
    Okay so thursday doesn't have a lot of pictures... but maybe that's cuz we started class then... Many of us at 9'clock (damn the Meks...). So instead of pictures i will give you the thrilling tale of my first day of school.

    I woke up, somewhat disorientated from only sleeping 2 hours (6-8). I go downstairs, have breakfast, come back, get ready, check weather, check where my first class is and leave to be at school on the hour. I get to class walk in and look around. There weren't any other chemical engineers... I sit down... look around some more, get up and leave. Then i realize it was the wrong room! I naturally went to the WB116 (in the chem building), but i was supposed to go to SF 1105.... Ya so i get to SF and see my chem friends on the way to 1105, then they're like "Hey, why didn't you come to class?" I went an hour late to school! So i actually got 3 hours of sleep and couldn't read time...

    At 1pm i had class, so missed the bed races... but the engineers won and i heard the cannon from class so its all good.

    Then (since labs don't start till next week) everyone meets up at SUDS to be there for the charity auction at 5:30. I have a few beers, get 2 pieces of pizza (i'm not sure... but i think i only had a 6" sub for lunch) And then the auction starts... Well lets say lack of sleep and lack of much food results in drunken Rob. Rob really likes a mystery (actually i hate surprises...) Okay Rob really likes a mystery box though. So Rob goes for Mystery Box #1 of 4. Rob wins! Yay! Rob drinks more beer. Eventually the Comic Book Item Package comes along. Rob kinda likes comic books, and kinda likes Superman Movie and really really likes 90s Spiderman VHS! Rob wins! Yay! Rob drinks more beer. Rob says no way to Mystery Box #2. More auction happens. Rob's done his 4th beer and well lack of sleep blah blah blah, Rob is piss ass drunk (well piss ass drunk for Rob). Rob sees Mystery Box #3! It's in a cardboard box! Rob loves cardboard boxes! Rob Wins! Yay? Rob tries to convince friends a Hotal Room would be freakin awesome. Friends say "Your drunk Rob". Rob knows that... But a hotel room would be freakin Awesome! Steph says "Rob you live in a hotel room". Rob eventually shuts up and has obviously missed the room's auction anyway. Rob says he "totally tober" and brings his "winnings" back to Chestnut, where Nick tells Rob to be quite (i don't care how drunk i was, i still think that was ironic). Rob knows what he did, and Rob didn't regret it in the morning, even though there is a slight pain in his side, where money used to be...

    Enough 3rd person... Later that night (lol yes later, and don't be not confused by the negative context now...) I didn't ;) ;) chug my fifth beer quickly and not ;) ;) go to a boring ;) ;) gathering. There was no fun had by no one and we didn't sing songs or lead frosh like lemmings.  We then didn't go anywhere around campus and didn't end up a place. We then proceeded to not have some kind of meeting. I then wasn't feeling a little hung over... so I didn't get a water that Nick didn't make me owe him a beer for... asshole... Then the awesomeness that doesn't exist didn't misplace the funhats, that weren't horribly prepared a week before. And that didn't end up in a freezer in the same room... So everyone wasn't slightly disappointed by that... Then we didn't walk Nick's friends from !Pickering! home (oh wait... i can stop that now, that did happen...) Which was kind of nice to walk off the hangover and she randomly used to be best friends with Brooke's cousin. So that was kind of cool. Then we got some food and went back to Chestnut. Oh wait I lied there is a picture and it is amazing, I pretended to be a hostage and held up a Toike to "show the date":

So Thursday didn't start out great but it ended awesome, kind of like wednesday... maybe the same is for Friday. You'll have to go to friday's page to find out (here's a hint: No it didn't)