Berlin, Adele. “Parallelism.” In D. N. Freedman (Ed.), The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary vol. 5, pp. 154–162, New York: Doubleday, 1992.

/ V 5, p 155 

PARALLELISM. Parallelism is the most prominent rhetorical figure in ancient Near Eastern poetry, and is also present, although less prominent, in biblical prose. It can be defined as the repetition of the same or related semantic content and/or grammatical structure in consecutive lines or verses. For example, in Ps 103:10 we find that both the sense and the structure of the first line are echoed, in different words, in the second:

Not according to our sins did he deal with us;

And not according to our transgressions did he requite us.

But, while the definition cited here works well for the most part, and the example of Ps 103:10 would be universally accepted as a parallelism, there is no consensus on precisely what parallelism is or how it works, and therefore no absolute criterion for identifying parallelisms. As we move farther away from identity or similarity between the two lines, more questions arise and there is more disagreement about the identification of a parallelism. For instance, some scholars would consider Ps 106:35 to be a parallelism while others would insist that it is not.

They intermingled with the nations;

They learned their ways.

What does seem certain, though, is that parallelism is a matter of relationships—between lines and/or parts of lines. The history of the study of biblical parallelism can be understood as a quest to determine the precise nature of the relationship between groups of words which give the strong impression of being related in at least one of a number of ways.

A.  The Study of Parallelism, Past and Present

B.  Types and Categories

1.   Synonymous, Antithetic, and Synthetic Parallelism

2.   Additional Types

a.   Chiastic Parallelism

b.   Staircase Parallelism

c.   Emblematic Parallelism

d.   Janus Parallelism

3.   Parallel Word Pairs

4.   Linguistic Models

a.   The Grammatical Aspect

b.   The Lexical Aspect

c.   The Semantic Aspect

d.   The Phonological Aspect

A. The Study of Parallelism, Past and Present

Biblical parallelism became the focus of scholarly attention as the result of Bishop Robert Lowth’s discussion of it in his De sacra poesi Hebraeorum (Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews) in 1753 and his Isaiah: A New Translation with a Preliminary Dissertation and Notes Critical, Philological, and Explanatory in 1778. To be sure, Lowth was not the first to notice the phenomenon of parallelism (for the pre-Lowthian history of the study of parallelism see Kugel 1981: 96–286), but, due to the then-current trends in biblical studies and his own prominence in the field, it was his definition, articulated in the introduction to Isaiah, that became the classic definition of parallelism.

The correspondence of one Verse, or Line, with another I call Parallelism. When a proposition is delivered, and a second is subjoined to it, or drawn under it, equivalent, or contrasted with it, in Sense; or similar to it in the form of Grammatical Construction; these I call Parallel Lines; and the words or phrases answering one to another in the corresponding Lines Parallel Terms.

Lowth spoke of the correspondence of parallel lines and terms. This was generally understood as sameness or identity by most of Lowth’s successors; so the emphasis was put on the synonymity or redundancy in parallelism to the neglect of parallelism’s other dimension: variation and continuity. Studies of parallelism from the late 18th century until the 1980s reiterated, with ever-increasing refinements, the basic sameness of parallel lines. Not until the work of J. Kugel and R. Alter was the balance rectified. Kugel rejected the notion of the synonymity of parallel lines, replacing it with the notion of continuity: “A, what’s more, B.” In a similar vein, Alter spoke of the “consequentiality” of parallel lines. The views of Kugel and Alter place the emphasis on the difference between parallel lines. Parallel lines could now be seen as adding new information, containing an intensification or a progression, rather than just going over old material in new words. This shift in perception can be illustrated in Ps 18:9—Eng 18:8 (= 2 Sam 22:9).

  / V 5, p 156  Smoke went up from his nostrils;

From his mouth came devouring fire;

Live coals blazed forth from him.

Most biblical scholars would view these lines as synonymous; Kugel and Alter would see in them an intensification and/or a progression. Actually, it is not a question of either sameness of difference, either synonymity or continuity; both dimensions are equally present in parallelism, and it is the creative tension between them that makes this such a pleasing figure.

Both Kugel and Alter came to the study of the Bible from literary criticism, and both brought their finely honed skills as readers to parallelistic texts. But literary criticism often eschews precise analysis in favor of more diffuse observations. So, while achieving a reorientation of the view of parallelism, Kugel and Alter achieve it only at a level of extreme generality. They offer only the vaguest definitions of parallelism and do not provide the criteria for deeper analysis of its workings.

There are at least two potentially more “scientific” models for the analysis of parallelism: the mathematical and the linguistic. A mathematical approach, stressing the symmetries between parallel lines, is espoused half-heartedly by W. G. E. Watson (1984: 114–119), but for the most part Watson relies either on grammatical models or those preceding them. Linguistic models have been proposed by S. A. Geller, E. Greenstein, and A. Berlin. All three draw on modern linguistics, especially transformational grammar and the views of R. Jakobson (see below).

While there are major differences between 18th and 19th century studies and the most recent studies of parallelism, they have some things in common. All attempt to analyze parallelistic texts with the most current literary and linguistic tools available; and all seek to define the relationships that pertain between parallel lines. In some sense, therefore, Lowth’s definition remains classic, and his terms like “correspondence,” “equivalent,” and “contrasted,” if interpreted in their broadest sense, remain relevant to the study of parallelism.

B. Types and Categories

The preceding section presented a simplified summary of the major approaches to the study of parallelism. But most scholars’ energy was spent in the detailed analysis of specific types and subtypes of parallelism. Here, too, Lowth’s work served as a guide to his own and later generations, for in his Isaiah he provided a framework for the classification of types.


1. Synonymous, Antithetic, and Synthetic Parallelism. Based on the semantic relationship of the parallel lines, Lowth reduced parallelism to three sorts: synonymous, antithetic, and synthetic. In synonymous parallelism the same sense is expressed in different but equivalent terms: “When a proposition is delivered; and is immediately repeated, in whole or in part, the expression being varied, but the sense entirely or nearly the same.” An example is Ps 112:1:

Happy is the man who fears the Lord;

Who is greatly devoted to his commandments.

Notice that the meaning of both lines need not be identical, only “nearly the same,” and that terms found in the first line may be lacking in the second (and vice versa). In fact, there is considerable latitude in all of Lowth’s categories, which later biblicists sought to constrict.

In antithetic parallelism “two lines correspond with one another by an opposition of terms and sentiments.” The antithesis may range from “exact contraposition of word to word” to “a general disparity.” Prov 10:1 illustrates:

A wise son makes glad his father;

But a foolish son is the grief of his mother.

In synthetic parallelism (also called constructive or formal parallelism), according to Lowth,

the parallelism consists only in the similar form of construction; in which word does not answer to word, and sentence to sentence, as equivalent or opposite; but there is a correspondence and equality between different propositions, in respect of the shape and turn of the whole sentence, and of the constructive parts …

Eccl 11:2 is an example:

Give a portion to seven, and also to eight;

For you do not know what evil shall be upon the earth.

This is the loosest of Lowth’s categories, and the one that received the most criticism. Some viewed it as a catchall of miscellaneous, difficult-to-categorize cases, and others did not think that it was a legitimate form of parallelism at all.


2. Additional Types. As parallelism was studied more closely, its many permutations became evident: word order might vary from line to line; some terms might be ellipsed and others added (i.e., the parallelism might be termed complete or incomplete; incomplete parallelism might or might not have compensation), and so forth. To some extent, Lowth had allowed for these permutations within his three types, but, given the scholarly penchant for categorizing and labeling, it was not long before the number of types grew. Many of the additional types are not of the same order as Lowth’s; that is, in one sense they can be considered subtypes and in another sense they cut across the lines of the original three types. The most well-known of these additional types will be presented here.

a. Chiastic Parallelism. The order of the terms in the first line is reversed in the second line, yielding an AB//BA pattern, as in Jer 4:5a:

Proclaim in Judah;

And in Jerusalem announce.

More than two sets of terms may be involved: ABC//CBA, etc. Chiastic patterning is not limited to parallelism, but it is often found in parallel lines.

b. Staircase Parallelism. A steplike pattern in which some elements from the first line are repeated verbatim in the second and others are added to complete the thought. Judg 5:12 provides an illustration:

  / V 5, p 157  Awake, awake, Deborah;

Awake, awake, chant a song.

(Cf. Greenstein 1974 and 1977; Loewenstamm 1975; Watson 1984: 150–56).

c. Emblematic Parallelism. A parallelism in which a simile or metaphor forms one of the lines, as in Ps 42:2:

As a hind yearns for watercourses;

So my soul yearns for you, God.

d. Janus Parallelism. This type of parallelism hinges on the use of a single word with two different meanings, one of which forms a parallel with what precedes and the other with what follows. Thus, by virtue of a double entendre, the parallelism faces in both directions. An example is Gen 49:26:

The blessings of your father

Surpass the blessings of my ancestors/mountains [hwry]

To the utmost bounds of the eternal hills.

(Cf. Watson 1984: 159; Rendsburg 1980).


3. Parallel Word Pairs. Although 20th-century scholars continued to refine the distinctions involving the relationships between parallel lines as a whole, the major efforts were placed on the analysis of certain sets of parallel terms, or, as they came to be known, fixed word pairs. Lowth had mentioned parallel terms (“words or phrases answering one to another in corresponding lines”), but it was the discovery and decipherment of Ugaritic poetry, together with the ascendancy of the Parry-Lord theory of oral composition, that spurred the collection, from biblical and Ugaritic poetic texts, of sets of terms that recur frequently in parallelisms. The emphasis was on recurrence—those terms, like “day” and “night,” “heaven” and “earth,” which were found together frequently. It was thought that such pairs were the functional equivalents of the formulas in Greek and Yugoslavian poetry that enabled a poet to compose orally. Lists of these pairs grew long (they number over 1,000), as did the bibliography on word pairs (See primarily Dahood Psalms AB, 3.445–56; Dahood 1972, 1975, and 1981. See also Avishur 1977; Berlin 1983, 1985: 64–80; Boling 1960; Cassuto 1971; Craigie 1971, 1979a, 1979b; Culley 1967; Gevirtz 1963; Held 1953, 1962, 1965; Kugel 1981: 27–39; Melamed 1961, 1964; O’Connor 1980: 96–109; Watson 1984: 128–43; Watters 1976; Whallon 1963, 1969; Yoder 1970, 1971.) Attention was paid to frequency, to the order in which the members of a pair occurred, and to their grammatical form. Inevitably, there were attempts to categorize the semantic relationship between words in a pair: synonyms, antonyms, a whole and a part, abstract and concrete, common term and rare or archaic term, the breakup of stereotyped phrases. In the last, a conventional phrase is split, one part occurring in one line and the other in the next line (cf. Melamed 1961, 1964). For instance, the phrase “horses and chariots,” a conventional combination (cf. Josh 11:4), is split in Zech 9:10:

I shall banish chariots from Ephraim;

And horses from Jerusalem.

Likewise in Ps 20:8—Eng 20:7:

These (call) on chariots;

And those on horses.

It was also noticed that numbers obey a formula, x // x+1, when they appear in parallelism. Thus “three” parallels “four” (Amos 1:3); “six” parallels “seven” (Job 5:19). The principle may employ a factor of 10: “one thousand” parallels “ten thousand” (Ps 91:7).

Many scholars saw in word pairs the essence of parallelism, the sine qua non without which parallel lines could not exist. Furthermore, it was suggested, these pairs formed a kind of “poet’s dictionary”—a poetic substratum on which poets might draw in order to compose parallelisms. These conclusions reflect the fact that the impetus for the study of word pairs was intimately bound up with theories of oral composition, unproved and unprovable at least for biblical poetry. But even when these theories came under criticism, the collecting of word pairs did not cease, for word pairs had taken on a life of their own in biblical studies. As such, this enterprise represents one of the most extensive lexical studies of ancient texts. The preoccupation with word pairs focused attention on the similarities between Hebrew and Ugaritic poetry, and on certain of their lexical aspects, but it did so to the neglect of the rest of the parallelism and the pairing of other terms in it which did not occur with any notable frequency. Moreover, it threatened to perpetuate certain misunderstandings about the nature of parallelism and the nature of word pairs. (Cf. Kugel 1981: 27–39; Berlin 1983, 1985: 64–80.)


4. Linguistic Models. By the 1970s the influence of modern linguistic research, especially structural linguistics and transformational grammar, began to be felt in biblical studies. Interest in the grammatical analysis of poetry grew, and with it, the grammatical analysis of parallelism. A number of scholars (Berlin, Collins, Geller, Greenstein, O’Connor, Pardee, Watson), working independently, offered grammatical treatments of parallelism. They varied somewhat in type and level of analysis (cf. Berlin 1985: 18–30), but they all signaled a return to the analysis of the line as a whole, rather than the concentration on word pairs; and they all showed that linguistics had something new and important to contribute to the study of parallelism.

No modern linguist has had more impact on the study of parallelism, both within and outside of the Bible, than Roman Jakobson. Jakobson’s (1966: 423) most famous dictum on the subject was

Pervasive parallelism inevitably activates all the levels of language—the distinctive features, inherent and prosodic, the morphological and syntactic categories and forms, the lexical units and their semantic classes in both their convergences and divergences acquire an autonomous poetic value.

This was taken by both Stephen Geller (1979) and Adele Berlin (1979, 1985) as a programmatic guide for the analysis of biblical parallelism. Geller limited his treatment to the grammatical aspect, as did Berlin 1979 (cf. also   / V 5, p 158  Greenstein 1982), but Berlin’s 1985 work offered a more comprehensive linguistic description, including areas and issues previously dealt with in word pair studies. Since this is the broadest and most recent study, a detailed summary of it will be presented here.

Parallel can be viewed as a linguistic phenomenon involving linguistic equivalences and/or contrasts that may occur on the level of the word, the line, or larger areas of text. (For the most part, biblical parallelism operates at the level of the line.) Equivalence does not mean only identity, but a word or construction that, linguistically speaking, belongs to the same category or paradigm, or to the same sequence or syntagm. One can discuss four linguistic aspects which may be activated in parallelism: the grammatical aspect, the lexical aspect, the semantic aspect, and the phonological aspect.

a. The Grammatical Aspect. In grammatical parallelism the syntax of the lines is equivalent; i.e., their deep structures (and perhaps their surface structures as well) are the same. For example, the surface structures are the same in both lines (in the Hebrew) of Ps 103:10:

Not according to our sins did he deal with us;

And not according to our transgressions did he requite us.

Many parallelisms, however, employ lines of different surface structure which can be related back, using the methodology of transformational grammar, to the same underlying deep structure. A nominal clause may be paired with a verbal clause, as in Mic 6:2b.

For the Lord has a quarrel with his people;

And with Israel will he dispute.

A positive clause may be paired with a negative clause, as in Prov 6:20:

Guard, my son, the commandment of your father;

And do not forsake the teaching of your mother.

The subject of one clause may become the object in the next clause, as in Gen 27:29:

Be a lord over your brothers;

Let the sons of your mother bow before you.

There may be contrast in grammatical mood: an indicative may parallel an interrogative, an imperative may parallel a jussive, etc. In Ps 6:6—Eng 6:5 a negative indicative is paired with an interrogative.

For in Death there is no mention of you;

In Sheol who can acclaim you?

The seeds of grammatical analysis are present in Lowth’s definition (“similar to it in the form of Grammatical Construction”), but Lowth and his successors did not develop it because their understanding of grammar was quite different from that of modern linguists and they lacked the tools for this type of analysis.

Parts of lines are also subject to grammatical, or morphological, analysis. Parallel terms may be of different word classes: e.g., noun // pronoun; noun, adjective, or participle // verb, etc. The first is illustrated in Ps 33:2:

Praise the Lord with a lyre;

With the ten-stringed harp sing to him.

The second can be seen in Ps 145:18:

The Lord is near to all his callers;

To all who call him in truth.

This type of morphological pairing is possible because the forms paired can be substituted for each other in a sentence. That is, they belong to the same paradigm and are, therefore, linguistically equivalent.

When parallel terms are from the same word class (e.g., both nouns), there may be other morphological contrasts present: the tense or conjugation of verbs may be different; there may be contrast in the number, gender, or definiteness of nouns. In fact, to quote P. Kiparsky (1973: 235): “the linguistic sames which are potentially relevant in poetry are just those which are potentially relevant in grammar.” One could easily substitute the word “parallelism” for “poetry” in this statement, for in parallelism any grammatically equivalent form (“linguistic same”) can be paired with another. Some examples follow:

(a). The tenses contrast (qtl // yqtl) in Ps 26:4:

I do not [Heb: did not] consort with scoundrels;

And with hypocrites I do not [Heb: will not] associate.

(b) The conjugations contrast (qal // niphʿal) in Ps 24:7:

Lift up, O gates, your heads;

And be lifted up, O eternal doors.par

(c) A singular parallels a plural in Prov 14:12 = 16:25:

There is a right path before man;

But its end is paths of death.

Note that the same word is used in both forms. Often different words, one in each number, are used, as in Deut 32:7 (“remember” [sing.] // “consider” [pl.]) and Lam 5:17 (“this” // “these”).

(d) In Lam 3:47 the terms in the first line lack the definite article while those in the second line have it.

Panic and pitfall were ours;

The desolation and the destruction.

There are other types of grammatical equivalences and contrasts, and numerous examples of each. The benefit of such a grammatical approach to parallelism is that it can account for the many permutations which earlier approaches were at a loss to explain, and it can relate, under one rubric, in a holistic manner, many phenomena which were previously considered disparate.

b. The Lexical Aspect. Earlier approaches dealt with one facet of the lexical aspect of parallelism—fixed word pairs. But actually, there is no reason to limit the discussion  / V 5, p 159  only to fixed, or frequently recurring, pairs. All parallelisms involve the pairing of terms, and all lexical pairings can be better understood through recourse to linguistics.

The process whereby terms are paired in parallelism is similar to the process which generates associations in psycholinguistic word association games. That is, parallel word pairs are the product of normal linguistic association. Every word has a potential mate, and it does not require any special training or talent to produce one.

Linguists have discovered rules that account for the kinds of associations that are made. They have noted that in word association games a word may elicit itself; and so in parallelism, a word may be paired with the same word, or with a word from the same root (cf. 2 Sam 22:7; Job 6:15). They have also noted that a word may have a number of different associates, and that some are likely to be generated more often than others.

The rules for word association are categorized as paradigmatic or syntagmatic. In paradigmatic operations, a word is chosen from the same category and may substitute for the given word. The most common type of paradigmatic choice is one with minimal contrast, which produces an “opposite,” as in good-bad, man-woman. A related type of operation invokes the “Feature Deletion and Addition Rule.” The features of a word are listed hierarchically by linguists; for example, father = noun, singular, animate, human, parent, male. When a feature is deleted it is usually done from the end of the list, so that father will more likely generate mother (changing male to female) or son (changing parent to its reverse) rather than something involving a change higher on the list, like ram. The preferred change is the change of a sign (plus or minus), i.e., +/− male, +/− parent. This yields minimal contrast. If a feature is deleted, the result is a superordinate, as in father-man. An added feature produces a subordinate, as in fruit-apple. If another word is chosen with the same list of features, we have a coordinate, as in cat-dog (both are noun, singular, animate, mammal, domesticated, etc.). The higher on the list a feature is, the less likely that it will be changed. This accounts, first of all, for the tendency toward paradigmatic responses (i.e., associations involving the same class of words). It also explains why certain responses occur more frequently than others.

Syntagmatic responses involve the choice of an associate from the same sequence rather than the same class. Often this is realized in the completion of idioms. In English the word cottage will often evoke cheese. This is similar to the phenomenon described by Melamed (1961; 1964) as the breakup of stereotyped phrases. Conventional coordinates, like sws-rkb (“horse-chariot/driver”), ḥsd-ʾmt (“loyalty-truth”), may be paired in parallel lines. Another type of syntagmatic pairing in the Bible involves the splitting up of the components of a personal or geographic name: Balak // king of Moab (Num 23:7); Ephrathah // Bethlehem (Ruth 4:11). There are also other examples of syntagmatic pairings such as chair // sit (Isa 16:5; Lam 5:19) and write // book (Job 19:23).

While lexical parallelism, that is, the pairing of associated words, generally accompanies grammatical parallelism, it can occur in lines which are not grammatically parallel (at least paradigmatically). An example is Ps 111:6:

The power of his deeds he told to his people (ʿmw)

In giving to them the inheritance of nations (gwym).

The syntactic structure of the lines is not equivalent, but the pair people-nation is a known association. There are other cases in which the lexical pairing occurs in addition to semantic pairing; a creative tension between the two may be at play. Job 5:14 provides an illustration:

By day they encounter darkness;

And as in the night they grope at noon.

The semantic and grammatical pair is day-noon, but the common lexical associates day-night gives an added dimension to the parallelism.

c. The Semantic Aspect. The semantic aspect pertains to the relationship between the meaning of the parallel lines. It was this relationship that Lowth categorized as synonymous, antithetic, or synthetic; and which Kugel described as “A, what’s more, B” (see above). From a linguistic perspective, the semantic relationships in parallel lines, like the lexical relationship between word pairs, can be viewed as either paradigmatic or syntagmatic.

It is not always so easy, however, to categorize particular examples as one or the other. Sometimes the relationship is ambiguous and would be interpreted differently by different readers. Take, for example, Hab 3:3:

His glory covers heaven;

And the earth is full of his praise

It is possible to analyze these lines as paradigmatic—each conveying a similar meaning; on the other hand, the second line may be perceived as a result of the first, in which case there would be a semantic sequence, or syntagm.

In many cases both paradigmatic and syntagmatic elements are present, as in Isa 40:9:

Ascend a high hill, herald (to) Zion;

Lift your voice aloud, herald (to) Jerusalem.

The actions of the herald are sequential, but the vocatives (“herald to Zion/Jerusalem”) are paradigmatic. It appears to be in the nature of parallelism to combine these two forces, so that the expression advances even as the lines are bound firmly together. In this way the second line of a parallelism often disambiguates, or clarifies, the first; or on a more abstract level, parallelism may serve as a metaphor.

A thorn comes to the hand of a drunkard;

And a proverb to the mouth of fools. (Prov 26:9)

d. The Phonological Aspect. Sound equivalences may be activated in parallelism just as grammatical and lexical equivalences are. Often this takes the form of sound pairs—the pairing of terms that are phonologically equivalent (i.e., they contain the same or linguistically related consonants). In some cases the sound pairs are also word pairs: šlwm // šlwh, “peace // tranquility” in Ps 122:7; bwrk // bʾrk, “your cistern // your well” in Prov 5:15; šwṭ // šbṭ, “whip   / V 5, p 160  // rod” in Prov 26:3. More often, it seems, sound pairs are not lexical or semantic pairs; they may not even be from the same word class.

He made the moon for time-markers [mwʿdym]:

The sun knows its setting [ydʿ mbwʾw]. (Ps 104:19)

I will cut off your horses from your midst [mqrbk]; your chariots [mrkbtyk]. (Mic 5:9)

(In this last verse the lexical pairs are horses // chariots.)

Several sound pairs may occur in a parallelism and they may be patterned in different ways: AABB, ABAB, ABBA. The effect of sound pairs is to reinforce the bond created by the other forms of equivalence between the parts of the parallelism. Sound pairs provide an added dimension, an additional type of linguistic equivalence. The more equivalences there are in a parallelism, the stronger is the sense of correspondence between one line and the next. This, in turn, promotes the perception of semantic unity. The various linguistic equivalences may act in concert, or they may produce an artistic tension, creating an interplay that adds to the interest of the parallelism.

Because there are infinite possibilities for activating linguistic equivalences, there are infinite possibilities for constructing parallelisms. No parallelism is “better” or “more complete” than any other. Each is constructed for its own purpose and context. The device of parallelism is extraordinarily flexible, and its expressive capabilities and appeal are enormous, as the poets of the ANE discovered long ago.





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