I am a mechanical Engineering graduate, pursuing a second major in computer science with a focus in AI. My undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, along with a minor in Computer Science, has taught me the valuable skill of identifying real-world problems and framing them in the appropriate contexts. I enjoy researching and applying engineering principles, developing process models and optimizing them through the innovative application of software technology. Moreover, I am interested in exploring applications of machine learning on real world problems. I am extremely thrilled by how the advances in machine learning, including deep learning, are providing us with new possibilities to integrate high-level and low-level cognitive capabilities in fields like robotics and autonomous driving.

Skills & Proficiency


Software Engineering Intern

May 2019 - Aug 2019
Citi Bank, Mississauga, ON
  • Integrated several micro-services with Apache Kafka by writing a common library in order to adhere to an event driven architecture
  • Wrote JUntit tests with coverage greater than 90%, with the help of PowerMockito in order to mock external dependencies
  • Built an automation framework with Cucumber and Gherkin in order to automate functional flows of the Post-Trade workflow

Software Developer Intern

Jan 2019 - Apr 2019
TITUS, Ottawa, ON
  • Collaborated with the lead architecture, developers and testers to integrate Machine Learning into current company products
  • Developed parts of backend for company’s current product to integrate 3rd party REST API
  • Created a proof of concept for Gmail and Microsoft Azure using Gmail Inbox SDK and JavaScript
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
  • Utilized Natural Language Processing to determine the cause of death from a written description of a person’s symptoms leading up to death
  • Created a machine learning pipeline using PyTorch and Python machine learning libraries to investigate various machine learning algorithms in order to optimize classification accuracy
  • Preprocessed Hindi text data into Devanagari script using transliteration and normalization
  • Presented the project results at Undergraduate Research in Computer Science Conference

Co-founder/Technology Architect

May 2017 - Dec 2017
PNG Labs Inc, Toronto, ON
  • Conceptualized, researched, and built prototypes for Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) devices to meet consumer needs and maximize profits
  • Managed all aspects of business and project development from initial scoping through strategic and fiscal planning to final testing and delivery
  • Co-ordinated internal resources, external teams, contractors and vendors for project execution and delivery

Mechanical-IT Engineering Intern

May 2015 - Aug 2016
Autoliv Electronics, Markham,ON
  • Developed and maintained a process incorporating a .NET application to manage the inventory of over 2000 pick-and-place machine feeders which successfully reduced changeover time by 50%
  • Collaboratively developed an application using .NET framework and Microsoft SQL Server for managing critical information of I.T production floor assets
  • Designed and proposed a plant wide scrap management and data collection process with potential savings of $40,000 annually


Full Stack Dev - MERN Stack
  • Developed front end of a single page web application(Restaurant landing page) using React, React Router and React Forms
  • Built the Node.js backend REST API with Express, Mongoose and MongoDB
  • Implemented token-based authentication with the support of JSON web tokens
Deep Learning Projects
  • Built and trained a CNN using PyTorch for image colorization using the CIFAR-10 dataset
  • Built and trained a Cycle Generative Adversarial Network(CycleGAN) to convert between Apple-style and Windows-style emojis(image to image translation)
  • Built and trained an attention-based neural machine translation model to translate words from English to Pig-Latin
Restaurant Management App
  • Collaboratively developed a multiuser Point of Sale app using Java and JavaFX utilizing UML diagrams, OOP, and design patterns
TurtleBot Design & Integration
  • Programmed the TurtleBot robot to participate in the course work involving autonomous mapping and localization, object identification via computer vision (OpenCV), and robot-human interaction
  • Utilized C++ for developing the code, Robot Operating System (ROS) for code deployment and Gazebo simulator for virtual code testing
  • Involved in sensor selection, architecture and algorithm design, strategy deployment and documenting the design process in formal reports
Automatic Bicycle Transmission System
  • Designed an automatic bike transmission system based on applied torque, with the intention of enabling the rider to fully focus on steering the bike as opposed to shifting gears at regular intervals
  • Programmed PIC18 and Arduino Uno in C; Used analog to digital conversion for the incoming analog sensor data and PWM for the outgoing DC motor control signals
  • Developed an embedded system comprised of load cell, Arduino Uno, PIC18 micro controller, LCD display and DC motors
Autonomous maze solving rover
  • Modeled components and assemblies as well as created detailed design which was followed by fabrication of a fully functional prototype using lathe, milling, drill and laser cutting techniques
  • Developed an algorithm using python and MATLAB for maze solving strategy and autonomous localization in a real-world setting
  • Performed input/output integration as well as calibrated DC motors, IR sensors and ultrasonic sensors