Old Funny Stuff

Family Feud Online
Oh man we were playing family feud online (www.uproar.com) and we got totally screwed for two games.
It was upsetting, but funny and we did finally win after a while... well here are the horrible, horrible games:

And Again:

But then we won!


=>We had this cheap beer once called Schiltz (hehe...)
Schlitz Slogans:
Harry Potter Drinks Schlitz (Dean looks like H P...)
- It's the Schlitz
- Tastes like Schlitz
- BullSchlitz (stronger schlitz has a bull on it)

=>This is the funniest product from chinatown ever (well funnier than the animal colon, but maybe not funnier
than the nipple brush...). Levana says it's written in Japanese. Well here it is:

- made by:

Baolina Cosmetics (actual intro from website)

    Chaoyang Baolina Cosmetic Industry Company Limited is a special enterprise which produces series of color cosmetic products.
Insisting on keeping forging ahead for over ten years, we have arlready developed many kinds of products suitable to various ages of
ladied basing on our qualified materials as well as the most advance technical methods form Taiwan
and Hong Kong which are as
following: lipstick, lubricatin brush, eyelash
cream, eye-loner fluid, lipstick crayon, nail polish, rouge eye-shadow, etc.Also,our faiFirst "has widely approved by the customers.In 1998 ,we wer awarded by Bureau of Technical Supervision as "Quality-Trusted Unit"and "Quality Approved Certificate".At the sameyear,we won the honor of "America Edison International Golden Reward for Qualified Products".
    Now we are trying our best setting our feet on the further reaearches in cosmetic fields and sincerely welcome customers at thome
and adroad come to visit us for further co-operation and business.
    We believe that with our conviction and hard-working, we will have a prosperous tomorrow. Let our achievements approve our hard-working.

=>Trés Asses
    Actual Pear Company Name

=> Funny Old People Words:
    ~In a pig's eye
    ~Old coot
    ~oh poo

=> From an paper i found while cleaning my room. I think i wrote them during the law exam with about an hour or a half hour left over:
    Pickering Exam Haiku
Exams suck
I'm out of luck
Read, no, fail
    Exam Haiku
There is no way out.
Time passes inconstantly
Exams destroy souls