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Neil Wick's studies at the University of Toronto

University College In September of 1996, I started into a part-time degree program at the University of Toronto. I received my B.A. in Linguistics in May of 2000, I have upgraded that to an Honours B.A. as of June, 2002. In September, 2002, I will be continuing my studies in linguistics in the full-time Masters degree program at York University in Toronto.

 Linguistics (major)

My major course of study is Linguistics. The following topics represent some of my research areas and past projects.

Catastrophe Theory and Language Variation: I have begun to investigate the relationship between language variation and catastophe and chaos theory. See my catastrophe theory page for more details. I will be presenting a paper on Applying Chaos and Complexity Theory to Language Variation Analysis at NWAV 31 in Stanford, California, in October, 2002.

Pronunciation Survey: I conducted a Survey on English Pronunciation Preferences. It's still available. Go ahead and try it. First results are also available at the same page.

Acoustic Analysis: In the Spring 2000 term, I studied acoustic phonetic analysis. We used a Macintosh program called Signalyse which is very capable, although it does seem to crash sometimes on newer Macs. Speech Filing System is a similar program for Windows, MS-DOS, and Unix, available free from University College in London, England.

Dictionary Project: In 1997/98, I spent 8 hours per week working on a long-term dictionary research project at the University of Toronto:

 Portuguese (minor)

I've also completed in a minor program in Portuguese. This was a challenge for me, since most students following this course of study come from a Portuguese-speaking home environment.

 Anthropology (minor)

My major interests in linguistics generally lean toward sociolinguistics and dialectology, so several anthropology courses have helped me in this direction. I completed my anthropology minor in the spring of 2002.