% Bibliography of papers (co-)authored by Ali Mehrizi-Sani % Compiled by Ali Mehrizi-Sani, ali.mehrizi.sani@utoronto.ca % % Updated Oct. 10, 2009 @article{Filizadeh:2008:InterfacingEMTP, author = "Shaahin Filizadeh and Maziar Heidari and Ali Mehrizi-Sani and J. Jatskevich and J. A. Martinez", title = "Techniques for Interfacing Electromagnetic Transient Simulation Programs With General Mathematical Tools ({IEEE} Task Force on Interfacing Techniques for Simulation Tools)", journal = IEEE_J_PWRD, year = "2008", month = oct, vol = 24, number = 4, pages = "2610-2622", annote = {[Paper 06] Interfacing} };