© G. Baum, E. Caunitz and E. Reuss, eds., Corpus Reformatorum (Opera Calvini), 59 vols. (Brunswick: 1863-90) vol. 38, cols. 45-6. Translated by G.R. Potter and M. Greengrass under the title John Calvin (London: Edward Arnold, 1983) pp.105-6.

06.59 Parish visitation in Geneva's villages ©

Ordinance of the syndics and council of Geneva, 11 January 1546

In order, firstly, to preserve an acceptable unity of doctrine throughout the churches of Geneva - that is in the town and the parishes dependent upon it - the magistrates should elect two members of their council and the company of pastors should elect two from their membership to pay a visit once a year to each parish to check that the minister there has not propounded any new doctrine, against the purity of the holy scriptures.

Secondly, this will also serve to check whether the minister preaches well, or whether he preaches so badly that he teaches nothing, that he is obscure, that he preaches about irrelevant issues; whether he is too strict, or is reprehensible in some way or other.

Thirdly, to exhort the people to go more often to hear sermons, to enjoy them and to profit from them so that they can live Christian lives...

Authorized heads of enquiry for a parochial visitation, May 1542

On Sermons

1. Every household to come to church every Sunday save for those left behind to look after the cattle or the children. Fine 3 sols.

2. If a preaching service has been arranged on a weekday then all who are free to attend should do so and at least one person from each household. Fine 3 sols.

3. Those who have domestics or servant girls should bring them too or send them when they can so that they do not remain in complete ignorance...

5. During the sermon each should listen attentively without causing disturbances or misbehaving.

6. No one should leave the church before the end of the sermon without good cause. Fine 3 sols.


Since each preacher has two parishes, the catechism should take place in each one every fortnight. Those who have children should send them along with the rest of the household which had not attended the sermon.


1. Churchwardens [gardes] should warn heads of households of any fault in themselves or their family.

2. If, after being warned, they continue in default, they should be fined and a third of the proceeds should go to the warden and two thirds to the parish...

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