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1. "Beautiful Losers: All the Polarities." The Canadian Novel in the Twentieth Century.  Ed. George Wood­cock. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1975. 298 -311.

2. "'Le Renégat ou un esprit confus' comme nouveau récit." Essays on Camus'   'Exile and the Kingdom'.  Ed. Judith Suther.  University of Mississippi Monographs, 1980.

3. "Formalist Aggression and the Act of Reading." Violence in the Canadian Novel Since 1960.  Eds. T. Goldie and V. Harger-Grinling.  St. John's:   Memorial University, 1981. 9-23.

4. "Narcissisme roussellien et le nouveau roman." Ecrivains de la modernité.    Ed. Brian T. Fitch.  Paris: Minard, 1981. 7-19.

5. "'Sublime Noise' for Three Friends: The Role of Music in the Critical  Writings of E.M. Forster, Roger Fry, and Charles Mauron."  E.M. Forster: Centenary Revaluations.  Eds. J.S. Hertz and R.K. Martin.  Lon­don:  Macmillan, 1982.  84-98.

6. "From Poetic to Narrative Structures: The Novels of Margaret Atwood."    Margaret Atwood: Language, Text, and System.  Ed. S.F. Grace and L. Weir.   Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.  17-31.

7. "Authorized Transgression: The Paradox of Parody." Le Singe à la porte:   Vers une théorie de la parodie.  Ed. Groupar.  New York: Peter Lang, 1984.  13-26.

8. "Novel in English, 1959-1980s." Canadian Encyclopedia.   Edmonton: Hurtig,   1985.  1293-4.

9. "Running in the Family: The Postmodernist Challenge." Spider Blues.  Ed.   Sam Solecki.  Montreal: Vehicule Press, 1985.  301-14.

10. "Margaret Atwood." Dictionary of Literary Biography.  Ed.  W.H. New. Volume  53. Detroit: Gale, 1986.  17-34.

11. "Shape Shifters."  A Mazing Space.  Ed. Shirley Neuman and Smaro Kamboureli.  Edmonton: NeW­est/Longspoon, 1986.  219-27.

12. "History and/as Intertext."   Future Indicative: Literary Theory and Canadian Literature.  Ed. John Moss.   Ottawa: University  of Ottawa   Press, 1987.  169-84.

13. "Present Tense: The Closing Panel" remarks. Future Indicative. 242-3.

14. "Metafictional Implications for Novelistic Reference." On Referring in Literature.  Ed. Anna Whiteside and Michael Isaacharoff.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.   1-13.

15. "A Postmodern Problematics."  Ethics/Aesthetics: Post-Modern Positions.  Ed.   Robert Merrill. Wash­ington: Maisonneuve Press, 1988. 1-10.

16. "The 'Real World(s)' of Fiction: John Fowles's  The French Lieutenant's Woman.'   Critical Essays on John Fowles.  Ed. E. Pifer.  Boston: Hall, 1988.

17. "Historiographic Metafiction: Parody and the Intertexts of History."  Intertextuality and Contemporary American Fiction. Eds. P. O'Donnell and Robert Con Davis.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.  3-32.

18. "Leonard Cohen and His Works." Canadian Writers and their Works. Toronto: ECW Press, 1989.   Published separately also.

19. "Confounding the Dark: A Symposium on Canadian Writing," in The Second Macmillan Anthology, ed. Leon Rooke and John Metcalf (Toronto: Macmillan,1989), 167-8; 178; 183-4.

20. "The Ex-centric: The Center that Would Not Hold." Feminism and Institutions: Dialogues on Feminist Theory.  Ed. Linda Kauffman.  Oxford: Blackwell, 1989. 141-65.

21. "Intertextuality." International Encyclopedia  of Communications, Vol. 2, ed. Erik Barnouw (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 349-51.

22. "Feminism and Postmodernism." Donna: Women in Italian Culture. Ed. Ada Testaferri (Toronto: Dovehouse Press, 1989), 25-37; translated into Italian and published in Il Mondo 3 1.1 (1994): 132-141.

23. "Foreword." Rosmarin Heidenreich, Narrative Patterns in Modern Canadian Fiction.  Waterloo:  Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1989. xi-xiv.

24. "The Novel." The Literary History of Canada. Vol. 4. Ed. W.H. New.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1989.  73-96.

25. "The Pastime of Past Time." Postmodern Genres. Ed. M. Perloff. Norman: U  of Oklahoma Press, 1989), 54-74; reprinted in Metafiction, ed. Mark Currie   (London: Longman, 1993) and in Postmodernism: A Reader, ed. Patricia Waugh   (London: Edward Arnold, 1992).

26. "Afterword to The Edible Woman." Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, reissue  of New Canadian Library edition, 1989.

27. "Leonard Cohen: Poetry." Canadian Writers and their Works: Essays on Form,Context, and Develop­ment.  Toronto: ECW Press, 1989. (also published separately)

28. "Revolt and the Ideal in Bloomsbury," Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, ed. D.Poupard and P. Kepos (Detroit: Gale, 1989).

29. "Double Visions." Contemporary Literary Criticism (Detroit: Gale, 1990).

30. "Fringe Interference," Theory Across the Disciplines. Ed. M. Cheetham and  M. Kreiswirth.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1990. 101-133.

31. "The Particular Meets the Universal."  Writing and Gender. Ed. L. Scheier,   S. Sheard, E. Wachtel. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1990. 148-51.

32. "The Canadian  Postmodern." Studies on Canadian Literature: Introductory  and Critical Essays.  Ed. Arnold Davidson.  New York: MLA, 1990. 18-33.    (Translated into Korean, Contemporary World Litera­ture [Fall 1991]: 46-63; also published in Chinese in Foreign Literature and Art Bimonthly 6  (1992): 227-44.)

33. "Circling the Downspout of Empire." Past the Last Post: Theorizing  Post-Colonialism and Post-Mod­ernism. Ed. I. Adam and H. Tiffin. Calgary:University of Calgary Press, 1990. 167-89; reprinted in Reader in Post-   Colonial Theory, Eds. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffin, Helen Tiffin. London and NY: Routledge, 1994. 130-35.

34. "Postmodernism's Ironic Paradoxes: Politics and Art," epilogue to Mark Cheetham, Remembering Postmodernism: Trends in Recent Canadian Art.   Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991. 109-33. French translation:   Montreal: Editions Liber, 1992.

35. "The Politics of  Postmodern Parody." Intertextuality. Ed. H.F. Plett. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1991. 225-36.

36. "Discourse, Power, Ideology." Postmodernism and Contemporary Fiction.  Ed. E.J. Smyth.  London: Batsford, 1991. 105-22.

37.  "As Canadian as..."  The Canadian Essay. Ed. Gerald Lynch and David Rampton. Toronto: Copp Clark, 1991. 330-51; reprinted in Roberta Birks,   Tomi Eng, Julie Walchli, eds., Landmarks: A Process Reader for Canadian Writers(Prentice Hall Canada), forthcoming.

38. "Christa  Wolf as Cassandra." The Brick Reader. Ed. Linda Spalding and Michael Ondaatje.  Toronto: Coach House Press, 1991. 142-7.

39. "Foreword." Pamela Cooper, The Fictions of John Fowles. Ottawa: University  of Ottawa Press, 1991. vii-viii.

40. "Black and White and Shades of Grey."  Introduction to The Drawings of Gail Geltner.  Toronto: Sec­ond Story Press, 1992. 7-14.

41.  "Canada's 'Post': Sampling Today's Fiction." Likely Stories: A Postmodern  Sampler.  Ed. George Bowering and Linda Hutcheon.  Toronto: Coach House Press, 1992. 9-16.

42. "The Power of Postmodern Irony." Genre, Trope, Gender.  Ed. Barry Rutland.    Ottawa: Carleton Uni­versity, 1992. 33-49.

43. "Parody and Romantic Ideology." Romantic Parodies, 1797-1831. Ed. David A. Kent and D. R. Ewen. London: Associated University Presses, 1992. 7-10.

44. "Introduction." Double-Talking. Ed. L. Hutcheon. Toronto: ECW Press, 1992. 11-38.

45. "Postmodernism" entry, Encyclopedia of Literary Theory. Ed. I.   Makaryk.  Toronto: University of To­ronto Press, 1993.  612-13.

46. "Charles Mauron" entry, Encyclopedia of Literary Theory. Ed. I.  Makaryk.  Toronto: University of To­ronto Press, 1993.  419-21.

47. "Splitting Images: The Postmodern Ironies of Women's Art." ReImagining Women: Representations of Women in Culture.  Eds.  S. Neuman and G. Stephenson.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. 256-70.

48. "Inscribing the Self and the Nation." Témoignages.  Ed. Shirley Neuman.   Ottawa: Canadian Federa­tion for the Humanities, 1993. 141-49.

49. "Umberto Eco's Holistic Detective Agency (with apologies to Dirk Gently)".      Scrittori, Tendenze Letterarie e Conflitto delle Poetiche in Italia (1960-1990). Ravenna: Longo, 1993. 107-116.

50. "Scare Quotes: Irony versus Nostalgia". Quotation: Re-presenting History.  Catalogue of exhibition at Winnipeg Art Gallery, Oct 23-Nov 22, 1994. 28-49.

51. "Sigmund Freud." The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism.  Eds. M. Kreiswirth and M. Groden.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

52. "Discourse, Communities, Politics: The Problem with Irony".  Realizing Community: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.  Eds. L.M. and Isobel M. Findlay. Saskatoon: Humanities Research Unit, University of Sas­katchewan, 1994. 36-62.

53. "Die Politisierung der Präfixe: postmodern, postkolonial, postkulturell:   Die Situation in Kanada."  Multikulturelle Gesellschaft: Modell Amerika.   Ed.  Berndt Ostendorf.  Munich: Fink, 1994. 155-66.

54. "Incredulity Toward Metanarrative: Negotiating Feminisms and  Postmodernism." Collaboration in the Feminine: Writings on Women and Culture from TESSERA.  Ed. Barbara Godard. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1994. 186-92.   Reprinted in Ambiguous Discourse: Feminist Narratology and British  Women Writ­ers.  Ed. K. Mezei (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P,  1996,  262-8;  and Postmodernism and Feminism in the Canadian  Context, ed. Shirin Kudchedkar (Delhi: Pencraft, 1995), 75-80.

55.  "Frye Recoded: Theory and the 'Conclusions'". The Legacy of Northrop Frye.      Ed. Alvin Lee and R. Denham.   Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995.  105-21.   Translated into Chinese in Foreign Liter­atures 2 (1995): 12-20.

56. "Interdisciplinary Possibilities: Opera and  Medicine?"   Constructive Criticism: The Human Sciences in the Age of Theory   Eds.   M. Kreiswirth and T. Carmichael. Toronto: University  of Toronto Press,  1995.   137-47. (with Michael Hutcheon)

57. "The Field Notes of the Public Critic." Introduction to the reissue of Northrop Frye, The Bush Garden. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 1995.  vii-xx.

58. "Den Frostschaden an den Wurzeln der kanadischen Imagination: Postmoderne und Postkolonialismus."  Amerika: Entdeckung, Eroberung, Erfindung.  Ed.   Winfried Herget.  Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1995. 227-40.

59. "The Politics of Impossible Worlds." Fiction Updated.  Eds. C.-A. Mihailescu and W. Hamarneh. To­ronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 213-26.

60. "Multicultural Furor: The Reception of Other Solitudes,"  Cultural Difference and the Literary Text.  Eds. Katrin Schwenk and Winfried Siemerling.  Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1996.  10-17.

61. “Richard Strauss’s Salome and Elektra: Aftershocks”. Canadian Opera Company 1996-1997 Souvenir Program, 16-18. (With Michael Hutcheon)

62. "Irony-clad Foucault."  Reading Umberto Eco. Ed. R. Capozzi.  Bloomington: Indiana  UP, 1997.  312-27.

63. “Cryptoethnicity.” Beyond the Godfather: Italian American Writers on the Real Italian American Experi­ence.  Ed. A. Kenneth Ciongoli and Jay Parini.  Hanover: University Press of New England, 1997. 247-57. 
64. “L’Estensione pragmatica della parodia.”  Dialettiche della Parodia.  Ed. Massimo Bonafin.  Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 1997. 75-96.

65. “Postmodern Film?” Postmodern After-Images: A Reader in film, Television and Video.  Ed. Peter Brooker and Will Brooker.  London: Arnold, 1997. 36-42. (Reprinted from The Politics of Postmodernism)

66.”Theorizing the Postmodern.” Twentieth-Century Literary Theory.  Ed. K.M. Newton.  London: Longmans, 1997. 275-82.

67. “Opera for Canadians... and the World,” Canadian Opera Company Souvenir Book 1997. 41-4. (With Michael Hutcheon)

68.  “Imagined Communities: Post-National Canadian Opera.”  The Work of Opera: Genre, Nationhood, and Sexual Difference. Eds. D. Fischlin and R. Dellamora.  New York: Columbia UP, 1997. 235-52. (with Michael Hutcheon)

69.   “A Crypto-ethnic Confession” The Anthology of Italian-Canadian Writing.  Ed. J. Pivato.  Toronto: Guernica, 1998. 314-23.

70. “Eco’s Echoes: Ironizing the Postmodern”,  Umberto Eco’s Alternative: The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation.  Eds. N. Bouchard and V. Pravadelli. New York: Peter Lang, 1998. 163-84.

71.  "'Old Tools', not 'New Noise': Postmodern Opera"  Postmodern Life.  Eds.  A. Lee and T. Carmichael. Dekalb: Northern Illinois UP, 2000. 155-171.

72.  “Staging the Female Body: Richard Strauss’s Salome,” Siren Songs: Gender and Sexuality in Opera.  Ed.  M-A Smart.  Princeton: Princeton UP, 2000. 204-221.  (With Michael Hutcheon)

73. “Fruitful Dualities: Contextualizing Crusz,” Floating the Borders: New Contexts in Canadian Criticism.  Ed. Nurjehan Aziz.  Toronto: TSAR P, 2000.  259-63

74. “A New Introduction, an Old Concern,” A Theory of Parody: The Teachings of Twentieth-Century Art Forms (republication of 1984 book).  Urbana and Chicago: U of Illinois P, 2000. xi-xvii.

75. “Rethinking the National Model”, in Rethinking Literary History: A Forum on Theory, ed. Linda Hutcheon and Mario Valdes (with Stephen Greenblatt, Homi Bhabha, Walter Mignolo, Marshall Brown), Oxford University Press, 2002. 3-49.

76. “Theorizing Literary History in Dialogue,” in Rethinking Literary History (see above). ix-xii. (with Mario J. Valdés)

77.  “Postmodernismo e femminismi”. Letteratura e femminismi. Ed. Maria Teresa Chialant and Eleonora Rao. Naples: Liguori, 2001. 249-60.

78. “‘Acting from the Midst of Identities’: Questions from Linda Hutcheon,” Productive Postmodernism: Consuming Histories and Cultural Studies, ed. John Duvall.  Albany: SUNY P, 2002. 199-207.

79. “Politique de l’ronie.”  Poétique de l’ironie.  Ed. Pierre Schoentjes. Paris: Seuil, 2001. 299-301.

80. “O Trabalho das mulheres: os irônicos desfios feministas.” O Voz da Crítica Canadesne No Feminino. Ed. Nubia Jacques Hanciau, Eliane T.a. Campello, Eloina Prati dos Santos. Rio Grande: Editora da Furg, 2001. 237-61..

81. “Postmodernism and Feminisms.” Postmodern Debates. Ed. Simon Malpas. London: Macmillan, 2001. 101-109.

82. “Culture on the Move: Rethinking Literature and Its History.”  Innovation: Essays by Leading Canadian Researchers.  Ed. James Downey and Lois Claxton. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2003. 87-93.

83. “Orientalism as Postimperial Witnessing,” Edward Said and the Post-Colonial. Ed. Hussein Kadhim and Bill Ashcroft..  Huntington, NY: Nova Science, 2001. 91-106.

84. “Theorizing Literary History in Dialogue.” Rethinking Literary History: A Dialogue on Theory.  Ed. Linda Hutcheon and Mario J. Valdes. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. ix-xiii. (With Mario Valdes)

85. “Rethinking the National Model.”  Rethinking Literary History: A Dialogue on Theory.  Ed. Linda Hutcheon and Mario J. Valdes. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. 3-49.

86. “O Trabalho das mulheres: os ironicos desafios feministas.” A voz da critica Canadense no feminino.  Ed. Nubia Jacques Hanciau, Eliane T.A. Campello, and Eloina Prati dos Santos. Rio Grande: Editoria da Furg, 2001. 237-61.

87. “La do Canada.” La do Canada.  Ed. Stella E.O. Tagnin. San Paolo: Editora Olavobras, 2002.

88. “Madama Butterfly.” Canadian Opera Company Souvenir Book 2002-3. 46-9 (with Michael Hutcheon)

89. “Eco’s Echoes: Ironizing the (Post)modern.” Reprinted from Diacritics in Contemporary Literary Criti­cism 142 (2002).

90. “‘Tutto nel mondo è burla’: Rethinking Late Style in Verdi (and Wagner).” Verdi 2001: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Ed. Fabrizio Della Seta, Roberta Montemorra Marvin, and Marco Marica. Florence: Olschki, 2003. 905-28.  (With Michael Hutcheon)

91. “From Page to Stage to Screen: The Age of Adaptation,” The University Professor Lecture Series. Ed. Michael Goldberg. Toronto: Faculty of Arts and Science, 2003. 37-54.

92. “Sigmund Freud.” Revised and updated entry for the Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory.  Ed. Martin Kreiswirth, Michael Groden, and Imre Szeman.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. 395-401.

93. “Smoking in Opera.” Smoke: A Global History of Smoking.  Ed. Sander Gilman and Zhou Xun.  London: Reaktion Press, 2004. 230-35. (with Michael Hutcheon)

94. “Rethiking Literary History--Comparatively”--General Editors’ Introduction to The Oxford His­tory of the  Literary Cultures of Latin America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. xxvii-xxx. (with Mario J. Valdés)

95. “Displacement and Anxiety: Empire and Opera,” Imperialisms: Historical and Literary Investigation, 1500-1900.  Ed. Balachandra Rajan and Elizabeth Sauer.  London: Palgrave, 2004. 203-16. (with Michael Hutcheon)

96. “Charles Mauron”, Companion to Modern French Thought. London: Fitray Dearborn, 2004. 377-80.

97. “Foreword: Women Reading Women Writing,” European Intertexts. Ed. P. Stoneman and Ana Maria Sanchez-Arce. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2004. 1

98. “Narrativizing the End: Death and Opera,” A Companion to Narrative Theory.  Ed. Peter Rabinowitz and James Phelan.  London: Blackwell, 2006. 441-50. (with Michael Hutcheon)

99. “Adapting (to) Reality: Cultural and Biological Reproduction,” Frances Leeming. “Genetic Admiration”. Exhibition Catalogue, Vtape Video Salon, March 2006.

100. “Comparative Literature: Congenitally Contrarian,” Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization. Ed. Haun Saussy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2006.

101. “Postmodern Film?” reprinted from Politics of Postmodernism in Film Theory: Critical Concepts. Ed. Philip Simpson, Andrew Utterson, and Karen Shepherdson.  London: Routledge, 2003.

102. “A Postmodern Poetics”, excerpted from Politics of Postmodernism in Postmodernism and the Contemporary Novel. Ed. Bram Nicol (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2003).

103. “Postmodernism,” Routledge Companion to Critical Theory, ed. Simon Malpas and Paul Wake (London and NY: Routledge, 2006) 115-26.

104. “Verdi’s Consumptive Heroine—Translated for Our Times” in Canadian Opera Company souvenir book 2006, 57-60 (with Michael Hutcheon)

105. “Irony, Nostalgia, and the Postmodern,”  in Іροнιя, a Ukrainian collection on irony (2007), 170-186.

106. “Travelling Stories: Knowledge, Activism, and the Humanities.” A Sense of the World: Fiction, Narrative, and Knowledge. Ed. John Gibson, Wolfgang Huemer and Luca Pocci. London and NY: Routledge, 2007. 206-215.

107. “Gone Forever, but Here to Stay: The Legacy of Postmodernism,”  Postmodernism. What Moment? Ed. Pelagia Goulimari. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007. 16-18.

108.”’The Canadian Mosaic,” (De)Contructing Canadianness: Myth of the Nation and its Discontents. Ed. Eugenia Sojka. Krakow: Kaotwice, 2007. 230-49.

109. “Museum Art vs. Living Art” (reprinted from Canadian Opera Company programme for The Flying Dutchman) in Portland Opera programme for the same opera. 2007. (with Michael Hutcheon)

110. “Beauvais Lyons: Hokes Medical Arts.” Catalogue essay for exhibit at Open Studio, 2008. (with Michael Hutcheon)

111. “’Editorial’ Afterthoughts” in Editing the Image: Strategies in the Production and Reception of the Visual, ed. Mark A. Cheetham, Elizabeth Legge, and Catherine M. Soussloff. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 2008. 199-205.

112. “Wagner e l’Europa postmoderna: le eridità della guerra” in Conflitti: Strategie di rappresentazione della Guerra nella cultura contemporanea. Rome: Meltemi, 2008. 77-84. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Jazz, Opera and the Ideologies of Race.” Opera and Race. Ed. Joseph So. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming.

“Postmodern European Wagner: The Legacies of War,” Conflitti, ed. Daniella Fortezza. Bologna: Meltemi, 2008 forthcoming), 4000 words (with Michael Hutcheon)

"Postmodernism and Feminisms." Essays on Postmodernism.  Ed. Hans Bertens. London: Macmillan, forthcoming.  Reprinted from Politics of Postmodernism.

 “Politics of Postmodernism”, anthology on aesthetics, edited by Eric Dayton (Broadview P), forthcoming.

 “As Canadian as Possible...Under the Circumstances.” A Passion for Identity. Ed. Bev Rasporich and Da­vid Taras.  Reprinted from Splitting Images (1991).  Forthcoming.

“Someday.” Contemporary Literary Criticism. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, forthcoming.  Reprinted from Canadian Literature 136 (1993): 179-81.

 “Reflexivity”, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory.  Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn, and Marie-Laure Ryan.  London and NY: Routledge, forthcoming.

“Opera,”  The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory.  Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn, and Marie-Laure Ryan.  London and NY: Routledge, forthcoming. (with Michael Hutcheon)