jeffs climbing holds dictionary

climbing is a very social sport where you discuss climbing routes with your friends

we say things like "my beta is to match on the jug, then do a figure 4 to the mantle and bump off the gaston". that might make sense to a climber, but to anyone else, that is just climbing jock gibberish.

there are official terms that most climbers universally know, but i dont use all of them. i instead, use my own vocabulary for holds.

alongside the images are floating yellow hand, who shows you ways to grip the holds.

refer to this webpage if you ever climb with me and need to decipher my climbing vernacular


the best kind of hold, it's a jug because it can hold water


because you squeeze it. and if you fall, it's because you didn't squeeze hard enough


you have to use very little amount of your fingers, and it hurts until you get thick calluses


very nice hold, easy to just grab and hang out on your phone all day


small round boy that you squeeze like an orange to get the juice


big orange, harder to squeeze. alternative measures to grip needed.


lots of places to hold, usually shreds your hands


put your fingers in the hole :^)


im hungry now


personal favourite, very fun, can sit on like a donkey when you get over them


asshole holds are not meant to be gripped. their only purpose is to block you from fully utilizing a good hold. prevents you from being able to just swoop to the next hold, unless you want to risk wrecking your fingers. asshole holds have given me many scrapes on the top of my fingers


universal name for any large hold with no discernible shape. if it's the size of your head times 2, then it's a chonker. if you complete a climb with lots of chonkers, you are very chonky :)


a hold that looks useful but once you put your hand on it, you realize it doesn't anything but make you feel bad. maybe it's the angle, maybe they are slippery, maybe it locks you in a position that is impossible to continue, fake holds are bad.

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