Baking Basics

This was my first baking course at George Brown College. It's required before taking most other baking classes (at least those that are to be used towards the baking certificate) to ensure that you're familiar with the environment and machines, and so that you're partner doesn't think you're an idiot. :-)

My first continuing ed. courses at George Brown College were cooking classes from the Culinary Arts section. Near the end of my certificate (in which I'm still missing one elective!$@#), I enrolled in this course as I just love baked goodies, so figured it'd only be appropriate to learn how to create 'em!

Click the images to load a 1024x768 JPEG image. Leave your cursor on top of the image to highlight it, to display the item created during the week listed. (For those wondering what happened to weeks 1 through 4 and 10, week #1 was a pie dough exercise. Week #2 used that pie dough to create an apple pie. Week #3 consisted of bran muffins and tea biscuits. Week #4 was piping exercises and week #10 was Swiss Rolls.

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