LIN 199.23W Reading List

Instructor: Naomi Nagy

A note about reading

1       What are heritage languages?      

Eschholz, Paul, Alfred Rosa & Virginia Clark. 1999. On reading well. In P. Eschholz, A. Rosa & V. Clark, eds. Language Awareness. Bedford St. Martin's. 1-12. [especially pp. 5-9]

2       Library research resources       

Eschholz, Paul, Alfred Rosa & Virginia Clark. 1999. Documenting sources. In P. Eschholz, A. Rosa & V. Clark, eds. Language Awareness. Bedford St. Martin's. 1-12. [pp. 653-673 (but note that you can just skim a lot of this reference article)]

American Psychological Association. 2010. Basics of APA Style Tutorial. http://flash1r.apa.org/apastyle/basics/index.htm

Purdue Online Writing Lab. 2005. Reference List: Basic Rules. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/05/

3       What are your HL experiences?

Liao, Jennie. 2021. Forgetting my native language. The New Yorker, Sept. 3, 2021.

Nagy, Naomi. 2009. Heritage Language Variation and Change. http://ngn.artsci.utoronto.ca/HLVC

Schleef, Eric & Miriam Meyerhoff. 2009. In M. Meyerhoff & E. Schleef (eds.). Sociolinguistic methods for data collection and interpretation. The Routledge Sociolinguistics Reader New York: Routledge. [Read pp. 1-13]

4       Connecting ethnicity and language

Cunha, Edite. 2005. Talking in the new land. In P. Eschholz, A. Rosa & V. Clark. Language Awareness, 9th edition. Bedford St. Martin's. 544-554.

Marquez, Myriam. 1999. Why and when we speak Spanish in public. In P. Eschholz, A. Rosa & V. Clark, eds. Bedford St. Martin's. Language Awareness. 200-1.

Oh, Janet & Andrew Fuligni. 2009. The role of heritage language development in the ethnic identity and family relationships of adolescents from immigrant backgrounds. Social Development 19.1:202-220.  doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9507.2008.00530.x. Read to page 208, at least]

Tan, Amy. 2005. Mother tongue. In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it?  Norton. 242-8.

5       How are attitudes related?

Guardado, Martin. 2002.Loss and maintenance of first language skills: Case studies of Hispanic families in Vancouver. The Canadian Modern Language Review 58.3: 341-363.

Sevinç, Yeşim. 2017. Language anxiety in the immigrant context: Sweaty palms? International Journal of Bilingualism. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367006917690914

6       What can happen to HLs?

Polinsky, Maria & Olga Kagan. 2007. Heritage languages: In the 'wild' and in the classroom. Language and Linguistics Compass 1:368–395. [Read 368-384]

7 & 8       Sociolinguistic variation

Your choice of:

Łyskawa, Paulina, Ruth Maddeaux, Emilia. Melara & Naomi Nagy. 2016. Heritage speakers follow all the rules: Language contact and convergence in Polish devoicing. Heritage Language Journal 13.2:219-244. [abstract]

Iannozzi, Michael. 2015. Pro-drop in Faetar in Canada: A study of a heritage language in contact. Western Papers in Linguistics 1.2, Article 5. http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wpl_clw/vol1/iss2/5.

Pabst, Katharina, Lex, Konnelly, Fiona Wilson, Savannah Meslin & Naomi Nagy. 2020. Variation in subject doubling in Homeland and Heritage Faetar. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 42. doi.org/10.33527/twpl.v42i1.33190

Shkvorets, Maksym. 2015. Losing one's Language, or Creating one's own Dialect?
The Decline of Reflexive Possessive Pronouns in Heritage Ukrainian. Paper presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association.

Tse. H. 2016. Contact-induced splits in Toronto Heritage Cantonese mid-vowels. Linguistica Atlantica 35.2:133-155.

9       HLs at home

Chumak-Horbatsch, Roma. 1987. Language Use in the Ukrainian home: a Toronto sample. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 63:99-118.

10       HLs in school

Goldstein, Tara. 1997. Bilingual life in a multilingual high school classroom: Teaching and learning in Cantonese and English. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes 53.2:356-372.

Polinsky, Maria & Olga Kagan. 2007. Heritage languages: In the 'wild' and in the classroom. Language and Linguistics Compass 1: 368–395.

11     Globalizing English and Language policy

Crystal, David. 2003/2005. Why a global language? In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it?  Norton. 504-14.

Ricento, Thomas. 2013. Language policy, ideology and attitudes in English-dominant countries. In R. Bayley, R. Cameron, and C. Lucas (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 525-544. [read to p. 537]

12     Wrap-up and catch-up

No assigned reading


Updated Jan. 3, 2023

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