jeffs fav youtubes (episode 1)

i spend a lot of time on youtube and here is a list of 10 notable videos that i have enjoyed throughout my life

1. ducktales dog

this the kind of dog i want to hang out with, it got swagger, it got a smile, and it got a fresh cut. best video on youtube, no question.

2. shia laboeuf live

one thing i appreciate is effort. this video is a live performance of the song "actual cannibal shia laboeuf" by one of my favourite musicians of all time, rob cantor. everything is fantastic, the song, the orchestration, the interpretive dance, and the homage to citizen kane, this is best video on youtube, no question.

3. dumbass baby

kids are very funny because they are stupid and do things incorrectly, like this kid who slowly phoneticizes each letter slowly then says the wrong word with the most confident annunciation, i love it, best video on youtube, period.

4. never gonna hit those notes

take one of the most classic and notable memes ever and put this hilariously amazing twist on it and you make one of the videos that has made me hurt from laughing. simple idea but beyond extraordinary execution, this is the best video on youtube without a doubt

5. jeffpardy

here's a video that takes a true auteur to create, and it seems like i am the perfect audience for it. in fact, im pretty sure this video was made specifically for me, which is why it is the best video on youtube, jeff.

6. laughing dog

i like to make a lot of jokes with my friends and if they dont laugh i feel very sad but this dog seems like the kind of friend that will laugh no matter what and i love him very much, his laugh is the best video on youtube and i hear it in my head all the time.

7. poor idra

this is one of the first times i experienced a genuine instance of cringe comedy. you dont even need to know the context to see the death in his eyes. the low effort early 2010s video editting then takes over and starts playing hide and seek by imogen heap, making a reference to the dear sister video (which was a reference to the oc), but suddenly you hear the "JASON DERULO" and you realize that the creator doesn't even know of the original song, this video just bleeds mundane humour and it makes it perfect and the best video to ever be uploaded to youtube.

8. rich brian tutorial

this is rich brian, he makes music that i dont like but he's very genuine and funny and i love his comedy. this video makes fun of tutorial culture on youtube and brian makes himself the butt of the joke with an exaggeration of his awkward personality. perfect timing on the ending to a video with perfect subject matter, the simplicity and hilarity makes this the best video on youtube, hands down.

9. ice cream man

the best kinds of videos are the ones that are unscripted and ridiculous. this one has 2 kids awkwardly eating beans on toast, and then a sequence of insane events ensue which end with one kid shrieking and the cameraman breaking down in laughter. the timing is all perfect and it's awesome everything was all caught on camera. this is the best video on youtube.

10. man in the woods

this video isnt as happy as the other videos on this list, but i love rhyming and i love the animation, and the story is quite entrancing. definitely left an impact on me and there is some actual commentary on culture beyond the fascinating story.

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