Wednesday, April 18th, 2007
Noon - 5:00 pm
Massey College, at the University of Toronto
What is the role of medical schools today?
Join us for a lively discussion with leaders from medical education, clinical medicine, academia, and industry.
Recent events have highlighted the dual role of medical schools and Health Science Centres at the crossroads of education and enterprise. This is increasingly true in an era where knowledge translation for the production of products is emphasized and multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral collaboration encouraged. Great advances in health and disease treatment have been accomplished through biotechnology and industrial/instrumentation development.
Yet this trend has also created conflict and controversies regarding the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and the academic medical community. Ultimately, it falls to the university to balance its traditional roles of education, critical inquiry and knowledge generation with the more recent emphasis on entrepreneurship. This inaugural Massey College Medical Symposium will explore issues around our academic institutions’ missions, while maintaining a sense of social responsibility, managing conflicts of interest and assisting in the generation and translation of new knowledge to benefit society.