na minha opinião é o mais bonito da Universidade de Toronto. Clique na foto para ver ela em um tamanho maior.

++ Hey everyone, yesterday Carlin and I went to a lecture of the series Cosmic Frontiers: Quest for other worlds and prospects for life. It was really good. The spokesperson was a professor from San Francisco State University, Debra Fischer, talked about a lot of the stuff Carlin is learning in her Astrophysics class (AST251). Well Today I won't be doing very much besides studying for my Physics test this week cause I also have a Biochem test on the following week. Down here is a picture I took Friday of my college, UC. Click on it to enlarge.


" This unfortunate bear embodies the concept of comorbidity. Most striking is his ADHD, inattentive subtype. As clinicians, we had some debate about whether Pooh might also demonstrate significant impulsivity, as witnessed, in his poor attempt to get honey by disguising himself as a rain cloud."
14/10/2005 09:38

++ Faz um tempo já que eu nao coloco um post aqui em Português. Eu acordei faz quase uma hora, e logo eu tenho que ir pra minha classe de Bioquímica e mais tarde eu tenho Fisiologia e eu acabo meu dia. De noite eu e a Carlin vamos assistir uma palestra de Astrofísica, sobre a formacão do universo e a existência de vida em nosso planeta e possivelmente em outros. Eu tambem tenho que comecar a procurar algum professor para que eu possa tentar chupinzar uma vaga em um laboratório esse verão. Primeiro porque eu preciso desse tipo de experiência, e segundo pq eu nao estou afim de trabalhar em uma fábrica de novo esse ano. Se isso acontecer eu nao vou pode ser voluntário de novo esse ano, mas eu ainda tenho bastante tempo pra isso.


" There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon."
05/10/2005 19:36

++ note to self: never forget, I hate QuickTime... Hey everyone, I'm back after a long weekend of feasts and quality slacking. I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving, I have to say mine was very good. I went home to see my family and on Sunday I went with Carlin to her parents friends house for the big turkey dinner. Carlin and I also tried to watch a few of the shows that we like. In Toronto we don't have TV or digital cable, so I had to use the opportunity to catch up on "Huff" and watch "Dead like me" season 2. Well now I should get back to work and do my Biology questions for my lab and finish the Physics assignment, as much as I can cause it's freaking hard.


"O soldadinho precisava de consolo, havia acabado de perder a batalha."
05/10/2005 19:36

++ I am so disappointed today. First Carlin studies so hard yesterday for her Portuguese class, and didn't do that well on her dictation today. It's so unfair, her class goes at an insane pace and it's just way too hard to follow when she has other really hard courses to worry about. I am in a Spanish class for beginners, and we do a fifth of the work she has, it's insane. Now, the second reason for my disappointment is the CHM220 Prof. Dr. Gregory Scholes just can't teach and doesn't help either. Car went to his office for help and he just said that the stuff he teaches isn't his "forte". He teaches the course for Christ sakes. Of course he made sure to choose the worse textbook possible to use on that course. The other thing is that he's canceling a bunch of lectures which will be covered on the test, because he doesn't write the test, someone else does, and this someone else thinks that the class learned what they should be learning. Thankfully I have something good to be grateful by the end of today, Dr. Scott Browning (CHM138, CHM238) was willing to take some of his time off to help us out and answer questions that the actual professor couldn't. Prof. Scholes really disappointed me and I just hope the students this term can do something about what has been happening in this course for the last few years.


"Eu tomo garapa doida!"
02/10/2005 16:59

++ I was fooling around on wikkipedia and I found out some cool articles that reminded me of home, here are a few things that I use to eat and drink in my home country:

+ Garapa (var. Guarapa) is the Brazilian Portuguese term for the juice of raw sugar cane (in some Southern states garapa is better known as "caldo de cana" (cane juice). It is a very popular drink in several countries of Latin America. Garapa is obtained by crushing peeled sugar cane in a small hand- or electric mill. The drink is usually served cold with a squeeze of lemon. Due to its high sugar content it is rich in calories. Garapa juice is the primary source of sugar cane derivatives such as sugar (obtained by evaporation and refining), brandy (called cachaça or caninha) and ethanol.

+ Rapadura is a traditional candy in Brazil. It is basically solid brown sugar, in the form of a brick, and is largely produced at sugarcane plantations in northeastern Brazil. Rapadura was actually created as an easier way to transport sugar. Other ingredients may be included in the recipe, such as peanuts, condensed milk, coconut, or white sugar.

+ Feijoada, a traditional Angolan, Brazilian, Portuguese dish also common among other former Portuguese colonies, is a stew of black beans (in Brazil) or white or red beans in Portugal, with a variety of pork and beef products such as salted pork trimmings (ears, tail, feet), pork sausage and bacon, and salted beef (loin and tongue). This dark purplish-brown stew is best prepared over slow fire in a thick clay pot. It tends to be served with rice as a sidedish. While the brazilian sort is usually accompanied with chopped refried collard greens, lighly roasted coarse cassava flour (farofa), and a peeled whole orange, and sometimes deep-fried bananas, the portuguese usually serve it with a rich assortment of sausages (including chouriço de carne, morcela, farinheira and others); the sausages may or may not be cooked as part of the stew.

++ I updated a few sections of the website... Here is just a picture of a game I've played lately called Evil Genius. Its a really neat game and I recommend for the people that like to build things and strategy games.
