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Bloomsbury Studies

Journal Articles:

"'Sublime Noise for Three Friends: The Role of Music in the Critical Writings of E.M. Forster, Roger Fry, and Charles Mauron." Modernist Studies: Literature and Culture 1920-40 (Special Issue on Roger Fry) 3.3 (1979): 141-50.

"Revolt and the Ideal in Bloomsbury." English Studies in Canada 5 (1979): 78-93.

Chapters in Books:

"'Sublime Noise' for Three Friends: The Role of Music in the Critical Writings of E.M. Forster, Roger Fry, and Charles Mauron." E.M. Forster: Centenary Revaluations. Eds. J.S. Hertz and R.K. Martin. London: Macmillan, 1982. 84-98.