"Yet another limbic moment"
22/12/2005 10:40

++ I just woke up and it feels good cause I have pretty much no responsabilities. I am free, done exams, and it actually feels pretty good. Yesterday I had my last exam for PSL302, it wasn't easy but I think I did relatively well. I didn't feel as good as the first term test, but I hope I get somehting over 80. I worked pretty hard for it so it would be a shame not to get it. Then after my exam, Carlin and I went to Yorkdale and did our rushed Xmas shopping. We also watched "Chronicles of Narnia" which was surprisingly very very good. Anyway, today I will be going to Barrie with Carlin, finally going home, to the land where school is not an issue. Sri and Yang, both our roomates, are also coming to our respective houses for christmas. I won't be bringing my computer home so no updates will be done for the next two weeks probably. Therefore I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmans and a Happy New Year. Pra todo mundo no Brasil eu queria desejar um Feliz Natal, e um próspero ano novo. E logo eu to de comp novo.


"Exams and Cortisol seem to go together hand in hand"
15/12/2005 20:35

++ Study, study, study. I'm getting pretty sick of just studying. I'm starting to get in the Xmas mood and I know that once I get to this mood there is no coming back. Unfortunately I have a test on Wednesday and only then I'll be free to do whatever I want. I was going to go home on Thursday but my dad can't pick me then, so I might have to stay in Toronto until Friday which would be really unfortunate cause I just want to go home and relax. Nowhere is as relaxing as home :) I also want to get my new computer but I know that this won't happen that quickly because of the time of the year and just general inconveniences. I guess that's not exactly a bad thing, I will have more time to study for my physics test two days after I come back AAAAHHH. Most of my class won't have the test right away, but since I'm going to Windsor to participate on the Canadian University Science Games I will have to write the test before my class. Well I'll go now because I want to avoid as much as I can the synergistic effects of epinephrine and cortisol during my PSL302 exam. I also want to wish Car good luck on her ANT tomorrow and CHM220 on Tuesday, I know you will be fine little one.


"Meanwhile, Duke picks up a grapefruit from the sink -- a good two-pounder, he gets a grip on it... and when "WHITE RABBIT" peaks... He hurls it into the tub like a cannonball."
15/12/2005 19:50

++ WOW... I just had my BCH210 exam and all I can say is WOW... It was insane, I can't believe how hard that was. I will be shoked if I pass the MC... I'm glad we had that assignment, cause that will probably save my ass. The short answer was pretty bad as well. I kinda feel sorry for the people that needed to do well on this exam, but I guess most people were in pretty good shape. It makes me forget about BIO250 exam that I had on tuesday, which by the way went ok. I only say that now, after having bombed Biochem. It sux, I wish I had one more day to work for this test and I bet I would have gotten at least 10% better. I would at least have time to look over the 2/3 of material that I didn't even look at for this exam. It was just toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Well to end this thread I'll post a nice picture that makes me happy.


"Why are redheads, jaguars, and men with erectile dysfunction grateful to the melanocortin system?"
10/12/2005 14:31

++ I can't wait till all this hard work is over. Only 3 exams, in 10 days or so I'll be a free man. The only thing that doesn't make me that happy is the fact that once I come back I have a physics exam the next day. It will be annoying having to study during the break, but that's what I get. But I think I'll have a good break, it will be nice to have no stress for a few weeks, and get a new computer and all that good stuff that will come with it. Well back to studying.

+"Thus it can be said the nucleolus consists basically of nucleolar organizers and the transcribed rRNA (plus associated proteins)." Car remember that purines are GAy.


"Duas da tarde, hora da cervejada"
09/12/2005 00:32

++ Uma coisa que eu acho estranho 'e o que geralmente menina e' facil de ofender. Por exemplo se a menina fala que tem comido muito ultimamente, e voce fala que sim, pode ter certeza que ela vai ficar de bico. Bom ultimamente eu tenho estudado muito entao nao tenho feito muita coisa.Lately I've been studying pretty hard, I'm almost impressed with myself, but I could study more.


"Que classe mais tranquera."
06/12/2005 00:19

++ I will probably be posting less often from now on, the problem is that I have exams coming up and my time is slowly getting shorter. The more I study the more I realize that I have a lot of work to do still. I only have one week left until my Biology exam and that's going to be a trickster, because it is cumulative of the whole semester and I only started studying this Saturday. I actually never touched the textbook before Saturday. I mean I touched it, I just never really did any of the readings or anything really. I'm kind of taking this class to be sort of like BIO150, which I would cram just before tests and get relatively high marks. The thing is I actually enjoyed BIO150, this class seems unorganized and a lot of the times I don't know what is expected of us. I went to every single lecture and when I look at the slides now, I realize that most of them are so vague that I can't even remember what the Prof. was talking about. Also, for some reason the Profs. in this class don't let us exchange lecture recordings due to copyright? I don't understand that, it's not like they actually discovered any of that stuff we learn, so how is it that re stating what we can read on a textbook an issue of copyright of our Profs.? Well I don't understand, I just wish at least the lecture slides were a bit more informative. The idea of fill in the blanks, what's up with that? We have to fill in blanks left out in the slides, and doing that we have even less time to be able to write any sort of description for different experiments or slides that don't make sense. Well maybe I am just a bit bitter because I am tired from studying, or maybe other people actually feel the same way I do. Well I'll stop here, I just wanted to wish Carlin good luck tomorrow on her interview, I know she will be great because she is great.


"Dear Dogbert, Are golfers athletes? - Dear Nerd, Yes, in the same way that moss is salad. Sincerely, Dogbert "
03/12/2005 12:56

++ Hey everyone. Yesterday my sister apparently got in a small car crash, the weird thing is that I had a dream on Monday that my sister got in a car accident, and when I woke up I almost emailed her to tell her to be careful. Well I didn't cause I thought it was silly to just do that because of a dream. I think that this kind of advice is welcome anytime. Then on the next day I dreamed that my friend Daniel from Brazil was also in an accident, I hope that didn't actually happen. Dreams are so weird. Sometimes you have repeated themes in them, sometimes you don't remember any dream you have for months. I wish I could understand them better, specially because in reality we spend a lot of time dreaming. Well today I will have to start doing some serious studying, yesterday I didn't study that much, or should I say at all.


"It's like you come onto this planet with a crayon box. Now, you may get the 8-pack, you may get the 16-pack. But it's all in what you do with the crayons, the colors that you're given."
01/12/2005 22:06

++ Holy cow, me and my roomate just ate 4 pounds of meat pie, I am so full. I can't believe that we got to that point. The thing is, we didn't realise they were so big until we finished them, and then we looked at the box and saw that each one of them contained 900g of pie and 200% of the daily amount of fat. Well that's what we did so now we have to live the next few hours with extremely full stomachs. I don't think I'm going to have any snack before bed tonight. Only brain snack, I have to study more biochemistry, so thats what I'll be doing for the next few hours.

+"Creaturas parecem que vieram de imperfeições. Parece que vem de um grande esforço e de uma frustração, e isso acho eu, e' de onde as linguagens vem. Pode vir de nosso desejo de entender e superar nosso isolamento e fazer algum tipo de conexão interpessoal com outros. E tinha q ser fácil, quando existia apenas a sobrevivência para a humanidade. Por exemplo, Água, nos inventamos um som para água."Um tigre atrás de vc!" Nós inventamos um som para isso tbm. Mas o mais intrigante na minha opinião, é quando agente usa nosso sistema de símbolos para comunicarmos as coisas abstratas e imperceptíveis usando nossos sensos, coisas que agente está passando. O que é raiva? o que é frustração? oq é amor? Quando eu falo "amor", voçê le as letras no seu computador, os seus nervos opticos transmitem a imagem para o seu cérebro, e seu cérebro interpreta a palavra amor e no mesmo momento vc lembra de todas as suas memorias relacionadas à "amor", amores passados e presentes, falta de amor e isso fica registrado no seu cerebro e vc pensa "Sim, eu sei oq é amor..." Mas como que vc entende o que é amor de verdade? Palavras são inertes, são somente simbolos, são mortas. Tantas das nossas experiencias sao inexplicáveis com os nossos sentidos, são intangíveis. Não se pode definir. Mas quando nos comunicamos um com o outro, sentimos uma conexão e achamos que a outra pessoa intendeu, acho eu que isso é basicamente um sentido de comunhão espiritual, mas esse é um sentimento transitório. mas na minha opinião é por isso que vivemos, é a nossa motivação."
