LIN 351 Week 4 HW: Getting ELAN ready and coding the dependent variable

In this assignment, you set up ELAN and mark 25 (r) tokens in ELAN for each speaker (that you selected for the Week 3 HW).

ELAN was introduced in class in Week 2. As well as the resources in Quercus, here are many resources for learning what you need about ELAN. Step by step instructions and a video of me teaching these skills are included.

  1. Start ELAN (you downloaded it for the previous assignment).
  2. Find and label tokens of your dependent variable.

  3. Code your dependent variable.


  4. Follow the same procedure to mark and code at least 25 tokens of (r) for each of the 4 speakers you selected.
  5. To submit this assignment, upload your 4 .eaf files in Quercus (Week 4 Homework: Code dep. var).

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Updated January 20, 2023