jeff's dream of a bald future

this page will be very weird to basically everyone but please hear me out

i strongly believe that our society would be a much better place if everyone in the world made a voluntary decision to go bald

i've put a lot of thought into this and here are some pros and cons

-very little maintenance needed, very convenient -haircutters only get to shave people or work on wigs
-almost no money spent on hair products -scalp chafing
-people who are insecure about being bald no longer have to feel insecure -less individuality
-evens the playing field for forced baldies (alopecia, cancer chemo, bald gene, etc)
-people will stop worrying about hairloss and greying hair
-hats become more useful and popular and hats are fun. it will be like socks for your head
-no more bad haircuts
-will never experience pain of getting hair caught in something and getting it tugged on
-no prickles, itching, hair in eye, etc.
-dandruff easier to deal with, or possibly no dandruff at all for some people
-will feel very good when you rest head on pillow

as you can see i've quickly run out of cons and could keep going forever with the pros

and speaking of pros, there are so many a-list celebrities who are bald, for example:

bruce dwayne bruce bruce sam ryan bruce vin

in conclusion we as a society should go bald. embrace this imperfection and we will achieve perfection

shave your heads and click here to return to jeff's castle