Refereed Publications
(* indicates corresponding author)
- Chang JK, Koo
M, Kao YY, Chiang JK* (2012) Association of sleep duration
and insulin resistance in Taiwanese vegetarians. BMC Public Health.
[2011 IF=2.00] 12(1):666.
[Publisher Full Text]
- Lin SC, Tsai KW, Chen MW, & Koo M* (2012)
Association between fatigue and Internet addiction in female hospital
nurses. (Accepted)
Journal of Advanced Nursing.
- Lai CY, Lai CM, Chen CY, & Koo M* (2012) Factors associated with non-utilization of mammographic screening services in middle-aged and elderly women in Taiwan. (in Chinese) Journal of Nursing Research 59(2):61-71.(賴金英、賴金梅、陳秋媛、辜美安。台灣中老年女性未接受乳房攝影篩檢之因子。護理雜誌。)[Abstract]
- Huang CF, Wang SF, Yeh YC, Lee MH, Chen SC, & Koo M* (2012) Prevalence and factors associated with metabolic syndrome in residents of Dalin township in Chiayi, Taiwan. (in Chinese) Tzu Chi Nursing Journal 11(1):72-84.(黃志芳、王聖棻、葉月嬌、李明和、陳尚志、辜美安。台灣南部中老年人代謝症候群盛行率及其相關因子。志為護理。)[Publisher full text]
- Koo M*, Norman CD, & Chang HM (2012) Psychometric evaluation of Chinese version of the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) in school age children. International Electronic Journal of Health Education 15:29-36 [Publisher Full Text]
- Chiang JK, Lai NS, Chang JK, & Koo M*
(2011) Predicting insulin resistance using the
triglyceride-to-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio in Taiwanese
adults. Cardiovascular
Diabetology 10:93. [2009 IF=2.72]
[Publisher Full Text]
- Ku CF & Koo M* (2011)
Association of distress symptoms and use of complementary medicine
among patients with cancer. Journal
of Clinical Nursing Nov 9. doi:
10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03884.x. (Epub ahead of print)[2009
- Koo M, Lee MH, Chang YY, Huang CF,
Chen SC, & Yeh YC* (2011) Factors associated with self-care
behaviors in middle-aged adults and elderly with diabetes. (in Chinese)
Journal of Nursing
58(5):43-52. (辜美安、李明和、張怡雅、黃志芳、陳尚志、葉月嬌。影響中老年糖尿病患者自我照顧行為之相關因子。護理雜
- Lin YC, Yeh YC, Lai YL, & Koo M* (2011) Physicians and nurses' attitudes towards complementary medicine use among patients in hospice wards. (in Chinese) Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care 16(1):27-41. (林育靖、葉月嬌、賴允亮、辜美安。安寧病房醫護人員對病患使用輔助療法的態度。安寧療護)[Abstract]
- Koo M, Lai CY, & Lin JH* (2011) Writing and publishing of medical and nursing scientific posters. (in Chinese) Formosan Journal of Medicine 15(6):668-676.(辜美安、賴金英、林俊宏。醫護學術壁報的寫作與發表。臺灣醫學。)
- Yeh YC, Chen SC, Huang CF, Lee MH, & Koo M* (2011) Writing and publishing in medical and nursing journals. (in Chinese) Formosan Journal of Medicine 15(2):217-224.(葉月嬌、陳尚志、黃志芳、李明和、辜美安。醫護期刊論文的寫作與發表。臺灣醫學。)[CEPS Abstract]
- Chen HM, Wang SF, Huang CF, Chau TT, & Koo M* (2011) Effect of healthy lifestyle intervention on hypercholesterolemia and other risk factors of metabolic syndrome in females. (in Chinese) Taiwan Journal of Family Medicine 20(4):167-177. [This paper was awarded by the Taiwan Association of Family Medicine as the best research paper published in the Taiwan Journal of Family Medicine in 2010] (陳暉明、王聖棻、黃志芳、周騰達、辜美安。健康生活型態介入對於女性高膽固醇血症及其他代謝症候群風險因子之影響。臺灣家庭醫學雜誌)本論文獲得 2011年「台灣家庭醫學雜誌最佳論文獎」 [CEPS Abstract]
- Koo M, Chang YY, Lee MH, Huang CF, Chen SC, & Yeh YC* (2011) Factors associated with the use of complementary and alternative medicine in middle-aged adults and elderly. (in Chinese) Taiwan Geriatrics and Gerontology 6(1):29-42. (辜美安、張怡雅、李明和、黃志芳、陳尚志、葉月嬌。中老年人使用輔助療法之相關因子。台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌。)[Publisher Full Text]
- Chiang JK, Fu CH, Kuo TBJ, & Koo M*
(2011) Association between frequency domain heart rate variability and
unplanned readmission to hospital in geriatric patients. BMC Public
Health 11:137. [2009 IF=2.22]
[Publisher Full Text]
- Chang RY, Koo M, Ho MY, Lin ZZ, Yu ZR,
& Wang BJ* (2011) Effect of Tai Chi on adiponectin and glucose
homeostasis in individuals with cardiovascular risk factors. European
Journal of Applied Physiology 111(1):57-66. [2009 IF=2.05]
& Koo Made equal contributions to this
- Han CY, Lin JC, Koo M, Yu ZR, & Shy IC* (2010) Cervical cancer screening in female prison inmates in Taichung. Taiwan Journal of Family Medicine 20(1):38-45. [CEPS Abstract]
- Koo M*, Tucker A, Cotterchio M, Kreiger N, McLaughlin J, & Gallinger S (2010) Randomized controlled trial of the use of an educational cancer website to increase cancer patient's participation into a research study. Asian Journal of Arts and Sciences 1(1):17-28. [Publisher Full Text]
- Peng SM, Koo M*, & Kuo JC
(2010) Effect of group music activity as an adjunctive therapy on
psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. Archives of
Psychiatric Nursing 24(6):429-434. [2009 IF=0.90]
- Lin SC, Tsai KW, Chiang JK, & Koo M* (2010) Factors associated with hospital readmissions of elderly residents in long-term care facilities. (in Chinese) Tzu Chi Nursing Journal 9(3):92-100. (林詩淳、蔡坤維、江瑞坤、辜美安。長期照護機構中的老人再次住院的相關因素探討。志為護理。)[Publisher Full Text]
- Chang RY, Koo M*, Kan CB, Yu ZR,
& Chu IT (2010) Effect of Tai Chi rehabilitation on heart rate
responses in patients with coronary artery disease. American Journal of
Chinese Medicine 38(3):461-472. [2009 IF=1.42]
- Chiang JK, Cheng YH, Koo M, Kao YH*,
& Chen CY (2010) A computer-assisted model for predicting
probability of dying within 7 days of hospice admission in patients
with terminal cancer. Japanese
Journal of Clinical Oncology
40(5):449-455. [2009 IF=1.50]
[Publisher full text]
- Chiang JK, Koo M, Kuo TBJ, &
Fu CH* (2010) Association between cardiovascular autonomic functions
and time to death in patients with terminal hepatocellular carcinoma.
Journal of Pain and
Symptom Management 39(4):673-679. [2009
- Shih MZ, Yang YH, & Koo M*
(2009) A meta-analysis of hypnosis in the treatment of depressive
symptoms: A brief communication. International
Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Hypnosis 57(4):431-442. [2009 SSCI
- Hsu CW, Chen MH, & Koo M* (2009) The investigation of the relief time in Shang-Han-Lun. Journal of Chinese Medicine 20(1,2):47-64. (in Chinese)(許菁雯、陳淼和、辜美安。傷寒論之欲解時析辨。中醫藥雜誌。[Publisher full text]
- Peng SM, Koo M*, & Yu ZR
(2009) Effects of music and essential oil inhalation on cardiac
autonomic balance in healthy individuals. Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine 15(1):53-57. [2009
- Chang RY*, Koo M, Yu ZR, Kan CB, Chu
IT, Hsu CT, & Chen CY (2008) The effect of T'ai Chi exercise on
autonomic nervous function of patients with coronary artery disease.
Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine 14(9):1107-1113.
[2009 IF=1.69]
- Wang SF, Koo M, & Chiang JK* (2008) The willingness in participating home care services for discharged patients among volunteers in health stations in Chiayi county. Formosan Journal of Medicine 12(1):7-15. (in Chinese) (王聖棻、辜美安、江瑞坤。嘉義縣衛生所志工參與出院病人居家照護意願。台灣醫學。)[CEPS Abstract]
- Lin CC, Pumsanguan W, Koo MMO, Huang HB, & Lee MS* (2007) Radiation protective effects of Cordyceps sinensis in blood cells. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 19(4):226-232. [Publisher abstract] [Publisher full text]
- Koezuka N*, Koo M, Allison KR, Adlaf
EM, Dwyer JJM, Faulkner G, & Goodman J (2006) The relationship
between sedentary activities and physical inactivity among adolescents
- Results from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Journal of
Adolescent Health 39(4):515-522. [2009 IF=3.33]
- Koo M* & Skinner H (2005)
Challenges of Internet recruitment: A case study with disappointing
results. Journal of
Medical Internet Research 7:e6. [2009
[Publisher full text]
- Koo M* & Skinner H (2003)
Improving web searches: Case study of quit-smoking Web sites for
teenagers. Journal of
Medical Internet Research 5:e28. [2009
[Publisher full text]
- Koo MM*, Rohan TE, Jain M, McLaughlin
JR, & Corey PN (2002) A cohort study of dietary fibre intake
and menarche. Public
Health Nutrition 5(2):353-360. [2009
- Koo MM & Rohan TE* (2000) Use
of World Wide Web-based directories for tracing subjects in
epidemiologic studies. American
Journal of Epidemiology 152(9):889-894.
[2009 IF=5.59]
[Publisher full text]
- Koo MM & Rohan TE* (1999)
Comparison of four habitual physical activity questionnaires in girls
aged 7-15 yr. Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise
31(3):421-427. [2009 IF=3.71]
- Koo MM & Rohan TE* (1997)
Accuracy of short-term recall of age at menarche. Annals of Human
Biology 24(1):61-64. [2009 IF=1.06]
- Koo M & Rohan T* (1996) Types
of advance notification in reminder letters and response rates.
7:215-216. [2009 IF=5.51]
- Koo M & Rohan T* (1995)
Printed signatures and response rates. Epidemiology 6:568.
- Sung MK, Kendall CWC, Koo MM,
& Rao AV* (1995) Effect of soybean saponin and gypsophilia
saponin on growth and viability of colon carcinoma cell in culture.
Nutrition and Cancer
23:259-270. [2009 IF=1.98]
- Rao AV, Shiwnarain N, Koo M, & Jenkins DJA* (1994) Effect of insoluble and soluble fibers on colonic microflora composition in human subjects. Nutrition Research 14:523-535. [2009 IF=1.20]
- Fernandes J, Wolever TMS, Rao AV, Morali G, Blendis LM, Koo
M, & Jenkins DJA* (1994). Effect of lactulose on
acetate metabolism in liver cirrhosis. Clinical and Investigative
Medicine 17:218-225. [2009 IF=1.15]
- Rao AV* & Koo M (1992) Effect of oral administration of bifidobacteria and Neosugar on plasma ammonia concentration in CF1 mice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 43:9-17. [2009 IF=1.31] [Publisher Abstract]
- Kendall CW, Koo M, Sokoloff E,
& Rao AV* (1992) Effect of dietary oxidized cholesterol on
azoxymethane-induced colonic preneoplasia in mice. Cancer Letter
66:241-248. [2009 IF=3.74]
- Koo M & Rao AV* (1991)
Long-term effect of bifidobacteria on precursor lesions of colonic
cancer in CF1 mice. Nutrition
and Cancer 16:249-257. [2009