
A View of Popish Abuses yet Remaining in the Englishe Church, for the Which Godly Miniters have Refused to Subscribe


'On Vestments'

The 2. Article

That the manner and order appointed by publique authoritie about the administration of the Sacraments and common prayers, and that the apparel by sufficient authoritie appointed for the ministers within the church of England, be not wicked nor against the word of God, but tollerable, and being commanded for order and obedience sake, are to be used.

For the order of administration of Sacraments and common prayer, enough is said before, al the service and administration is tyed to a surplesse, in Cathedrall churches they must have a coape, they receave the Communion kneelyng, they use not for the moste part common bread according to the word of God, and the statute, but starch bread accordyng to the Injunction. They commonly minister the Sacraments without preachyng the worde.

And as for the apparell, though we have ben long borne in hand, and yet are, that it is for order and decencie commanded, yet we know and have proved that there is neither order, nor cumlines, nor obedience in using it. There is no order in it, but confusion: No cumlines, but deformitie: No obedience, but disobedience, both against God and the Prince. We marvel that they could espie in their last Synode, that a gray Amise, which is but a garment of dignitie, shoulde be a garment (as they say) defyled with superstition, and yet that copes, caps, surplesses, tippets and suche lyke baggage, the preachyng signes of popysh priesthode, the popes creatures, kept in the same forme to this end, to bryng dignitie and reverence to the Ministers and Sacraments, shoulde be retayned styll, and not abolyshed. But they are as the garments of the Idole, to which we should say, avaunt and get thee hence. They are as the garments of the Balamites, of popish priestes, enemies to God and all Christians. They serve not to edification, they 6 have the shewe of evyll (seyng the popysh priesthode is evyll), they worke discorde, they hinder the preachyng of the Gospel, they kepe the memorie of Egipt styl amongst us, and put us in mynd of that abomination wherunto they in times past have served, they bryng the ministerie into contempte, they offend the weake, they encourage the obstinate. Therfore can no authoritie by the word of God, with any pretence of order and obedience command them, nor make them in any wyse tollerable, but by circumstances, they are wicked, & against the word of God.

If this be not playne enoughe by that which is already set forth, we mynde by Gods grace to make it playner, and should doe it better, if it were as lawfull for us (as for our adversaries) to publish our mindes in print. Then shoude appeare what slender stuffe they bring, that are so impudent by open writyng to defend it. And if it might please her Majestie, by the advise of you right Honorable, in this high Courte of Parliament to heare us, by wryting or otherwyse to defende our selves, then (such is the equitie of our cause) that we wolde trust to fynd favour in her Majesties sight: Then those patched Pamphlets made by suddaine upstartes, and new converts, shoulde appeare in their cullours, and truth have the victorie, and God the glorie. If this can not be obtayned, we wyll by Gods grace addresse ourselves to defend his truth by suffring, and willingly lay our heads to the blocke, and this shall be our peace, to have quiet consciences with our God; whome we wyl abyde for, with al pacience, untyll he worke our full deliverance.