function [x,iStep] = ICOpt(A,Y,Lambda,Xo,max_contrast_ratio,verbose,interiorSolveOption,L) % ICOpt: Solution to basis pursuit using the in crowd heuristic % x = ICOpt(A,Y,[Lambda=1e-5],[max_contrast_ratio=inf],[verbose=0],[interiorSolveOption=1]) % Returns the solution "x" to the problem: % minimize 1/2 ||A*x - Y||^2_2 + Lambda*||x||_1 % where elements of "x" can be positive or negative. % % Inputs: % A: the forward transform, transforming candidate solution % "x" into corresponding expected outputs (i.e. Y % should be close to A*x in the L2 sense for error to be % minimized. % % Y: the observations you are trying to fit % % Lambda: the regularization parameter. Defaluts to 1e-5. % % [max_contrast_ratio]: set to 0 any part of x that is less than a % factor of max_contrast_ratio smaller than the maximum of the % current x solution. Defaults to infinity. % % [verbose]: controls the verbosity of the code % % [interiorSolveOption]: selects the subproblem solver %0. Initialize: the "in" crowd is empty. All the observed signal is % unexplained. s = warning('OFF','optim:quadprog:SwitchToMedScale'); if ~exist('verbose','var') verbose = 0; end if ~exist('Lambda','var') Lambda = .00001; %Regularization parameter end if ~exist('max_contrast_ratio','var') max_contrast_ratio = inf;% Candidate components of x than this factor less than the largest in magnitude will be set to 0. end if ~exist('interiorSolveOption','var') interiorSolveOption = 1; end %Y and Lambda can be converted to double here; with A we can actually live %with a single-precision matrix and convert to double later. Y = double(Y); Lambda = double(Lambda); R = Y; lambdaCut = Lambda * (1 + 1e-6); % Contributions with a usefullness less than this will not be added to the in crowd; slightly larger than Lambda for numerical reasons. if ~exist('L','var') L = min([25 min(size(A))]); %25, unless the problem size is *tiny* - added for compatability. end if ~exist('Xo','var') x = zeros(1,size(A,2)); in_crowd = []; signs = []; else if length(Xo) ~= size(A,2) if numel(Xo)>1 warning(['Warning from ICOpt: Starting value of X must be ' num2str(size(A,2)) ' x 1 vector to be compatible with the ' num2str(size(A,1)) ' x ' num2str(size(A,2)) ' A matrix you provided.']); disp('Using a zero vector instead.') end x = zeros(1,size(A,2)); in_crowd = []; signs = []; else x = Xo; in_crowd = find(x~=0); signs = sign(x(in_crowd)); end end old_in_crowd = 0; %junk start value, != any real value. old_signs = 0; run = 1; for iStep = 1:10000; if run == 1 %%1. Find L columns of A that could account best %%for R. Add them to the "in" crowd if membership will %%not exceed the limit. usefulness = R' * A; if verbose disp(['Max Usefulnes = ' num2str(max(abs(usefulness))) '.']); end [values,order] = sort(abs(usefulness)); addSize = L; % Number of additions to the "in" crowd; you *could* make this a function of in crowd size if you like. %%2. Add only those elements that have a usefulness greater than %%lambdaCut, which is Lambda(1 + 1e-6) comps = values(end:-1:(end-addSize+1)) - lambdaCut; shouldAdd = comps > 0; if sum(shouldAdd) == 0 break; end toAdd = order(end:-1:(end-addSize+1)); toAdd = toAdd(shouldAdd); in_crowd = [in_crowd toAdd]; % Adding to the "in" crowd if verbose disp(['Cardinality of In Crowd = ' num2str(numel(in_crowd)) '.']); end signs = [signs sign(usefulness(toAdd))]; %%%%Uncomment the following code if you do not trust your interior %%%%solver to get solutions with a gradient of the L2 term less than lambdaCut %%%%(see above) on the in crowd set. % if length(unique(in_crowd)) 2 % disp(['Notice: duplicate entries in "in" crowd. Removing...']); % end % in_crowd = unique(in_crowd); % end %%3. Do exact basis pursuit on the "in" crowd. Some modeled %%source magnitudes may become 0. Asmaller = A(:,in_crowd); Asmaller = Asmaller .* (ones(size(Asmaller,1),1)*signs); % Flips the sign of the columns of A for which the corresponding entry in "signs" is negative. xo = x(in_crowd); % Capitol X is the solution on the in crowd, as opposed to x which % is the solution on the full space % intOpt returns only nonnegative solutions to X. if isempty(in_crowd) X = zeros(0,1); else X = intOpt(double(Asmaller),Y,Lambda,xo,interiorSolveOption); end % Set near 0 to 0. maxX = max(X); if maxX > 0 X(find(X < maxX/max_contrast_ratio)) = 0; else X = 0*X; %Set all to 0 if maxX <= 0 end SUPPORT = X~=0; %%4. Kick out all members of the "in" crowd with magnitude 0. in_crowd = in_crowd(SUPPORT); signs = signs(SUPPORT); %%5. Check for convergence if length(in_crowd) == length(old_in_crowd) if all((in_crowd.*signs) == (old_in_crowd.*old_signs)); run=0; end end if iStep>1 x(old_in_crowd) = 0; %Sets all values of x to 0; since x is sparse this is faster than re-initializing. end x(in_crowd) = X(SUPPORT); if run==0 break; end %%6. Find the R by subtracting the expected %% from the "in" crowd from the observed signal. R = Y - Asmaller*X; old_in_crowd = in_crowd; old_signs = signs; end end % Add the sign term x(in_crowd) = x(in_crowd).*signs; x = x'; if all(x == 0) warning(['Warning from "in" crowd optimization:' char(10) ... 'All guesses are 0. Probably Lambda is too high, or you''re in the dark.']); end function X = intOpt(Asmaller,Y,Lambda,xo,interiorOption) % Gives an exact basis pursuit answer to the dense problem handed to it. % Lambda, switch interiorOption case 1 % Use quadprog H = Asmaller' * Asmaller; LambdaVect = 2 * Lambda * ones(size(Asmaller,2),1); f = ((LambdaVect./2)-Asmaller' * (Y)); if size(Asmaller,2) > size(Asmaller,1) disp('Using qps_mq'); % There is a bug in MATLAB's native quadprog, such that it % does not respect solution constraints if size(Asmaller,2) > size(Asmaller,1) % This uses SPM's quadprog routine instead: see % for details [X,err] = qps_mq(H,f,zeros(size(Asmaller,2),1),inf(size(Asmaller,2),1)); if err > 0 error('Inexact solution found.'); end else A = -1*eye(size(Asmaller,2));%; eye(size(Asmaller,2))]; b = zeros(1,length(f));% maxVal*ones(1,length(f))]; %OPTIONS = optimget %OPTIONS = optimset('Display','iter','LargeScale','off'); [X,fval,exitflag,output] = quadprog(H,f,A,b,[],[],[],[],xo,optimset('MaxIter',20000,'Display','off','LargeScale','off')); if exitflag <1 [X,fval,exitflag,output] = quadprog(H,f,[],[],[],[],zeros(size(X)),[],xo,optimset('MaxIter',20000,'Display','off','LargeScale','off')); if exitflag <1 [X,fval,exitflag,output] = quadprog(H,f,[],[],[],[],zeros(size(X)),[],xo,optimset('MaxIter',20000,'Display','off')); if exitflag <1 [X,fval,exitflag,output] = quadprog(H,f,[],[],[],[],zeros(size(X)),[],xo,optimset('MaxIter',20000,'Display','on')); error('There was a problem with the interior optimizer'); end end end end case 2 % Use homotopy maxiter = 10000; X = BPDN_positivity_function(Asmaller,Y,Lambda, maxiter); case 3 X = l1_ls_nonneg(Asmaller,Y,Lambda,1e-3,1); case 4 X = SolveBP(Asmaller, Y, size(Asmaller,2), inf, Lambda); end %warning(s.state,'optim:quadprog:SwitchToMedScale');