How to digitize a cassette recording

Set-up | Recording | Copying to Mac | Reformatting the Memory Card


(This is the procedure being used to digitize the Faetar corpus in Naomi Nagy's lab at the University of Toronto in 2008-2009.)

Getting set up


Equipment Needed

- Marantz Cassette Player/Recorder – PMD221 (Download Manual)

- Studio Projects VTB1 Pre-Amplifier (Download Manual)

- Fostex FR-2 Field Recorder (Download Manual)

- Headphones

- Memory Cards (minimum 1 GB)

- Cables:

         1 XLR female –XLR male

         ¼Ó Stereo miniplug Jack -1/4Ó Stereo miniplug Jack

(We are using a ¼Ó to 1/8Ó cable with a 1/8Ó to ¼Ó adapter because our cable is ¼Ó to 1/8Ó)


Basic Set-up


  1. Insert the ¼Ó Stereo Jack into the output (Phone) on the front of the cassette player.
  2. Insert the ¼Ó (1/8Ó adaptor plug) Stereo Jack into the "Hi Z" plug on the front of the Pre-Amplifier
  3. Use XLR Cable to connect "Balanced Out" from the back of the pre-amp to the "L/MONO" input on the side of the Fostex recorder.
  4. Hook-up headphones into "PHONES" (optional)


Fostex Settings


         Track Mode: MONO

         LINE/MIC: Line

Line Trim: -6.2 (third dot from +4)

Level: 8


Studio Projects Preamp (Hi-Z) Settings


         Input Gain: 0

Output level: 12

Push the Line In button on the pre-amp so that its light is on

Red 48 volt light should be off


Marantz Cassette Player Settings


Volume: Level 2

Tone: Flat

Pitch: 0

Speed: Standard

Recorder Mode: Manual

Recorder Level: 5


To Record:


-       Turn on power on right side of Fostex

-       Check that there is nothing that you wish to keep on the memory card!

-       Insert card into Fostex recorder

-       Window should read: ÒNo FilesÓ and show recording time available on the card (i.e. 2hours 9 mins) – this is means youÕre good to go

-       If the card shows something else, you need to reformat/clear the card – SEE CARD REFORMATING INSTRUCTIONS

-       On the Fostex, Move the red RECORD button to the right to begin recording – time should start increasing from 0h00m on the display

-       Once you are sure that recording has begun, press ÒPLAYÓ on the Marantz (It is good to reset the Marantz counter to Ò000Ó)

-       Check that the recording is occurring by turning up the Monitor (volume) knob on the Fostex – you should hear the recording. You may also put earphones in the ÔPhonesÕ jack on the Fostex if you wish

-       Once the tape has finished playing, Press the ÒREC STBYÓ button on the Fostex to Pause Recording.



o      Once the first tape has finished, Press the ÒREC STBYÓ button on the Fostex to Pause Recording.

o      Put a new tape into the Marantz

o      Reset the counter,

o      Move the Fostex ÒRECÓ button to the right to start recording again

o      Hit PLAY on the Marantz again




To copy an audio file to the MAC:


-       Press ÒCard ReleaseÓ on the Fostex and follow the instructions to ensure safe removal from the machine

-       Put the card into the MAC card reader, which should be plugged in to a USB port on the Mac.

-       Copy the original file into the Òoriginal WAVs from Fostex folderÓ – DO NOT change the file name

-       Once it has been saved into the folder, open the file with Audacity and check that it is audible

-       If there is a lot of empty space at the end of the file you may use the edit feature to remove it

-       Go to File and click on ÒSave Project AsÓ

-       Save the file in the Òrenamed WAVs from FaetoÓ file – add ÒTape99b_Ó (for example) to the beginning of the file name

-       Once you are confident that the file is saved on the computer, empty the card by moving the files to the ÒTrashÓ


Reformatting the Memory Card


-       Press the Menu/Enter Knob & scroll to DISK

-       Press the Menu/Enter Knob to select DISK

-       Press the Menu/Enter Knob to select FORMAT

-       You will be asked ÒAre you sure?Ó – if yes, Press the Menu/Enter Knob and the card will be cleared (you will be told when it has been completed)

-       If you do NOT wish to clear the card and have done this in error, use the ÔCUEÕ button to go back to the main menu


 Please contact Naomi Nagy if you have questions.