
jeopardy is a really good show. it has been running for a long time, and its hosted by a really cool canadian man

i used to watch every episode when they were posted on reddit, but then sony finally cracked down and removed all the episodes, gave a cease and desist to the uploader. now finding a way to watch jeopardy is hard and inconvenient. way to go sony, you ass-hat, now less people are watching your show.

i don't have netflix but ever since they added jeopardy ive been considering getting it. but netflix is expensive and i would likely only watch jeopardy on it, so i will pass for now

my favourite player is roger craig. he is a knowledgeable beast, has a sense of humour, and behaves very humbly, unlike smug colby burnett. here is a good tweet about roger craig:


one day i hope to go on the show and make a crazy run. im elligible to take the jeopardy test, but im going to refrain from doing so until i can answer 90% of the prompts on one episode consistently. you only get one chance, so i will make it count. i am currently only at around 40% so i will probably very old when im ready

when alex trebek announced he had pancreatic cancer, i was very sad. cancer is bad. but he will beat it because a lot of awesome people beat cancer. go alex go!

answer: this website is the best website, you: what is jeff's castle?