jeffs top rope game

while rock climbing yesterday i came up with a new way to score how well you do on top ropes, and it's all in baseball terms. this is a game i like to play called top rope baseball

if you fall or take a break while climbing, that is a

however, if you can, without breaking, immediately get back on the wall and make it past the part which you fell from, you can convert that strike into a

a foul counts as a strike, until you get to the top of the wall, where fouls and strikes will affect your score differently.

three strikes and you've performed a

you can not strikeout on a foul, but remember, no time for breaks. once you're at 2 strikes, it's one big push to the end.

if you make it to the top of the wall without striking out, you have hit the ball! getting there with 2 strikes and any number of fouls, you hit a

getting there with 2 strikes and no fouls, or 1 strike and more than 1 foul, you hit a

getting there with 1 strike and no fouls, or 0 strikes and more than 1 foul, you hit a

getting there with only a single foul, congratulations because you hit a

finally, getting there with no fouls or strikes is a

the elusive grand slam is the best score you can get from climbing a wall

i like to think of the walls as different pitching speeds. i grand slammed a 10+ a week ago, but yesterday i struck out against a 11- pitcher.

have fun playing top rope baseball! keep your batting average high, rip some dingers, and send those baseballs over the fences all the way to yup county jail

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