
Muhammad Pervaiz

Research Fellow, Faculty of Forestry, UOT




Published Papers


1.     Pervaiz, M., and Sain, M. (2012) “High-yield protein recovery from secondary sludge of paper mill effluent and its characterization,” BioResources 7(3), 2933-2947


2.     Pervaiz, M., and Sain, M. (2011) Protein extraction from secondary sludge of paper mill wastewater and its utilization as a wood adhesive,” BioResources 6(2), 961-970


3.     Pervaiz, M., and Sain, M. (2010) Extraction and characterization of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from waste sludge of pulp and paper mill,” International Review of Chemical Engineering (I.RE.CH.E) 2(4), 550-554


4.     Pervaiz, Muhammad and Correa, Carlos A. (2009)  Biorefinaria: desenvolvimento de plataformas químicas através de tecnologias integradas de biomassa(Biorefinary: development of chemical platforms through integrated technologies of biomass). Polímeros, 2009, vol.19, no.1, p.E9-E11. ISSN 0104-1428


5.     Pervaiz M, Sain M (2006) Biorefinery: Opportunities and Barriers for Petro-Chemical Industries.” J. Pulp and Paper Canada, June 2006, 31-33


  1. Pervaiz M, Sain M, Ghosh A..(2006) Evaluation Of The Influence Of Fibre Length and Concentration on Mechanical Performance of Hemp Fibre Reinforced Polypropylene Composite”, Journal of Natural Fibers  2(4), 67-84


7.     Pervaiz M, Sain M (2004) High Performance Natural Fiber Thermoplastics for Automotive Interior Parts”. SAE Technical Report. # 2004-01-0729. Presented at SAE 2004 World Congress & Exhibition, March 2004, Detroit, MI, USA, Session: Advances in Plastic Components, Processes, and Technologies (Part 3)


  1. Pervaiz M, Sain M.  (2003) “Carbon Storage Potential in Natural Fiber Composites”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 39, 325-340


  1. Pervaiz M, Sain M. (2003) “Sheet Molded Polyolefin Natural Fiber Composites for Automotive  Applications”, Macromolecular Materials & Engineering 288, 553-557.





Conference Proceedings/ Presentations



1.     M.Pervaiz, M.Sain “Overview of opportunities for Advanced Cellulosic Materials in Green Economy” 4th wood Fibre Polymer Composites International Symposium, March 30-31, 2009, Bordeaux, France.


2.     Pervaiz M, Sain M. “The Extraction Of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPSs) From Paper Mill Sludge As A Precursor Of Wood Adhesive” PAPTAC Annual Meeting , February 3-6, 2009, Montréal, Canada


3.     Sain M. Behzad T. Pervaiz M. “Market and Product Opportunities for Wood-fibre Plastic and Natural Fibre Plastic Composites Beyond the Building Industry” 9th International conference on wood & Biofiber Plastic Composites, May 21-23, 2007. Madison, USA.


4.     Pervaiz M. Sain M. “Opportunities and Barriers for Petro-chemical Industries; A Perspective on natural Fibres.” ACUN, Australia, 2006.


5.     Pervaiz M. Sain M. “Next Generation Developments in Polymeric Sizing Technology.” PIRA Sizing Conference, March 22-23, 2006. Montreal, Canada


6.     Janardhnan S, Sain M, Pervaiz M “Novel SMA Chemistries in Surface Sizing of Paper and Boards.” 92nd Annual Meeting PAPTAC, February 6-10, 2006, Montréal, Canada


7.     Pervaiz M, Sain M Biorefinery: Opportunities and Barriers for Petro-Chemical Industries.” 92nd Annual Meeting PAPTAC, February 6-10, 2006, Montréal, Canada


8.     Pervaiz M, Sain M “Role of Renewable Feed stocks in Sustainable Petro-Economy: Strategies and Opportunities.” 42nd International Petroleum Conference October 11th - 12th, 2005, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.


9.     Pervaiz M, Sain M “Sheet Molded Natural Fiber Composites for Automotive Applications.” The Fourth Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, Vancouver, September 2002. Published in: Design, Applications and Manufacturing of Composites (CRC-Press 2002) 519-526.


10.  Pervaiz M, Sain M “Sheet Molded Polyolefin Natural Fiber Composites for Automotive Applications.” SPE Automotive TPO-Global Conference, Michigan, Sep 30-Oct 2, 2002, 353-361 (Developments in Interior, Paint and Alternative Decoration, Exterior, Materials and Process)


