jeff's webpage that he thought of in a dream

so this webpage came to me in a dream, and in the dream it was a perfect webpage with no faults and a funny send off.

after waking up i was really excited to make this page as i've been having a drought of ideas. however, as i thought about creating this page, i realized that things in real life don't exactly work how they work in your dreams

oh well, here it is anyways

the idea is, when you write down a digit, and then realize that you wrote the wrong digit and you need to increase it by one. but since you are lazy, instead of erasing and rewriting, you just draw over the number to change it.

in my dream i made this page with all digits from 1-10 and it worked perfectly, but it's not as clean in real life.

1 to 2

simple enough, 1 is very versatile since it's just a straight line

2 to 3

also fairly simple, but doesn't look great

3 to 4

i dont know how i did this in my dream but this is the best i can do here

4 to 5

you kinda have to cheat by drawing your 4 weird, but it's relatively doable

5 to 6

pretty convincing and easy, makes a nice blocky 6

6 to 7

this one kinda sucks, you have to draw a really weird 6, and then you just fill in what you don't want

7 to 8

a jagged top-right 8 but it works

8 to 9

in the dream i actually got stuck on this one, so i came up with this clever cheat

i mean it's technically not 9

grand finale

ok, instead of just using a simple 9 changing to 10, i want to show you what it would look like if you did all of these digits from 1 to 9 off the same original 1
here we go!

you thought i was done? instead of changing a regular old 9 to a 10, let's change this 9 that i just made, into the 10!

ta dah! you never have to pick up an eraser ever again

here's me handing in a math test

and yes, i know i should have gone from 0-9 instead of 1-10, and 9 didn't need the '=' sign after i added the '+1' to 8, but im just following how my dream had this page made.
thanks for reading this stupid ass page, wow im dumb in my dreams

increment your numbers and click here to go back to the castle homepage