Heritage Languages Workshop

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Victoria University at the University of Toronto

Northrop Frye Hall (NF) Room NF004

73 Queen's Park Crescent East (Map)


Introduction | Schedule | Abstracts | Registration | Contact

Talks will be 20 minutes each, with a combined question/discussion period at the end of each session.

9:30-11:00 Language at the Edge of Loss

Heritage Languages in Toronto: A New Project - N. Nagy, Y. Kang, A. Kochetov and J. Walker

The Role of Socio-psychological Factors in Heritage - M. Frank

Language Transmission

Comprehension of Tense and Aspect in Heritage Labrador Inuttitut Receptive bilinguals - M. Sherkina-Lieber

Coffee Break – 11:00-11:15

11:15-12:45 Processes in Heritage Languages: Transfer and Neutralization

The Alternation of Consonant-final Nouns in Heritage: Korean in GTA - Y. Kang and S.-J. Park

How Transfer Happens in Narrow Syntax: A Study of Clitic Placement in Two Groups of
Spanish-speaking Children in Toronto - A.-T. Pérez-Leroux, D. Thomas and A. Cuza

Heritage Language Speakers of Korean and Coordinate Conjunctions- E. Suh

12:45-1:45 - Lunch

1:45-2:45 Alternative Populations

American Sign Language and Early Literacy: Research as Praxis - K. Snoddon

Aboriginal Languages – Heritage Languages? - A. Johns

Break – 2:45-3:00

3:00—4:00 Education & Policy

Can the Heritage Student Speak? Linguistic and Cultural Competency in the Grip of Academic Culture - S. Nijhawan

The Status of Heritage Languages in the EU - N. Sancheva

General Discussion - All Participants