
    Wednesday started off with the stupid 2nd year Chemical Engineer Orientation. It was safety training.... It sucked... and I missed SCAT stuff, and I missed the charity thing :*( ... That really sucked... and i didn't get a free movie. But I did eventually ace safety test somehow. And the damn picture of me in the stupid safety training didn't come out... It was horrible... But then wednesday kept going, and the rest of the day was fun. And then really fun. And then freakin awesome.

This is what i got to go to... (look at all us Chems)

And here's us being bored

And some more bored people i know

And the other class picture that i missed (but that was later on in the day)

Now here's what i missed

Our Frosh were awesome at the charity event, but these are the only decent... pictures i can show...

Here's a picture of the Cannon Guard. Ooooo cannon shiny....
(brighten screen way up, if you can, to see pic)

Then we had the Frosh Olympics (they play messed up games for lots of no prizes)

Oh and then there was Frosh Nite!!!! (Okay we look tired and pissed, but thats only cuz it was hot and really crowded...)

But it was still awesome

Look at the crazy funness

And if you turn your screen real bright you can see me looking dead in the background... :)

So wednesday was pretty awesome and like i said it got much more funner as the day went on, so it ended up being like really fun.