Instructor: Naomi Nagy
Information and resources for the Wiki project
Eschholz, Paul, Alfred Rosa & Virginia Clark. 1999. On reading well. In P. Eschholz, A. Rosa & V. Clark, eds. Language Awareness. Bedford St. Martins. 1-12.
· especially pp. 5-9
American Psychological Association. 2010. Basics of APA Style Tutorial.
Purdue Online Writing Lab. 2005. Reference List: Basic Rules.
Chambers, Jack. 2006. Maple Leaf Rap (Canada). In American Voices: How Dialects Differ from Coast to Coast. Blackwell. 93-98.
Nagy, Naomi. 2009. Heritage Language Variation and Change.
Tan, Amy. 2005. Mother tongue. In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it? Norton. 242-8.
Schleef, Eric & Miriam Meyerhoff. 2009 In
M. Meyerhoff & E. Schleef (eds.). Sociolinguistic
methods for data collection and interpretation. The Routledge Sociolinguistics Reader New York: Routledge.
· Read pp. 1-10.
Polinsky, Maria & Olga Kagan. 2007. Heritage languages: In the 'wild' and in the classroom. Language and Linguistics Compass 1:368–395.
· Read 368-384.
Berry, John. 1998. Official multiculturalism. In J. Edwards (ed.). Language in Canada. Cambridge. 84-101.
Cunha, Edite. 2005. Talking in the new land. In P. Eschholz, A. Rosa & V. Clark. Language Awareness, 9th edition. Bedford St. Martin's. 544-554.
Marquez, Myriam. 1999. Why and when we speak Spanish in public. In P. Eschholz, A. Rosa & V. Clark, eds. Bedford St. Martins. Language Awareness. 200-1.
Oh, Janet & Andrew Fuligni. 2009. The role of heritage language development in the ethnic identity and family relationships of adolescents from immigrant backgrounds. Social Development 19.1:202-220. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9507.2008.00530.x.
· Read to page 208, at least
Your choice of:
Hrycyna, M., N. Lapinskaya, A. Kochetov & N. Nagy. 2011. VOT drift in 3 generations of Heritage Language speakers in Toronto. Canadian Acoustics 39.3:166-7.
Nagy, N., N. Aghdasi, D. Denis, & A. Motut. 2011. Pro-drop in Heritage Languages: A cross-linguistic study of contact-induced change. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 17.2.
Shkvorets, Maksym. 2015. Losing ones Language, or
Creating ones own Dialect?
The Decline of Reflexive Possessive Pronouns in Heritage Ukrainian. Paper
presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association.
Meyerhoff, Miriam 2006. Ch. 6: Multilingualism and language choice. Introducing Sociolinguistics. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. 102-121.
Goldstein, Tara. 1997. Bilingual life in a multilingual high school classroom: Teaching and learning in Cantonese and English. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes 53.2:356-372.
Chumak-Horbatsch, Roma. 1987. Language Use in the Ukrainian home: a Toronto sample. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 63:99-118.
no assigned reading
Schleef, Eric & Miriam Meyerhoff. 2009 ms. In M. Meyerhoff & E. Schleef (eds.). Sociolinguistic methods for data collection and interpretation. The Routledge Sociolinguistics Reader New York: Routledge. 10-13.
Polinsky, Maria & Olga Kagan. 2007. Heritage languages:
In the 'wild' and in the classroom. Language and
Linguistics Compass 1: 368–395.
· read 384-390.
Ricento, Thomas. 2013. Language policy, ideology and attitudes in English-dominant countries. In R. Bayley, R. Cameron, and C. Lucas (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 525-544.
· read to p. 537
Crystal, David. 2003/2005. Why a global language? In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it? Norton. 504-14.
Plus, your choice of:
· Brown, Deneen. 2001/2005. Quebec "tongue troopers" defend French. In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it? Norton. 451-2.
· Chu, Henry. 2000/2005. Taiwan's toddlers learn English. In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it? Norton. 520-1.
· Duff-Brown, Beth. 2001/2005. Customer service calls get routed to India. In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it? Norton. 516-8.
· Duffy, Andrew. 2002/2005. Nunavut wants Quebec-style sign law. In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it? Norton. 453-4.
· Fallows, James. 1986/98. Viva bilingualism. In Exploring Language. 259-265.
· Hayakawa, S. I. 1989. Bilingualism in America: English should be the only language. USA Today 118:32-4.
· Tagliabue, John. 2002/2005. In Europe, going global means, alas, English. In K. Walters & M. Brody. What's language got to do with it? Norton. 531-3.
No assigned reading
Updated Jan. 17, 2016