"Actually I love this moment so much, that I would cheat on the last moment, marry it and raise a family of little moments."
23/11/2004 22:22

++ Two more weeks basically, and school will finally be over, at least for a few weeks. I can't believe how much work these two weeks will be though. Well there isn't much to say about what I have been doing, mostly work of course. But on the weekend, Carlin and I went to the shooting of the CBC show, "The greatest Canadian". Her dad took us and Carlin's sister. It was a lot of fun actually and a bunch of canadian celebreties were there. The weekend in general wasn't bad. I was just checking on CBC, and I found out that Tommy Douglas won the most votes to be the greatest canadian, followed by Terry Fox. That basically didn't change from the weekend. Well I am going to go to bed now, I'll leave here a picture from a while ago, because sometimes I think this place needs more images. Oh and today there was Sushi Time.


"I love this moment so much that I would have sex with it..."
23/11/2004 22:22

++ Today I probably wrote the worst test of my life, I did so bad that halfway through I had no idea how to do the easy questions anymore. It was so hard, I don't know how anyone could have done well on that. Carlin and I are just hoping for a pass. I have no idea where the questions on the freaking test were from, I don't know what to study anymore cause nothing I studied seemed to help for this. Its so bad.

++ Well, but it's not all bad news, at least on the Calculus test Carlin and I did well, she got a 70% and I got a 71%, I am pretty pleased with our results, I think we both could've done better but we weren't prepared enough, we thought it would be easier that it was. However, the freaking Asians brought up the class average, oh well, whatcha gonna do? At the year approaches the end, our work load seems to be getting bigger and bigger, and we have exams to worry about as well. I can't wait for the Christmas break, it will be so relaxing not having to worry about studying all day. I also watched a new episode of scrubs today and it was hilarious, at least that part of my day made me laugh of joy, opposed to my laughs during the test, which were more like a laugh of shock mixed with indignation.


" | (nilrac) + me^-1 | = +x "
19/11/2004 01:10

++ Hello everybody, it's almost the weekend once again. Usually we make the mistake of associating the weekend with relaxing and forgetting about work and stress, but Carlin and I are getting better now, when the weekend approaches we know very well that that's the time we have to catch up in some of the classes, but this weekend now will be mostly dedicated to studying chemistry since we have our second mid-term on Tuesday.

++ Car I don't know if you noticed already but I updated the GPA chart now, its more complete. yep yep. If anyone is interested I also found a really sweet software for graphing functions in 2 and 3 dimensions, to get it click here. I also found a good website if you just want to fool around with regular first to fifth degree functions, for that one click here!


"We're stronger together than an ionic bond."
15/11/2004 00:08

++ The weekend is almost over and school starts again tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to getting more work but that's OK, at least the exams are basically over. I am just curious to find out what we got on that Calculus test, it was damn hard.

++ Friday Carlin and I watched Pulp Fiction, that movie is awesome, its so funny and so cool. Besides it has some really good actors in it. Then, on Saturday we went to the movie theaters and watched Team America, and it was really bad, I was really looking forward to it since Matt Stone and Trey Parker were the guys that made it, they really let me down, it was basically fart humor for 2 hours, I don't know how much that can be fun on its own. Hopefully the new episodes of South Park are not like that.


"Are people really getting more stupid?"
10/11/2004 01:48

++ Acabei de ouvir algumas músicas novas do 4drive e eu adorei, eu espero mesmo que vocês consigam ir pra frente, por que o talento fica obvio que voces tem ouvindo vcs. Fica aqui um link pra ouvir a música que eu estou falando.

++ I just heard a new song by a friend's band from Brazil called 4drive and I can't believe how good their music is getting. If anyone is interested here is an MP3 of the song I was just listening. It's definitely worth listening, the guys are really good. I really hope they can make it, cause they obviously have the talent.

++ Today I found out about my physics mark from the test last week and I did better than I thought. I got an 84 and so did Carlin. I can't believe that I got that. This week we have a Calculus mid-term. The religion one yesterday was pretty brutal, but I am pretty sure about everyone did crappy on it, which could call for a bell curve if that's true. Well nothing else is new I guess so I'll stop here, I'll try to get some more new articles to put on the website when I have some time.


"Triste vida se me ordena... "
08/11/2004 23:28

+ Cuja ausência me move a tanta pena,
Quanta se não compreende enquanto falo!
Se, no fim de tão longa e curta vida,
De vós me inda inflamasse o raio vivo,
Por bem teria tudo quanto passo.

+ Mas bem sei que primeiro o extremo passo
Me há-de vir a cerrar os tristes olhos,
Que Amor me mostre aqueles por que vivo.
Testemunhas serão a tinta e pena,
Que escreverão de tão molesta vida
O menos que passei, e o mais que falo.

+ Oh! que não sei que escrevo, nem que falo!
Que se de um pensamento noutro passo,
Vejo tão triste género de vida
Que, se lhe não valerem tanto os olhos,
Não posso imaginar qual seja a pena
Que traslade esta pena com que vivo.

+ Na alma tenho confino um fogo vivo,
Que, se não respirasse no que falo,
Estaria já feita cinza a pena;
Mas, sobre a maior dor que sofro e passo
Me temperam as lágrimas dos olhos,
Com que, fugindo, não se acaba a vida.

+ Morrendo estou na vida, e em morte vivo;
Vejo sem olhos e sem língua falo;
E juntamente passo glória e pena.


"1650763.73 wavelengths of orange-red light emitted from a krypton-86 lamp, also known as meter."
01/11/2004 01:43

++ Hey everyone, I hope all of you enjoyed the Halloween, I can say I did even though the only party I went had its focus on physics. That's because on Tuesday I have a physics test, it should be all right, as long as I get above 60 on it I should be happy but I wouldn't mind actually doing well on it.

++ For anyone that cares, there are new episodes of South Park that just came out, actually only one of them is out so far but they are all coming very soon.

++ Carlin, I was looking into the programs for next year and I found out that the only difference between pathobiology and pharmacology is that in pathobio we would take CHM220H1 and PSL302Y1 plus 4 other half courses and BIO250, where in pharmacology we take the same 4 half courses + BIO250 + CHM217H1 , CHM220H1, CHM249H1, PCL201H, which means that we have no space for electives at all... and there is also an option for a double degree in pharmacology and toxicology, but for that you need a minimum GPA of 3.5.

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