Other pictures

The first picture is from my good old friends from Brazil, my former band (Igor, Koniche, Mareti and Daniel).
The second picture is from two summers ago, Tony, Carlin and I, before she had to go away for school (and eventually come back)
Picture three is of my cousin Andre and Perro (Carlin's doggy).


Picture 4 here is from a little gathering we had with the old friends (Daniel, me, Rodrigo luvinha and Tony).
Tony, me and my cousin Debora drinking some fine "Agua de Coco".
Me, Daniel and Tony playing some songs for our own amusement.

Picture 7 is of me and my good friend Daniel
Carlin with puppy eyes and me.
Telinho (Marcelo), me and my sister.

My cousin's really cute dog.
A tucan from my old city's zoo.
Christmas dinner, the year Cathy came to visit us.

Me, Daniel and Ellen between his legs.
This is an old picture of Guilherme, Igor, me, Du Zabani, Mareti, Italo, Viao.
Mrs. Munky and little Munky Time.




Pictures by Barbara Silenieks and Leo Silenieks