% TODO:'e}di{\'ev % - split all publisher entries into address and publisher % - normalize "edition" field % - normalize "fnote" field (for "indirect" literature bibliography) % % Some general definitions % @string{HUMA = "HUMA"} % L'Homme et son univers au Moyen {\^A}ge. De septi{\`e}me congr{\`e}s internationale de philosophie m{\'e}vale. 30 Ao{\^u}t - 4 Septembre 1982 @String{acpap = "ACPAP"} %American Catholic Philosophical Association Proceedings @string{pacpa = "PACPA"} % Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association @String{acpq = "ACPQ"} %American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly @string{afp = "AFP"} %Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum @string{ahdlma = "AHDLMA"} % Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litt{\'e}raire du Moyen {\^A}ge"} @string{bpfsma = "BPFSMA"} % & Biblioteca franciscana scholastica medii aevi \\ @string{bgptm = "BGPTM"} % Beitr{\"a}ge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters"} @string{cimagl = "CIMAGL"} % Cahiers de l'institut du Moyen-{\^A}ge grec et latin @String{chlmp = "CHLMP"} % %The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. % From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration % of Scholasticism, 1100--1600"} @String{cptma = "CPTMA"} %Corpus Philosophorum Teutonicorum Medii Aevi"} @string{dt = "DT"} & Divus Thomas @string{dsp = "DSP"} %DSP & Duns Scot {\`a} Paris, 1302--2002. Actes du colloque % de Paris, 2--4 septembre 2002 \\ @string{dstfm = "DSTFM"} %Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale @String{epm = "{\'E}tudes de philosophie m{\'e}di{\'e}vale"} @String{fs = "Franciscan Studies"} @String{fzst = "Fran\-ziskanische Studien"} @String{ii = "IIMP"} % Intellect and Imagination in Medieval Philosophy. % Actes du XIe congr{\`e}s international de philosophie % m{\'e}di{\'e}vale de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Internationale % pour l'{\'E}tude de la Philosophie M{\'e}di{\'e}vale % (S.I.E.P.M.), Porto, du 26 au 31 ao{\^u}t 2002"} @String{jhp = "JHP"} % Journal of the History of Philosophy"} @String{mm = "Miscellanea Mediaevalia"} @String{ms = "Mediaeval Studies"} @String{n1277 = "1277"} %. Philosophie und % Theologie an der Universit{\"{a}}t von Paris im letzten % Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts. Studien und Texte"} %@String{ot = "Opuscula et textus"} % Historiam Ecclesiae eiusque Vitam atque Doctrinam Illustrantia. Series Scholastica"}% @string{pup = "PUP"} % Princeton uiversity press @string{PDP = "PDP"} % Philosophical Debates at Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century" @string{PSMLM = "PSMLM"} % %"{Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and % Metaphysics}", @string{rspt = "RSPT"} %Revue des sciences philosophiques et th{\'e}ologiques"} % @String{rt = "RT"} % Revue thomiste @string{rtam = "RTAM"} % Recherches de th{\'e}ologie ancienne et m{\'e}di{\'e}vale \\ % rtam is not rtpm (and also: Forschungen zur Theologie und Philosophie des Mittelalters @string{rtpm = "RTPM"} %Recherches de th{\'e}ologie et philosophie m{\'e}di{\'e}vales"} % @String{rpm = "Recontres de philosophie m{\'e}di{\'e}vale"} % @String{sep = "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy"} % @string{stgm = "STGM"} %Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters % @String{ViaScoti = "In Via Scoti: Methodologia ad mentem Joannis Duns Scoti. Atti del Congresso Scotistico Internazionale Roma 9--11 marzo 1993"} % @String{zkt = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r katholische Theologie"} % % publishers % @string{oup = "OUP"} @string{cup = "CUP"} % % AAA @incollection{Ackrill:1965, author = "L. Ackrill", title = "Aristotle's Distinction between \emph{Energeia} and \emph{Kinesis}", booktitle = "New Essays on Plato and Aristotle", editor = "R. Bambrough", address = "London-New York", publisher = "Routledge", year = "1965", pages = "121--41", } @Article{Adams:1977, author = "Marilyn McCord Adams", title = "Ockham's Nominalism and Unreal Entities", journal = "Philosophical Review", volume = "86", year = "1997", pages = "144--176", } @Article{Adams:1979, author = "Marilyn McCord Adams", title = "Was Ockham a Humean about Efficient Causality?", journal = "Franciscan Studies", year = "1979", pages = "5--48", volume = "39", } @Book{Adams:1987, author = "Marilyn McCord Adams", year = "1987", title = "William Ockham", volumes = "2", series = "Publications in Medieval Studies", number = "26.1--2", address = "Notre Dame", publisher = "Notre Dame University Press", keywords = "major", } @incollection{Adams:1996, author = "Marilyn McCord Adams", title = "Scotus and Ockham on the Connection of the Virtues", booktitle = "John Duns Scotus: Metaphysics and Ethics", editor = "L. Honnefelder and R. Wood and M. Dreyer", pages = "499--522", series = stgm, number = "53", address = "Leiden--New York--Cologne", publisher = "E.J. Brill", year = "1996", keywords = "sshrc_prudence", } @incollection{Aertsen:2001, author = "J. Aertsen", title = "{"}Von Gott kann man nichts erkennen, au{\ss{}}er da{\ss{}} er ist{"} (Satz 215 der Pariser Verurteilung). Die Debatte {\"u}ber die (Un-)m{\"o}glichkeit einer Gotteserkenntnis {\textit{quid est}}", shorttitle = "Von Gott", crossref = "zn1277", pages = "22--37", hyphenation = "german", keywords = "indirectdurand", fnote = "Discusses \ds{I}{C}{3}{2}.", } @Book{Alanen:2003, title = "Descartes' Concept of Mind", author = "Lilli Alanen", year = "2003", publisher = "Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press", keywords = "descartes", } @incollection{Allers:1942, author = "R. Allers", title = "{Intelectual Cognition}", year = "1942", booktitle = "Essays on Thomism", edition = "1st", publisher = "New York: Sheed and Ward", editor = "R. Brennan", keywords = "aquinas", } @Book{Amoros:1935, author = "P. Leonis Amor{\'o}s", year = "1935", title = "Fr. Gransalui Hispani {O}.{F}.{M}. Quaestiones disputatae et de Quodlibet", publisher = "College of St.\ Bonaventure", address = "Florence", series = bpfsma, number = "9", } @Article{Arnau:1978, author = "R. Arnau", title = "{La aportaci{\'o}n de Durando de San Porciano, O.P., a la teolog{\'i}a del sacramento del orden}", journal = "Escritos del vedat", volume = "8", year = "1978", pages = "95--121", keywords = "onlydurand, sacraments", } % BBB @Book{Bakker:1999, year = "1999", author = "Paul Bakker", title = "La raison et le miracle. Les doctrines eucharistiques (c. 1250-c. 1400)", publisher = "Nijmegen", } @book{Balic:1927, author = "Carolus Bali{\'c}", title = "Les commentaires de Jean Duns Scot sur les quatre livres des Sentences. {\'E}tude historique et critique", year = "1927", address = "Leuven", publisher = "Bureaux de la revue", series = "Bibliotheque de la revue d'histoire eccl{\'e}siastique", numer = "1", } @incollection{Bazan:2000, title = "Conceptions on the Agent Intellect and the Limits of Metaphysics", author = "B. Carlos Baz{\'{a}}n", crossref = "zn1277", pages = "178--210", } @incollection{Becarrisi:2004, author = "A. Beccarisi", year = "2004", title = "Quaestio utrum beatitudo consistat in intellectu agente", booktitle = "Texte aus der Zeit Meister Eckharts", series = cptma, number = "7.2", pages = "219--238", } @incollection{Biard:1999, author = "Jo{\"e}l Biard", title = "La `science divine' comme paradigme du savoir chez quelques auteurs du {XIV}e si{\`e}cle: Pierre d'Auriole, Gr{\'e}goire de Rimini", editor = "R. Rashed and J. Biard", booktitle = "Les doctrines de la science de l'antiquit{\'e} {\`a} l'age classique", publisher = "Peeters", year = "1999", pages = "189--209", keywords = "sshrc_science", } @incollection{Biard:2001, author = "Jo{\"e}l Biard", title = "Intention et pr{\'e}sence: la notion de \emph{presentialitas} au {XIV}e si{\`e}cle", crossref = "zPerlerIntentionality", pages = "265--282", keywords = "scotus, sshrc_cited", } @Book{Bettoni:1959, author = "E. Bettoni", title = "Le dottrine filosofiche di Pier di Giovanni Olivi", publisher = "Societa editrice `Vita e pensiero'", address = "Milan", year = "1959", } @article{Black:Forthcoming, pubstate = "Forthcoming", author = "Deborah Black", title = "Arabic Theories of Intentionality and their Impact in the Latin West", year = "Forthcoming", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @article{Black:1999, author = "Deborah Black", title = "Mental Existence in Thomas Aquinas and Avicenna", journal = "Mediaeval Studies", volume = "61", year = "1999", pages = "45-–79", } @incollection{Block:1978, title = "Troubles with Functionalism", author = "Ned Block", year = "1978", editor = "C. Savage", booktitle = "Perception and Cognition: Issues in the Foundations of Psychology", number = "9", series = "Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science", address = "Minneapolis", publisher = "University of Minnesota Press", } @Article{Boler:2003, author = "John Boler", title = "Ockham on the Concept", journal = "Medieval Philosophy and Theology", volume = "11", year = "2003", pages = "65--86", } @Article{Bonino:1997, author = "Serge-Thomas Bonino", title = "Quelques r{\'e}actions thomistes {\`a} la critique de l'intellect agent par Durand de Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain", journal = rt, volume = "97", year = "1997", pages = "99--128", keywords = "onlydurand, agent intellect, minor, sshrc_durand", } @Book{Bourke:1938, author = "Joseph Bourke", title = "Habitus as a Perfectant of Potency in the Philosophy of St.\ Thomas Aquinas", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto", year = "1938", keywords = "sshrc_habits" } @incollection{Bourke:1942, author = "Joseph Bourke", title = "The Role of \emph{Habitus} in the Thomistic Metaphysics of Potency and Act", booktitle = "Essays in Thomism", editor = "R. Brennan", address = "New York", publisher = "Sheed and Ward", year = "1942", pages = "101--9", keywords = "sshrc_habits", } @Article{Bowman:1973, author = "Leonard J. Bowman", title = "The Development of the Doctrine of the Agent Intellect in the Franciscan School in the Thirteenth Century", journal = "Modern Schoolman", volume = "50", year = "1973", pages = "251--279", keywords = "sshrc_powers", } @Article{Brampton:1966, author = "C. Brampton", title = "{Personalities at the Process against Ockham at Avignon, 1324--26}", journal = fs, volume = "26", year = "1966", pages = "4--25", keywords = "indirectdurand, ockham", } @Book{Brenet:2003, author = "Jean-Baptiste Brenet", title = "Transferts du sujet: la no{\'e}tique d'Averro{\`e}s selon Jean de Jandun", address = "Paris", publisher = "J. Vrin", year = "2003", keywords = "indirectdurand, john of jandum, agent intellect, minor, sshrc_powers", fnote = "339--341 et passim. Discusses the agent intellect.", } @Article{Brenet:2006, author = "J. Brenet", title = "{Vision b\'eatifique et s\'eparation de l'intellect au d\'ebut du XIVe si\`ecle. Pour Averro\`es ou contre Thomas d'Aquin?}", journal = "Les sectatores Averrois. No{\'e}tique et cosmologie aux XIIIe--XIVe si{\'e}cles = Freiburger Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie und Theologie", volume = "53", year = "2006", pages = "310--342", editor = "D. Calma and E. Coccia", keywords = "indirectdurand, beatific vision", } @Article{Broadie:1999, author = "Alexander Broadie", title = "Scotus on the Unity of the Virtues", journal = "Studies in Christian Ethics", volume = "12", number = "1", year = "1999", pages = "70--83", keywords = "sshrc_prudence", } @Article{Brower:2001, author = "Jeffrey Brower", title = "Relations without Polyadic Properties: Albert the Great on the Nature and Ontological Status of Relations", journal = "Archiv f{\"u}r Geschichte der Philosophie", volume = "83", year = "2001", pages = "225--257", keywords = "sshrc_dispositions" } @Article{Brower:SEP, author = "Jeffrey Brower", title = "Medieval Theories of Relations", journal = sep, URL = "http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2008/entries/relations-medieval/", year = "2009", keywords = "sshrc_dispositions" } @Article{Brower:2007, author = "Susan Brower-Toland", title = "Ockham on Judgment, Concepts, and the Problem of Intentionality", journal = "Canadian Journal of Philosophy", volume = "37", number = "1", year = "2007", keywords = "number, sshrc_cited", pages = "67--110", } @article{Brower:2007b, author = "Susan Brower-Toland", title = "Intuition, Externalism, and Direct Reference in Ockham", journal = "History of Philosophy Quarterly", year = "2007", volume = "24", pages = "317--336", } @Article{Brower:2008, author = "Jeffrey Brower and Susan Brower-Toland", title = "{Aquinas on Mental Representation: Concepts and Intentionality}", shorttitle = "Aquinas on Mental Representation", year = "2008", journal = "The Philosophical Review", volume = "117", number = "2", pages = "193--243", keywords = "aquinas, sshrc_cited", } @Article{Brown:1966, author = "Stephen Brown", title = "Sources for Ockham's Prologue to the Sentences", journal = "Franciscan Studies", volume = "25", pages = "36--65", year = "1966", keywords = "minor, sshrc_science", } @Article{BrownJ:1971, author = "Jerome Brown", title = "{Sensation in Henry of Ghent: A Late Mediaeval Aristotelian--Augustinian Synthesis}", journal = "Archiv f{\"u}r Geschichte der Philosophie", volume = "53", year = "1971", pages = "238--266", keywords = "henry of ghent", } @Article{BrownJ:1972, author = "Jerome Brown", title = "{Henry of Ghent on Internal Sensation}", journal = jhp, vol = "10.1", year = "1972", pages = "15--28", keywords = "henry of ghent", } @Article{BrownJ:1975, author = "Jerome Brown", title = "Intellect and Knowing in Henry of Ghent", journal = "Tijdschrift voor Filosofie", volume = "37", year = "1975", pages = "490--512 and 692--710", keywords = "sshrc_powers", } @incollection{Buffon:2008, author = "Valeria Buffon", title = "The Structure of the Soul, Intellectual Virtues, and the Ethical Ideal of Masters of Arts in Early Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics", year = "2008", booktitle = "Virtue Ethics in the Middle Ages", editor = "I. Bejczy", pages = "13--30", keywords = "sshrc_knowhow", } @Book{Bullet:1958, author = "Gabriel Bullet", title = "Vertus morales infuses et vertus morales acquises selon saint Thomas d'Aquin", year = "1958", addressr = "Fribourg, Switzerland", publisher = "Editions Universitaires", keywords = "sshrc_prudence", } @incollection{Burge:2003, author = "Tyler Burge", title = "Descartes, Bare Concepts, and Anti-Individualism: Reply to Normore", pages = "291--334", year = "2003", editor = "M. Hahn and B. Ramberg", booktitle = "Reflections and Replies: Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge", publisher = "MIT Press", address = "Cambridge, MA", } @incollection{Burlando:2006, author = "G. Burlando", title = "{Su{\'a}rez on Intrinsic Representationalism}", crossref = "zII", volume = "3", pages = "1941--1957", keywords = "indirectdurand, suarez", fnote = "(on intellect and sense identity)", } @Article{Burnyeat:2008, author = "Myles Burnyeat", title = "\emph{Kinesis} vs.\ \emph{Energeia}: {A} Much-Read Passage in (but not of) Aristotle's \emph{Metaphysics}", journal = "Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy", volume = "34", year = "2008", pages = "219--292", } @incollection{Burnyeat:2001, author = "Myles Burnyeat", title = "{Aquinas on Spiritual Change in Perception}", crossref = "zPerlerIntentionality", pages = "129--54", keywords = "aquinas, spiritual change", } @Article{Burnyeat:2002, author = "Myles Burnyeat", title = "\emph{De Anima} {II} 5", year = "2002", journal = "Phronesis", volume = "47", pages = "29--90", } @Article{Burr:1976, author = "David Burr", title = "The Persecution of Peter Olivi", journal = "Transactionsof the American Philosophical Society", volume = "66", year = "1976", pages = "3--98", } @Book{Burr:1989, author = "David Burr", title = "Olivi and Franciscan Poverty", address = "Philadelphia", publisher = "University of Pennsylvania Press", year = "1989", } @Book{Busa:1980, editor = "Roberto Busa", title = "{S}. Thomae Aquinatis Opera Omnia", volumes = "7", address = "Stuttgart-Bad-Castatt", publisher = "Friedrich Frommann Holzboog", year = "1980", } % CCC @Article{Callaghan:2001, title = "{\emph{Verbum mentis}: Philosophical or Theological Doctrine in Aquinas?}", journal = acpap, author = "John O'Callaghan", volume = "74", year = "2001", pages = "103--19", keywords = "aquinas, sshrc_maybe", } @article{Callaghan:2002, author = "John O'Callaghan", title = "Aquinas, Cognitive Theory, and Analogy: A Propos of Robert Pasnau's \emph{Theories of Cognition in the Later Middle Ages}", journal = acpq, volume = "76", number = "3", year = "2002", pages = "451--82", keywords = "sshrc_maybe", } @Book{Callaghan:2003, title = "Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn", year = "2003", publisher = "University of Notre Dame Press", address = "Notre Dame, Indiana", author = "John O'Callaghan", keywords = "aquinas, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Caroti:1989, year = "1989", author = "Stefano Caroti", title = "Da Buriadano a Marisilio di Inghen: la tradizione parigina della discussione \emph{de reactione}", journal = "Medioevo", volume = "15", pages = "173--233", } @article{Carr:1981, author = "David Carr", year = "1981", keywords = "sshrc_cited, sshrc_knowhow", title = "Knowledge in Practice", journal = "American Philosophical Quarterly", volume = "18", number = "1", pages = "53--61", } @incollection{Celeyrette:2002, author = "J. Celeyrette and J. Sol{\`e}re", title = "{Godefroid de Fontaines et la th{\'e}orie de la l'intensification des formes}", editor = "P. Bakker and E. Faye and C. Grellard", booktitle = "Chemins de la pens\'ee m\'edi\'evale", publisher = "Turnhout: Brepols", year = "2002", pages = "79--112", keywords = "indirectdurand, godfrey of fontaines, sshrc_intensification", } @incollection{Cessario:1997, author = "Roman Cessario", title = "Saint Thomas, Durand of Saint-Pour\c{c}ain et Capreolus: Le d\'ebat sur la foi", crossref = "JCST", pages = "159--164", keywords = "sshrc_durand", } @Book{Chisholm:1957, author = "Roderick Chisholm", title = "{Perceiving: A Philosophical Study}", address = "Ithaca", publisher = "Cornell University Press", year = "1957", } @incollection{Chisholm:1967, author = "Roderick Chisholm", title = "Intentionality", booktitle = "Encyclopedia of Philosophy", editor = "P. Edwards", year = "1967", address = "New York", publisher = "MacMillan", volume = "4", pages = "201--4", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @article{Cohen:2006, author = "Jonathan Cohen and Aaron Meskin", title = "An Objective Conterfactual Theory of Information", year = "2006", journal = "Australasian Journal of Philosophy", volume = "84", number = "3", pages = "333--352", } @Article{Cohen:1982, author = "Sheldon Cohen", year = "1982", title = "St.\ Thomas Aquinas on the Immaterial Reception of Sensible Forms", journal = "Philosophical Review", volume = "91", number = "2", pages = "193--209", keywords = "sshrc_species", } @article{Colish:1993, author = "M. Colish", title = "\emph{Habitus} Revisited: 12th-Century Reception of Aristotle in the West, A Reply to Nederman, Cary", journal = "Traditio", volume = "48", pages = "77--92", year = "1993", keywords = "sshrc_habits" } @Article{Conforti:1997, author = "Patrizia Conforti", title = "{Herv{\'e} N{\'e}dellec et les questions ordinaires \emph{De cognitione}}", journal = rt, volume = "97", year = "1997", pages = "63--82", keywords = "minor, indirectdurand, hervaeus natalis, cognition, sshrc_powers", } @Article{Coope:2004, author = "U. Coope", title = "Aristotle's Account of Agency in Physics {III} 3", journal = "Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy", year = "2004", pages = "201--21", volume = "20", } @Article{Coope:2007, author = "U. Coope", title = "Aristotle on Action", year = "2007", journal = "Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume", volume = "81", pages = "109--37", } @Article{Cote:2007, author = "Antoine C{\^o}t{\'e}", title = "{L}'objet et la cause de la connaissance selon Godefroid de Fontaines", year = "2007", journal = "Freiburger Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie und Theologie", pages = "409--29", keywords = "sshrc_powers", } @Article{Cote:2009, author = "Antoine C{\^o}t{\'e}", title = "Simplicius and James of Viterbo on Propensities", year = "2009", journal = "Vivarium", pages = "24--53", volume = "47", keywords = "sshrc_dispositions" } @incollection{Courtenay:2010, author = "William J. Courtenay", title = "The Role of University Masters and Bachelors at Paris in the Templar Affair, 1307--1308", crossref = "1308", pages = "171--81", } @Book{Courtenay:1990, author = "William J. Courtenay", title = "{Capacity and Volition: A History of the Distinction of Absolute Power}", series = "Quodlibet", number = "8", address = "Bergamo", publisher = "Pierluigi Lubrina", year = "1990", keywords = "indirectdurand, sshrc_powers", fnote = "116-126", } @Book{courtenay:1987, author = "William J. Courtenay", title = "Schools and Scholars", publisher = pup, address = "Princeton", year = "1987", } @book{Crane:1996, author = "Tim Crane", title = "Dispositions: A Debate. D.M. Armstrong, C.B. Martin, and U.T. Place. Edited and with an Introduction by Tim Crane", publisher = "Routledge", address = "New York", year = "1996", keywords = "sshrc_dispositions, sshrc_cited", } @incollection{Crane:2007, author = "Tim Crane", title = "Intentionalism", year = "2007", publisher = "OUP", address = "Oxford", editor = "A. Beckerman and P. McLaughlin", booktitle = "Oxford Handbook to the Philosophy of Mind", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @Article{Cremascoli:1984, author = "G. Cremascoli", title = "{Il \emph{Libellus de visione Dei} di Durando di S. Porziano}", journal = "Studi medievali", year = "1984", volume = "25", pages = "393--443", keywords = "primary, durand, sshrc_durand", } @incollection{Cremascoli:2000, author = "G. Cremascoli", title = "Sul processo al \emph{Libellus de visione Dei} di Durando di {S}. Porziano. Personaggi e testi", booktitle = "Studi sull'Umbria medievale e umanistica", address = "Spoleto", publisher = "Centro Italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo", series = "In ricordo di Olga Marinelli, Pier Lorenzo Meloni, Ugolino Nicolini", editor = "M. Donnini and E. Menest{\`o}", year = "2000", pages = "189--204", keywords = "onlydurand, bio, sshrc_durand", } @incollection{Cross:2003, author = "Richard Cross", title = "{Philosophy of Mind}", crossref = "zCCScotus", pages = "263--84", keywords = "scotus, major, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Cross:2003a, author = "Richard Cross", title = "{A Trinitarian Debate in Early Fourteenth-Century Christology}", journal = rtpm, volume = "70", year = "2003", pages = "233--274", keywords = "indirectdurand, trinity", fnote = "249-56", } @Book{Cross:2005, author = "Richard Cross", year = "2005", title = "Duns Scotus on God", address = "Aldershot", publisher = "Ashgate", } @book{Cross:1998, author = "Richard Cross", year = "1998", title = "The Physics of Duns Scotus. The Scientific Context of a Theological Vision", address = "Oxford", publisher = oup, } @incollection{Cross:2009, author = "Richard Cross", year = "2009", title = "The Mental Word in Duns Scotus and Some of His Contemporaries", booktitle = "The Word in Medieval Logic, Theology and Psychology: Acts of the 13th International Colloquium of the Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Internationale pour l'{\'E}tude de la Philosophie M{\'e}di{\'e}vale, Kyoto, 27 September -- 1 October 2005", editor = "T. Shimizu and C. Burnett", publisher = "Brepols", address = "Turnhout", series = "Rencontres de philosophie m{\'e}di{\'e}vale", number = "14", keywords = "animals, sshrc_maybe", pages = "291--332", } @Book{Cummins:1989, author = "Robert Cummins", title = "Meaning and Mental Representation", year = "1989", publisher = "MIT Press", address = "Cambridge, MA", keywords = "intentionality", } % DDD @Book{Dales:1995, title = "The Problem of the Rational Soul in the 13th Century", author = "R. Dale", year = "1995", publisher = "Leiden: Brill", keywords = "misc medieval, cognition", } @Book{Dancy:1988, title = "Perceptual Knowledge", author = "Jonathan Dancy", year = "1988", address = "Oxford", publisher = oup, } @Book{Dauder:2000, author = "J. Dauder", title = "{Conocer y amar. Estudio de los objetos y operaciones del entendimiento y de la voluntad seg{\'u}n Thom{\'a}s de Aquino}", publisher = "Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra", edition = "2nd", year = "2000", keywords = "aquinas", } @book{Day:1947, author = "Sebastian Day", title = "Intuitive Cognition: A Key to the Significance of the Later Scholastics", address = "St.\ Bonaventure, NY", publisher = "The Franciscan Institute", } @Book{Decker:1967, author = "Bruno Decker", title = "Die Gotteslehre des Jakob von Metz. Untersuchungen zur Dominikanertheologie zu Beginn des 14.\ Jahrhunderts", shorttitle = "Die Gotteslehre", series = bgptm, number = "42", publisher = "M{\"u}nster: Aschendorff", year = "1967", keywords = "indirectdurand, jacob of metz, divine foreknowledge, bio, scotus", comment = "Claim: Durand first to react to Scotus in Paris", fnote = "77-88, 108, 187-188", } @incollection{Decorte:1995, author = "Jos Decorte", title = "\emph{Modus} or \emph{Res}: Scotus' Criticism of Henry of Ghent's Conception of the Reality of a Real Relation", crossref = "zViaScoti", volume = "1", pages = "407--429", keywords = "sshrc_dispositions" } @Article{Decorte:2002, author = "Jos Decorte", title = "\emph{Relatio} as \emph{Modus Essendi}: The Origins of Henry of Ghent's Definition of Relation", journal = "International Journal of Philosophical Studies", volume = "10", number = "3", year = "2002", pages = "309--336", keywords = "sshrc_dispositions" } @article{Denery:1998, author = "D. Denery", title = "The Appearance of Reality: Peter Aureol and the Experience of Perceptual Error", journal = "Franciscan Studies", year = "1998", volume = "55", pages = "17--52", } @book{Denery:2005, author = "D. Denery", title = "Seeing and Being Seen in the Later Medieval World. Optics, Theology, and Religious Life", year = "2005", publisher = cup, address = "Cambridge", } @incollection{Dewender:2009, author = "Thomas Dewender", title = "Der ontologische Status der Relationen nach Durandus von St.-Pourcain, Hervaeus Natalis und Petrus Aureoli", crossref = "PDPEFC", pages = "287--307", keywords = "ontology, sshrc_dispositions", } @Article{Donneaud:1997, author = "Henry Donneaud", title = "{Durand et Durandellus sur les rapports de la foi et de la science}", journal = rt, volume = "97", year = "1997", pages = "157--72", keywords = "number, onlydurand, durandellus, knowledge, sshrc_durand", } @incollection{Doyle:2009, author = "John Doyle", title = "Hervaeus Natalis on Intentionality: Its Direction and Some Aftermath", crossref = "PDPEFC", pages = "261--86", } @article{Doyle:2006, author = "John Doyle", title = "Hervaeus Natalis, O.P., (d.\ 1323) on Intentionality: Its Direction, Context, and Some Aftermath", journal = "Modern Schoolman", volume = "83", pages = "85--124", year = "2006", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @Book{Dretske:1981, author = "Fred Dretske", year = "1981", title = "Knowledge and the Flow of Information", address = "Cambridge, MA", publisher = "MIT Press", } @Book{Dretske:1988, author = "Fred Dretske", year = "1988", title = "Explaining Behavior: Reasons in a World of Causes", address = "Cambridge, MA", publisher = "MIT Press", } @Article{Dreyfus:2002, author = "Hubert Dreyfus", year = "2002", title = "Intelligence without Representation -- Merleau-Ponty's Critique of Mental Representation: The Relevance of Phenomenology to Scientific Explanation", journal = "Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences", volume = "1", number = "4", pages = "367--383", keywords = "sshrc_knowhow", } @Article{Dumont:1965, author = "Richard Dumont", title = "The Role of the Phantasm in the Psychology of Duns Scotus", journal = "The Monist", volume = "49", year = "1965", keywords = "sshrc_acquisition", } @Article{Dumont:1988, title = "The Necessary Connection of Moral Virtue to Prudence According to John Duns Scotus---Revisited", journal = rtam, volume = "55", year = "1988", pages = "184--206", author = "Stephen Dumont", keywords = "sshrc_prudence", } @Article{Dumont:1989, author = "Stephen Dumont", title = "Theology as a Science and Duns Scotus's Distinction between Intuitive and Abstractive Cognition", journal = "Speculum", volume = "64", year = "1989", pages = "579--99", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @Article{Dumont:1998, author = "Stephen Dumont", year = "1998", title = "New Questions by Thomas Wylton", journal = dstfm, volume = "9", pages = "341--81", } @incollection{Dumont:2000, title = "Did Duns Scotus Change his Mind on the Will?", author = "Stephen Dumont", crossref = "zn1277", pages = "719--94", keywords = "scotus, godfrey of fontaines, henry of ghent", } % EEE @Book{Effler:1962, author = "Roy Effler", title = "John Duns Scotus and the Principle `Omne quod movetur ab alio movetur'", publisher = "The Franciscan Institute", address = "St.\ Bonaventure, NY", year = "1962", } @Article{Emery:1997, author = "G. Emery", title = "{La th\'eologie trinitaire des \emph{Evidentiae contra Durandum} de Durandellus}", journal = rt, volume = "97", year = "1997", pages = "173--218", keywords = "onlydurand, durandellus, trinity", } @Article{Emery:1999, author = "Gilles Emery", title = "{Dieu, la foi et la th{\'e}ologie chez Durand de Saint-Pour\c{c}ain}", journal = rt, volume = "99", year = "1999", pages = "659--99", keywords = "onlydurand, knowledge, sshrc_durand", } @Article{Emery:2002, author = "Gilles Emery", title = "Durand de Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain", journal = "Dictionnaire du Moyen {\^A}ge", pages = "453--455", keywords = "onlydurand, encyclopedia", } @Article{Emmen:1943, author = "A. Emmen", title = "De origine controversiae circa peccatum originale in schola dominicana saeculo {XIII}. Relationes inter Iacobum Mettensem et Durandum inlustratae ex operibus Duns Scoti et Guilelmi de Nottingham", journal = DT, volume = "20", year = "1943", pages = "385--400", keywords = "onlydurand, james of metz, scotus, william of nottingham", } @article{Etzkorn:2001, author = "Girard Etzkorn", title = "Ockham at Avignon: His Response to Critics", journal = "Franciscan Studies", volume = "59", year = "2001", pages = "9--19", } @book{Evans:1982, author = "Gareth Evans", title = "The Varieties of Reference", publisher = oup, address = "Oxford", year = "1982", } @Article{Evans:2006, author = "G. Evans", title = "{Review of \emph{Durandus of St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain: A Dominican Theologian in the Shadows of Aquinas} by Isabel Iribarren}", journal = "Journal of Theological Studies", volume = "57", year = "2006", pages = "364--365", keywords = "onlydurand, bio", } % FFF @Article{Fournier:1938, author = "P. Fournier", title = "{Durand de S. Pour{\c{c}}ain}", journal = "Histoire litt{\'e}raire de la France", volume = "37", publisher = "Paris: Imprimerie Nationale", pages = "1--38", year = "1938", keywords = "onlydurand, encyclopedia", } @incollection{Freddoso:1988, author = "Alfred Freddoso", title = "Medieval Aristotelianism and the Case against Secondary Causation in Nature", pages = "74--118", editor = "Thomas Morris", booktitle = "Divine and Human Action: Essays in the Metaphysics of Theism", address = "Ithaca, NY", publisher = "Cornell University Press", year = "1988", fnote = "Calls Durand 'William Durandus'.", } @article{Freddoso:1991, author = "Alfred Freddoso", title = "God's General Concurrence with Secondary Causes: Why Conservation is Not Enough", journal = "Philosophical Perspectives", volume = "5", year = "1991", pages = "553--85", fnote = "Calls Durand 'William Durand'. Good general discussion of medieval causality", } @article{Freddoso:1994, author = "Alfred Freddoso", title = "God's General Concurrence with Secondary Causes: Pitfalls and Prospects", journal = acpq, volume = "67", year = "1994", pages = "131--56", fnote = "discusses in detail IIC.1.5", } @Book{Friedman:1997b, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "In principio erat Verbum: The Incorporation of Philosophical Psychology into Trinitarian Theology, 1250--1325", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Iowa", year = "1997", keywords = "minor", } @Article{Friedman:1996, author = "Russell Friedman", year = "1996", title = "Relations, Emanations, and Henry of Ghent's Use of the Verbum Mentis in Trinitarian Theology: The Background in Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure", journal = dstfm, volume = "7", pages = "131--182", keywords = "henry of ghent, indirectdurand", } @incollection{Friedman:1997, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "Conceiving and Modifying Reality: Some Modist Roots of Peter Auriol's Theory of Concept Formation", year = "1997", editor = "C. Marmo", booktitle = "Vestigia, Imagines, Verba. Semiotics and Logic in Medieval Theological Texts (XIIth-XIVth Century", pages = "305--321", address = "Turnhout", publisher = "Brepols", keywords = "peter auriol", } @Article{Friedman:1999, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "{Divergent Traditions in Later-Medieval Trinitarian Theology: Relations, Emanations, and the Use of Philosophical Psychology, 1250-1325}", journal = "Studia theologica", volume = "53", year = "1999", pages = "13--25", keywords = "indirectdurand, bio", } @incollection{Friedman:1999b, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "{Peter Auriol on Intentions and Essential Predication}", booktitle = "Medieval Analyses in Language and Cognition, Acts of the Symposium, `The Copenhagen School of Medieval Philosophy', January 10--13", year = "1999", editor = "S. Ebbesen and R. L. Friedman", series = "Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters", address = "Copenhagen", publisher = "Reitzel", pages = "415--430", keywords = "peter auriol", } @Article{Friedman:2000, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "Peter Auriol on Intellectual Cognition of Singulars", journal = "Vivarium", volume = "38", year = "2000", pages = "177--93", } @incollection{Friedman:Sentences, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "{The Sentences Commentary, 1250--1320. General Trends, the Impact of the Religious Orders, and the Test Case of Predestination}", shorttitle = "The Sentences Commentary", editor = "G. Evans", booktitle = "Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Current Research", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", year = "2002", volume = "1", pages = "41--128", keywords = "indirectdurand, bio", } @Article{Friedman:2002b, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "{Peter Aureol}", journal = sep, URL = "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/auriol/", year = "2009", keywords = "peter auriol, encyclopedia", } @incollection{Friedman:2003, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "{Durand of St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain}", crossref = "zCPMA", pages = "249--53", keywords = "onlydurand, encyclopedia", } @incollection{Friedman:2006b, author = "Russell Friedman", year = "2006", title = "Durandus of Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain (bibliographic update)", booktitle = "Encyclopedia of Philosophy", edition = "2nd", volume = "3", editor = "Donald M. Borchert", pages = "148--9", keywords = "onlydurand, encyclopedia, sshrc_durand", } @incollection{Friedman:Quodlibeta, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "Dominican Quodlibetal Literature, ca.\ 1260--1330", shorttitle = "Dominican Quodlibetal Literature", pages = "401--491", volume = "2", crossref = "TQMA", } @incollection{Friedman:2009, author = "Russell Friedman", year = "2009", title = "Mental Propositions before Mental Language", editor = "J. Biard", booktitle = "Le langage mental du Moyen {\^A}ge {\`a} l'{\^a}ge classique", pages = "95--115", address = "Leuven", publisher = "Peeters", keywords = "onlydurand, sshrc_cited", } @incollection{Friedman:2009b, author = "Russell Friedman", title = "{On the Trail of a Philosophical Debate: Durand of St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain vs.\ Thomas Wylton on Simultaneous Acts in the Intellect}", crossref = "PDPEFC", pages = "433--464", keywords = "sshrc_durand_recent", } @incollection{Friedman:2010, year = "Forthcoming", author = "Russell Friedman", title = "Peter Auriol versus Durand of St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain on Intellectual Cognition", crossref = "zKlima:2010", keywords = "minor, sshrc_durand_recent", } @Book{Fuchs:1952, author = "Oswald Fuchs", title = "The Psychology of Habit According to William Ockham", year = "1952", address = "St.\ Bonaventure, NY", publisher = "The Franciscan Institute", keywords = "major, sshrc_habits, sshrc_cited", } @Book{Fuchs:1999, author = "M. Fuchs", year = "1999", title = "{Zeichen und Wissen. Das Verh{\"a}ltnis der Zeichentheorie zur Theorie des Wissens und der Wissenschaften im dreizehnten Jahrhundert}", publisher = "M{\"u}nster: Aschendorff", keywords = "ockham, habits, sshrc_science", } @Book{Fumagalli:1969, author = "Maria Fumagalli", title = "{Durando di S. Porziano. Elementi filosofici della terza redazione del Commento alle Sentenze}", shorttitle = "Durando di S. Porziano", publisher = "La Nuova Italia", address = "Florence", year = "1969", keywords = "minor, onlydurand, bio, general, sshrc_durand", } @Article{Fumagalli:1978, author = "Maria Fumagalli", title = "{Il \emph{De origine iurisdictionum} di Durando di S. Porziano}", journal = "Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica", volume = "70", year = "1978", pages = "193--206", keywords = "primary, durand", } @incollection{Fumagalli:1994, author = "Maria Fumagalli", title = "{Note concetto di teologia in Durando di S. Porziano}", booktitle = "Filosofia e teologia nel trecento", series = "Studi in ricordo di Eugenio Randi", editor = "L. Bianchi", publisher = "Louvaine-la-Neuve", year = "1994", pages = "57--63", keywords = "onlydurand, bio, sshrc_durand", } % GGG @Article{Gal:1969, author = "Gedeon G{\'a}l", title = "Quaestio Ioannis de Reading de necessitate specierum intelligibilium: defensio doctrinae Scoti", journal = "Franciscan Studies", volume = "29", year = "1969", pages = "191--212", keywords = "minor, sshrc_species", } @Article{Gal:1967, author = "G. G{\'a}l", title = "Gualteri de Chatton et Guillelmi de Ockham contraversia de natura conceptus universalis", journal = fs, volume = "27", year = "1967", pages = "191--212", keywords = "primary, ockham, walter chatton, sshrc_science", } @Article{Gal:1971, author = "Gedeon G{\'a}l", year = "1971", title = "Henricus de Harclay: quaestio de significato conceptus universalis", journal = "Franciscan Studies", volume = "31", pages = "178--224", keywords = "minor, sshrc_science", } @incollection{Garber:1993, author = "Daniel Garber", year = "1993", booktitle = "Causation in Early Modern Philosophy", title = "Descartes and Occasionalism", editor = "Stephen Nadler", pages = "2--20", address = "Park, PA", publisher = "The Pennsylvania State University Press", } @Article{Gauthier:1947-48, author = "R.-A. Gauthier", title = "Trois commentaires `averroistes' sur l'{\'{E}}thique {\`{a}} Nicomaque", journal = ahdlma, volume = "22--23", year = "1947--48", pages = "187--46", keywords = "sshrc_maybe", } @book{Geach:1963, author = "G.E.M. Anscombe and Peter Geach", title = "Three Philosophers", year = "1963", publisher = "Basil Blackwell", address = "Oxford", } @Book{Gelber:2004, author = "Hester Gelber", title = "It Could Have Been Otherwise: Modal Theory and Theology among the Dominicans at Oxford, 1310--1340", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", series = stgm, number = "81", year = "2004", keywords = "indirectdurand", fnote = "34--35, 53, 153", } @Book{Gilson:1937, author = "Etienne Gilson", title = "The Unity of Philosophical Experience", year = "1937/1999", address = "San Francisco", publisher = "Ignatius Press", } @Book{Gilson:1955, author = "Etienne Gilson", title = "History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages", publisher = "New York: Random House", year = "1955", keywords = "indirectdurand, bio, chapter four", fnote = "pp.\ 473--476", } @book{Gilson:1956, author = "Etienne Gilson", title = "The Christian Philosophy of St.\ Thomas Aquinas", year = "1956", publisher = "University of Notre Dame Press", address = "Notre Dame, IN", } @Book{Glorieux:1925, author = "P. Glorieux", title = "La litter{\'{e}}rature quodlib{\'{e}}tique de 1260 {\`{a}} 1320", address = "Paris", publisher = "[s.n.]", volume = "1", year = "1925", keywords = "indirectdurand", } @Book{Glorieux:1935, author = "P. Glorieux", title = "La litter{\'e}rature quodlib{\'e}tique de 1260 {\`a} 1320", address = "Paris", volume = "2", year = "1935", } @book{Glorieux:1959, author = "P. Glorieux", title = "Jacques de Th{\'e}rines. Quodlibets I et II. Jean Lesage. Quodlibet I. Texte critique avec introduction, notes, et tables", publisher = "J. Vrin", address = "Paris", year = "1958", } @Book{Goddu:1984, author = "Andr{\'{e}} Goddu", title = "The Physics of Ockham", year = "1984", publisher = "E.J. Brill", address = "Leiden--K{\"{o}}ln", keywords = "sshrc_cited" } @Article{Goddu:1996, author = "Andr{\'e} Goddu", title = "William of Ockham's Distinction between `Real' Efficient Causes and Strictly `Sine Qua Non' Causes", journal = "The Monist", volume = "79", number = "3", year = "1996", pages = "357--367", } @Article{Godet:1924, author = "P. Godet", title = "{Durand de S. Pour{\c{c}}ain}", journal = "Dictionaire de th{\'e}ologie catholique", volume = "4", publisher = "Paris: Letouzey et Ane", pages = "1964--1966", year = "1924", keywords = "onlydurand, encyclopedia", } @Article{Goris:2002, author = "Wouter Goris", title = "Implicit Knowledge: Being as First Known in Peter of Oriel", journal = rtpm, volume = "69", number = "1", year = "2002", pages = "33--65", keywords = "number, sshrc_powers", } @Article{Grabmann:1944, author = "M. Grabmann", title = "{J}. Capreolus, {O}.{P}., der Princeps Thomistarum und seine Stellung in der Geschichte der Thomistenschule", journal = DT, volume = "44", year = "1944", pages = "145--70", } @Book{Graf:1935, author = "T. Graf", year = "1935", title = "De subiecto psychico gratiae et uirtutum secundum doctrinam scholasticorum usque ad medium saeculum XIV, Pars Prima", volume = "2", publisher = "Rome", } @Book{Grant:1996, author = "E. Grant", title = "Planets, Stars, and Orbs: The Medieval Cosmos, 1200--1687", address = "Cambridge", publisher = cup, year = "1996", keywords = "indirectdurand", fnote = "141--145, 393--419, 581--582 et passim. (Discusses \dsPart{I}{C}{3}{2}{2}.)", } @incollection{Greco:2002, author = "John Greco", title = "Virtues in Epistemology", booktitle = "Oxford Handbook of Epistemology", year = "2002", editor = "P. Moser", address = "New York", publisher = oup, pages = "287--315", keywords = "sshrc_epistemology", } @Book{Groblici:1938, author = "Julian Groblici", title = "De scientia Dei futurorum contingentium secundum {S}. Thomam eiusque primos sequaces", address = "Krakow", series = "Editio Facultatis Theologicae Universitatis Jagellonicae Cracoviensis", number = "1.3", publisher = "Facultas Theoligica Universitatis Jagelloniae Cracoviensis", year = "1938", hyphenation = "latin", keywords = "indirectdurand", comment = "Qtd. in Schabel:2001, p.\ 218", fnote = "a more succinctpresentation is in \cite{Hoenen:1993}.)", } @Article{Groppo:1961, author = "G. Groppo", title = "{La teologia e il suo {\textit{subiectum}} secundo il Prologo del commento alle {\textit{Sentenze}} di Pietro da Palude, O.P. (\dag1342) (In I \emph{Sent}., Prol., q.\ III; q.\ V, a.\ 1)}", journal = "Salesianum", volume = "23", year = "1961", pages = "219--315", keywords = "primary, peter of palude, indirectdurand, hervaeus natalis, sshrc_palude, sshrc_science", anote = "Argues that (pace Koch) Hervaeus's Defensio is an attack on Durand.", fnote = "esp. pp.\ 302--305", } @Article{Guimaraes:1938, author = "Agustin {de Guimar{\~a}es}", title = "{Herv{\'e} No{\"e}l (\dag1323). {\'E}tude biographique}", shorttitle = "Herv{\'e} No{\"e}l", journal = afp, volume = "8", year = "1938", pages = "5--81", keywords = "indirectdurand, hervaeus natalis, bio", } % HHH @book{Hamilton:1863, author = "William Hamilton", title = "The Works of Thomas Reid", address = "Edinburgh-London", year = "1863", publisher = "Maclachlan-Stewart-and-Co. and Longman-Brown-Green-and-Longmans", } @article{Haldane:1989, author = "John Haldane", title = "Brentano's Problem", journal = "Gazer Philosophische Studien", volume = "35", pages = "1--32", year = "1989", keywords = "sshrc_cited" } @article{Haldane:1992, author = "John Haldane", title = "Putnam on Intentionality", journal = "Philosophy and Phenomenological Research", volume = "52", pages = "671--82", year = "1992", } @article{Haldane:1993a, year = "1993", title = "Whose Theory? Which Representation?", journal = "Pacific Philosophical Quarterly", volume = "74", pages = "247--57", author = "John Haldane", } @incollection{Haldane:1993b, year = "1993", title = "Mind-World Identity and the Anti-Realist Challenge", booktitle = "Reality, Representation, and Projection", editor = "J. Haldane and C. Wright", pages = "15--37", address = "New York", publisher = "OUP", author = "John Haldane", } @article{Haldane:1996, year = "1996", author = "John Haldane", title = "Intentionality and One-Sided Relations", journal = "Ratio", volume = "9", pages = "95--114", } @article{Haldane:1998, author = "John Haldane", year = "1998", title = "A Return to Form in the Philosophy of Mind", journal = "Ratio", volume = "11", pages = "253--77", } @Article{Haldane:1983, author = "John Haldane", title = "Aquinas on Sense Perception", journal = "Philosophical Review", volume = "92", number = "1", year = "1983", pages = "233--39", keywords = "sshrc_powers", } @article{Haldane:2007, author = "John Haldane", title = "The Metaphysics of Intellect(ion)", journal = pacpa, volume = "80", year = "2007", pages = "39--55", keywords = "sshrc_powers", } @book{Hartman:2011, author = "Peter Hartman", title = "Durand of St.-Pour{\c{c}}ain on Cognitive Acts: Their Cause, Ontological Status, and Intentional Character", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto", year = "2011", keywords = "sshrc_durand_recent, sshrc_cited", } @article{Hartman:2011a, pubstate = "Submitted (Revise and Resubmit)", year = "2011", author = "Peter Hartman", title = "Thomas Aquinas and Durand of St.-Pour{\c{c}}ain on Mental Representation", journal = "Journal for the History of Philosophy", keywords = "sshrc_durand_recent, sshrc_cited", } @incollection{Hatfield:1998, author = "G. Hatfield", year = "1998", booktitle = "The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy", address = "Cambridge", publisher = cup, editor = "Daniel Garber and Michael Ayers and Roger Ariew and Alan Gabbey", pages = "953--1002", keywords = "descartes", } @article{Haugeland:1990, author = "John Haugeland", year = "1990", title = "The Intentionality All-Stars", journal = "Philosophical Perspectives", volume = "4", pages = "383--427", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @book{Hayen:1954, author = "Andr{\'e} Hayen", title = "L'intentionnel selon saint Thomas", edition = "2nd edition", year = "1954", address = "Paris", publisher = "Descl{\'e}e de Brouwer", keywords = "sshrc_maybe" } @Article{Heil:2005, author = "John Heil", title = "Dispositions", journal = "Synthese", volume = "144", number = "3", year = "2005", pages = "343--356", keywords = "sshrc_cited, sshrc_dispositions", } @Article{Heinaman:2007, author = "Robert Heinaman", title = "Actuality, Potentiality and De Anima {II}.5", year = "2007", journal = "Phronesis", volume = "52", pages = "139--87", } @incollection{Hellie:2010, author = "Benj Hellie", title = "An Externalist's Guide to Inner Experience", pages = "97--146", booktitle = "Perceiving the World", editor = "Bence Nanay", publisher = oup, address = "Oxford", year = "2010", } @Article{Henninger:1985, author = "Mark Henninger", title = "Peter Aureoli and William of Ockham on Relations", journal = "Franciscan Studies", volume = "45", year = "1985", keywords = "ontology, sshrc_dispositions", pages = "231--44", } @Book{Henninger:1989, author = "Mark Henninger", title = "Relations: Medieval Theories, 1250--1325", shorttitle = "Relations", address = "Oxford", publisher = oup, year = "1989", keywords = "sshrc_dispositions, ontology, indirectdurand, relations", fnote = "pp.\ 177--178", } @incollection{Henninger:1994, author = "Mark Henninger", title = "{Durand of Saint Pour{\c{c}}ain (B. CA 1270; D. 1334)}", editor = "J. Gracia", booktitle = "Individuation in Scholasticism: The Later Middle Ages and the Counter-Reformation, 1150--1650", address = "New York", publisher = "SUNY Press", year = "1994", pages = "319--32", keywords = "durand direct, sshrc_durand", } @Book{Henninger:2008, author = "Mark Henninger", title = "Henry of Harclay Ordinary Questions", address = "Oxford", publsher = oup, year = "2008", keywoords = "minor, henryharclay", } @Article{Herrera:2005, title = "{Understanding Similitudes in Aquinas with the Help of Avicenna and Averroes}", author = "Max Herrera", year = "2005", journal = PSMLM, volume = "5", keywords = "aquinas, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Heynck:1960, author = "V. Heynck", title = "Die Behandlung der Lehre von dem Wiederaufleben der Taufe in den Sentenzenkommentaren des Durandus de {S}. Porciano", journal = fzst, volume = "42", year = "1960", pages = "27--50", keywords = "onlydurand", anote = "Claims that Peter of Palude had both In Sent. (A) IV and In Sent. (B) IV in front of him. Also, suggests that Peter of Palude's In Sent. IV (Ord.) is $>$1315 (p.\ 327).", } @Article{Heynck:1971, author = "V. Heynck", title = "{Zur Datierung des Sentenzenkommentars des Petrus de Palude}", journal = fzst, volume = "53", year = "1971", pages = "317--327", keywords = "indirectdurand, peter of palude, bio", anote = "Palude's Ord. IV $>$1315 (p. 327; Dunbabin:1991, p.\ 42, corrects Heynck's problematic referene of Palude to the King of France's election to the Roman Senate; Palude's Sent. late 1310/early 1311 through 1315 (maybe later)", } @article{Hibbs:1999, author = "T. Hibbs", title = "Aquinas, Virtue, and Recent Epistemology", journal = "Review of Metaphysics", volume = "52", number = "3", pages = "573--594", keywords = "sshrc_epistemology" } @Book{Hinnebusch:1990, author = "W. Hinnebusch and G. Bedouelle", title = "Br{\`e}ve histoire de l'ordre dominicain", publisher = "Paris: {\'E}ditions du Cerf", year = "1990", keywords = "indirectdurand, bio", } @incollection{Hirvonen:2006, author = "Vesa Hirvonen", title = "William Ockham on Powers of the Soul", crossref = "zII", pages = "1539--46", volume = "3", keywords = "major, sshrc_powers", } @Article{Hochschild:2001, author = "Joshua P. Hochschild", title = "Logic or Metaphysics in Cajetan's Theory of Analogy: Can Extrinsic Denomination be a Semantic Property?", year = "2001", volume = "1", journal = PSMLM, } @Book{Hoedl:1956, author = "Ludwig H{\"o}dl", title = "Die Grundfragen der Sakramentenlehre nach Herveus Natalis {O}.{P}. (\dag1323)", address = "M{\"u}nich", publisher = "K. Zink", series = "M{\"u}nchener theologische Studien", number = "2", year = "1956", keywords = "indirectdurand, hervaeus natalis, bio", anote = "Palude had IVAB.4.5", fnote = "152--162, 207--208", } @Article{Hoedl:2005, author = "Ludwig H{\"o}dl", title = "Der dogmatische Begriff der sakramentalen Konzelebration in der scholastischen Theologie des 13.\ und 14.\ Jahrhunderts", journal = zkt, volume = "125", year = "2005", pages = "361--90", keywords = "indirectdurand", } @incollection{Hoedl:2007, author = "Ludwig H{\"o}dl", title = "The Quodlibeta of John of Pouilly", pages = "199--230", volume = "2", crossref = "TQMA", keywords = "sshrc_maybe", } @Book{Hoenen:1993, author = "M. Hoenen", title = "Marsilius of Inghen: Divine Knowledge in Late Medieval Thought", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", series = "Studies in the History of Christian Thought", number = "50", year = "1993", keywords = "indirectdurand, marsilius of inghen", fnote = "166--70", } @Article{Hoffman:1990, author = "Paul Hoffman", title = "St.\ Thomas Aquinas on the Halfway State of Sensible Being", journal = "The Philosophical Review", volume = "99", year = "1990", pages = "73--92", } @Article{Hoffman:2002, author = "Paul Hoffman", year = "2002", title = "{Direct Realism, Intentionality, and the Objective Being of Ideas}", journal = "Pacific Philosophical Quarterly", volume = "83", pages = "163--79", keywords = "descartes, aquinas", } @Article{Hoffmann:2008, author = "Tobias Hoffmann", title = "Walter Chatton on the Connection of Virtues", journal = "Quaestio", volume = "8", year = "2008", pages = "57--82", keywords = "sshrc_prudence", } @article{Hoffmans:1934, author = "J. Hoffmans", title = "La Table des divergences et innovations de Godefroid de Fontaines", journal = "Revue n{\'{e}}oscolastique de philosophie", volume = "36", number = "41", year = "1934", pages = "412--36", } @Book{Huebener:1968, author = "W. H{\"u}bener", year = "1968", title = "Studien zur kognitiven Repr{\"a}sentation in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie", publisher = "Berlin: Unpublished Habilitationsschrift", keywords = "misc medieval", } % III @incollection{Inagaki:1981, author = "Bernard Inagaki", title = "Degrees of Knowledge and \emph{Habitus} according to Thomas Aquinas", booktitle = "Sprache und Erkenntnis im Mittelalter", series = "Miscellanea Mediaevalia", number = "13", editor = "A. Zimmermann", publisher = "Walter De Gruyter", address = "Berlin", pages = "270--82", year = "1981", keywords = "sshrc_habits", } @incollection{Inagaki:1987, author = "Bernard Inagaki", title = "\emph{Habitus} and Nature in Aquinas", booktitle = "Studies in Medieval Philosophy", editor = "J. Wippel", publisher = "CUAP", address = "CUA", year = "1987", pages = "159--179", keywords = "sshrc_habits", } @incollection{Ingham:1995, author = "Mary Beth Ingham", title = "Duns Scotus' Moral Reasoning and the Artistic Paradigm", crossref = "zViaScoti", volume = "2", pages = "825--37", keywords = "sshrc_knowhow", } @Book{Iribarren:2001, author = "Isabel Iribarren", title = "The Trinitarian Controversy between Durandus of St Pour{\c{c}}ain and the Dominican Order in the Early Fourteenth Century: The Limits of Theological Dissent", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oxford", year = "2001", keywords = "onlydurand", } @Article{Iribarren:2002, author = "Isabel Iribarren", title = "Some Points of Contention in Medieval Trinitarian Theology: The Case of Durandus of Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain in the Early Fourteenth Century", journal = "Traditio", volume = "57", year = "2002", pages = "289--315", keywords = "onlydurand, trinity", } @Article{Iribarren:2002b, author = "Isabel Iribarren", title = "Henry of Ghent's Teaching on Modes and Its Influence in the Fourteenth Century", journal = "Medieval Studies", year = "2002", vol = "64", pages = "111--29", keywords = "indirectdurand, sshrc_dispositions", } @Article{Iribarren:2002c, author = "Isabel Iribarren", title = "The Scotist Background in Hevaeus Natalis's Interpretation of Thomism", journal = "The Thomist", year = "2002", pages = "607--627", volume = "66", } @Article{Iribarren:2004, author = "Isabel Iribarren", title = "{Durandus and Durandellus: The Dispute behind the Promotion of Thomist Authority}", journal = "Akademievortr{\"a}ge", volume = "11", address = "Bern", publisher = "Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften", year = "2004", pages = "15--28", keywords = "onlydurand, durandellus, bio", } @Article{Iribarren:2008, author = "Isabel Iribarren", title = "{L'antithomisme de Durand de Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain et ses pr{\'e}c{\'e}dents}", journal = rt, volume = "108", year = "2008", pages = "39--56", keywords = "onlydurand, bio", } @Book{Iribarren:2005, author = "Isabel Iribarren", title = "{Durandus of St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain: A Dominican Theologian in the Shadows of Aquinas}", year = "2005", address = "Oxford", publisher = oup, keywords = "onlydurand, general, sshrc_durand_recent", } @Article{Iribarren:2008b, author = "Isabel Iribarren", title = "{La christologie de Durand de Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain dans le contexte de l'{\'e}mergence du thomisme au XIV si{\`e}cle}", journal = rspt, volume = "92", year = "2008", pages = "241--56", keywords = "onlydurand", } % JJJ @article{Jacobs:1997, author = "J. Jacobs and J. Zeis", title = "Form and Cognition: How to Go Out of your Mind", journal = "The Monist", volume = "80", number = "4", year = "1997", } @article{Jackson:1976, author = "Frank Jackson", year = "1976", title = "The Existence of Mental Objects", journal = "American Philosophical Quarterly", volume = "13", pages = "33--40", } @Article{Jeschke:2006, author = "Thomas Jeschke", title = "Eine kleine eschatologische Skizze: Durandus von St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain (\dag1334) und die Identit{\"a}t des Auferstehungsleibes", journal = "Archiv f{\"u}r mittelalterliche Philosophie und Kultur", volume = "12", year = "2006", pages = "122--39", keywords = "onlydurand, bio", } @incollection{Jeschke:2008, year = "2008", shorttitle = "Die Ablehnung des t{\"a}tigen Intellekts bei Durandus", title = "Die Ablehnung des t{\"a}tigen Intellekts bei Durandus. Panorama einer Debatte", author = "Thomas Jeschke", booktitle = "Per perscrutationem philosophicam. Neue Perspektiven der mittelalterlichen Forschung. Loris Sturlese zum 60.\ Geburtstag gewidmet", editor = "A. Beccarrisi and R. Imbach and P. Porro", series = cptma, number = "4", address = "Hamburg", publisher = "Meiner", pages = "273--91", keywords = "onlydurand, minor, sshrc_durand_recent", } @Book{Jeschke:2008b, author = "Thomas Jeschke", title = "Deus ut tentus uel uisus. Die Debatte um die Seligkeit im reflexiven Akt (ca.\ 1293-1320). Textedition und Untersuchung", year = "2008", publisher = "Ph.D.\ Dissertation, University of Cologne", keywords = "primary, durand", } @Article{Jeschke:2009, author = "Thomas Jeschke and Guy Guldentops and Fiorella Retucci and Andreas Speer", title = "Durandus von St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain und sein Sentenzenkommentar: Eine kritische Edition der {A}- und {B}-Redaktion", journal = "Bulletin de philosophie m{\'e}di{\'e}vale", volume = "51", year = "2009", pages = "113--43", keywords = "onlydurand, sshrc_durand", } @Article{Jeschke:2009b, author = "Thomas Jeschke", title = "{\"U}ber nat{\"u}rliche und {\"u}bernat{\"u}rliche Gottesliebe. Durandus und einige Dominikaner gegen Jakob von Viterbo. (Mit einer Textedition von {\textit{In III Sententiarum}}, {D}. 29, {Q}. 2 des Petrus de Palude)", year = "2009", journal = rtpm, volume = "76", pages = "111--98", keywords = "onlydurand, james of viterbo, primary, peter of palude", } @incollection{Jeschke:2010, author = "Thomas Jeschke", title = "Seligkeitsdebatten um 1308", crossref = "1308", pages = "340--69", keywords = "onlydurand", } @book{Jeschke:2011, author = "Thomas Jeschke", title = "Deus ut tentus uel uisus. Die Debatte um die Seligkeit im reflexiven Akt (ca.\ 1293--1320)", shorttitle = "Deus ut tentus uel uisus", publisher = "E.J. Brill", address = "Leuven", year = "2011", } @Article{Jolivet:1969, author = "J. Jolivet", title = "{La philosophie m{\'e}di{\'e}val en Occident}", journal = "Histoire de la philosophie", volume = "1", publisher = "Paris: Encyclop{\'e}die de la Pl{\'e}iade", year = "1969", pages = "1466--1468", keywords = "onlydurand", } % KKK @Book{Kaeppeli:1970, author = "T. K{\"a}ppeli", title = "Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi", volumes = "4", address = "Rome", publisher = "S. Sabina", year = "1970--1993", keywords = "indirectdurand, bio", fnote = "\\#927-960 (Vol.\ I, 341--350); \\#??? (Vol.\ IV (73--74)", affddendum = "Vol.\ IV 1993", } @Article{Karger:1994, author = "E. Karger", title = "{Th{\'e}ories de la pens{\'e}e, de ses objets et de son discours chez Guillaume d'Ockham}", journal = "Dialogue", volume = "33", year = "1994", pages = "437--456", keywords = "ockham, major, sshrc_maybe", } @article{Katzoff:1984, year = "1984", author = "Charlotte Katzoff", title = "Knowing How", journal = "Southern Journal of Philosophy", volume = "22", number = "1", keywords = "sshrc_cited, sshrc_knowhow", pages = "61--9", } @Article{Kelley:1978, author = "Francis Kelley", title = "Some Observations on the `Fictum' Theory in Ockham and Its Relation to Hervaeus Natalis", year = "1978", journal = "Franciscan Studies", volume = "38", pages = "260--282", keywords = "sshrc_maybe" } @Article{Kelley:1981, author = "Francis Kelley", title = "{Walter Chatton versus Peter Aureol and William Ockham regarding the Universal Concept}", journal = fs, volume = "41", year = "1981", pages = "222--49", keywords = "minor, indirectdurand, walter chatton, peter auriol, ockham, sshrc_science", } @Article{Kennedy:1994, author = "L. Kennedy", title = "{Durandus, Gregory of Rimini, and Divine Absolute Power}", journal = rtam, volume = "61", year = "1994", pages = "69--87", keywords = "durand direct, sshrc_durand", } @incollection{Kenny:1984, author = "Anthony Kenny", title = "Aquinas: Intentionality", booktitle = "Philosophy through Its Past", editor = "T. Honderich", address = "New York", publisher = "Penguin Books", pages = "78--96", } @Book{Kenny:1993, author = "Anthony Kenny", title = "Aquinas on Mind", year = "1993", publisher = "Routledge", address = "London", } @Book{Kent:1995, author = "Bonnie Kent", title = "Virtues of the Will: The Transformation of Ethics in the Late Thirteenth Century", shorttile = "Virtues of the Will", year = "1995", address = "CUA", publisher = "CUAP", keywords = "misc medieval, role, sshrc_prudence, sshrc_cited", } @incollection{Kent:2002, author = "Bonnie Kent", title = "Habits and Virtues", booktitle = "The Ethics of Aquinas", year = "2002", editor = "S. Pope", publisher = "Georgetown University Press", address = "Washington, D.C.", keywords = "sshrc_habits", pages = "116--130", } @incollection{Kent:2003, author = "Bonnie Kent", title = "Rethinking Moral Dispositions: Scotus on the Virtues", crossref = "zCCScotus", pages = "352--376", keywords = "sshrc_prudence, sshrc_cited" } @Article{King:1987, author = "Peter King", title = "Jean Buridan's Philosophy of Science", journal = "Studies in the History and Philosophy of Sciences", volume = "18", pages = "108--132", year = "1987", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @incollection{King:1994b, author = "Peter King", title = "Duns Scotus on the Reality of Self-Change", crossref = "SMAN", pages = "227--90", } @incollection{King:1994, author = "Peter King", title = "Scholasticism and Philosophy of Mind: The Failure of Aristotelian Psychology", booktitle = "Scientific Failures", editor = "T. Horowitz and A. Janis", pages = "109--38", year = "1994", address = "Lanham, MD", publisher = "Rowman and Littlefield", keywords = "misc medieval, major, sshrc_cited", } @Article{King:1997, author = "Peter King", year = "1997", title = "{The Failure of Ockham's Nominalism}", URL = "http://individual.utoronto.ca/pking/", addendum = "[Online. Accessed 2006.]", journal = "Unpublished Website", keywords = "ockham", } @incollection{King:2001, author = "Peter King", title = "Duns Scotus on Possibilities, Powers, and the Possible", booktitle = "Potentialit{\"{a}}t und Possibilit{\"{a}}t: Modalaussagen in der Geschichte der Metaphysik", editor = "T. Buchheim and C. H. Kneepkens and K. Lorenz", publisher = "Fromann-Holzboog", address = "Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt", year = "2001", pages = "175--199", keywords = "major, sshrc_cited, sshrc_dispositions", } @incollection{King:2003, author = "Peter King", title = "Duns Scotus on Mental Content", year = "2003", crossref = "DSP", pages = "65--88", keywords = "sshrc_maybe", } @Article{King:2005, author = "Peter King", title = "Two Conceptions of Experience", year = "2005", journal = "Medieval Philosophy and Theology", volume = "11", pages = "203--26", keywords = "misc medieval, major, sshrc_cited, sshrc_habits", } @Article{King:2005b, author = "Peter King", title = "Ockham on the Role of Concepts [presentation version]", URL = "http://individual.utoronto.ca/pking/", year = "2005", keywords = "ockham, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{King:2005b:French, author = "Peter King", title = "Le r{\^{o}}le des concepts selon Ockham", journal = "Philosophiques", volume = "32", year = "2005", pages = "435--47", keywords = "major, sshrc_maybe", } @incollection{King:2007, author = "Peter King", shorttitle = "Rethinking Representation", title = "Rethinking Representation in the Middle Ages: {A} Vade-Mecum to Mediaeval Theories of Mental Representation", crossref = "zLagerlund:2007", pages = "81--100", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @incollection{King:2007c, author = "Peter King", title = "{Why the Mind-Body Problem Isn't Medieval}", pages = "188--206", crossref = "FormingTheMind", } @incollection{King:2009, author = "Peter King", title = "The Inner Cathedral: Mental Architecture in High Scholasticism", crossref = "TSAP", pages = "31--52", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @incollection{King:2010, author = "Peter King", title = "{Thinking about Things: Singular Thought in the Middle Ages}", crossref = "zKlima:2010", keywords = "misc medieval", } @Article{King:Forthcomingb, year = "Forthcoming", title = "Abelard on Mental", author = "Peter King", journal = acpq, keywords = "abelard", } @Article{King:Forthcomingc, year = "Forthcoming", title = "Immateriality and Intentionality", author = "Peter King", anote = "Leuven Conference Draft", pubstate = "Forthcoming", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @Article{Klima:1993, author = "Gyula Klima", year = "1993", title = "The Changing Role of Entia Rationis in Medieval Philosophy: {A} Comparative Study with a Reconstruction", journal = "Synthese", volume = "96", pages = "25--59", } @Article{Klima:1997, author = "Gyula Klima", title = "{Comments on King [see King (1997)]}", year = "1997", URL = "http://www.fordham.edu/gsas/phil/klima/King.htm", addendum = "[ Online. Accessed 2006. ]", keywords = "ockham", } @incollection{Klima:2001, author = "Gyula Klima", year = "2001", title = "Buridan's Theory of Definitions in his Scientific Practice", booktitle = "The Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy of John Buridan", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", editor = "J. Thijssen and J. Zupko", pages = "29--48", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @Article{Klima:2004, author = "Gyula Klima", title = "Tradition and Innovation in Medieval Theories of Mental Representation", journal = PSMLM, volume = "4", year = "2004", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @Article{Klima:2005, author = "Gyula Klima", address = "Presented at the University of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy", URL = "http://evans-experientialism.freewebspace.com/klima_ockham_hook.htm", title = "Is Ockham off the hook?", year = "2005", keywords = "ockham", } @Article{Klima:2005b, author = "Gyula Klima", title = "The Essentialist Nominalism of John Buridan", journal = "The Review of Metaphysics", volume = "58", pages = "301--315", year = "2005", keywords = "buridan", } @Article{Klima:2005c, author = "Gyula Klima", year = "2005", title = "{Intentional Transfer in Averroes, Indifference of Nature in Avicenna, and the Representationalism of Aquinas}", journal = PSMLM, volume = "5", pages = "33--37", qnote = "Online at http://www.fordham.edu/gsas/phil/klima/SMLM/PSMLM5/PSMLM5.pdf", keywords = "aquinas, sshrc_cited", } @incollection{Klima:2010, author = "Gyula Klima", title = "The Anti-Skepticism of John Buridan and Thomas Aquinas: Putting Skeptics in Their Place vs.\ Stopping Them in Their Tracks", crossref = "zLagerlund:2010", pages = "145--70", keywords = "major", } @Book{Klima:2010b, author = "Gyula Klima", title = "John Buridan", year = "2010", address = "Fordham University", publisher = "Fordham University Press", keywords = "other, sshrc_cited", } @Article{Klocker:1960, author = "Harry R. Klocker", year = "1960", title = "Ockham and Efficient Causality", journal = "Thomist", volume = "23", pages = "xxx160--123", keywords = "major", } @incollection{Knebel:2007, author = "S. Knebel", title = "{Intrinsic and Extrinsic Denomination. The 14th-Century Connection of 17th-Century Aristotelianism}", booktitle = "Der Aristotelismus in der Fr{\"u}hen Neuzeit: Kontinuit{\"a}t oder Wiederaneignung?", editor = "G. Frank and A. Speer", address = "Wiesbaden", publisher = "Harrassowitz in Kommission", year = "2007", pages = "97--115", keywords = "indirectdurand", } @incollection{Knudsen:1982, author = "C. Knudsen", title = "{Intention and Imposition}", crossref = "zCHLMP", pages = "479--95", keywords = "misc medieval", } @book{Knuuttila:1993, author = "Simo Knuuttila", title = "Modalities in Medieval Philosophy", year = "1993", publisher = "Routledge", address = "London", keywords = "sshrc_cited, sshrc_dispositions", } @Book{Kobusch:1987, author = "T. Kobusch", title = "Sein und Sprache. Historische Grundlegung einer Ontologie der Sprache", series = "Studien zur Problemgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen Philosophie", number = "11", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", year = "1987", keywords = "indirectdurand", fnote = "486--487 (on truth)", } @incollection{Kobusch:2000, author = "Theo Kobusch", editor = "T. Kobusch", title = "{Petrus Aureoli. Philosophie des Subjekts}", booktitle = "Philosophen des Mittelalters", address = "Darmstadt", publisher = "Primus", year = "2000", pages = "236--249", keywords = "indirectdurand, peter auriol, minor", } @Article{Kobusch:2004, author = "Theo Kobusch", title = "{Begriff und Sache. Die Funktion des menschlichen Intellekts in der mittalterlichen Philosophie}", journal = "Internationale Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie", volume = "12", year = "2004", pages = "140--157", keywords = "major, indirectdurand, sshrc_powers", fnote = "(Discusses Durand's view on conceptual distinction in \ds{I}{C}{2}{3})", } @incollection{Kobusch:2006, author = "T. Kobusch", title = "{Adaequatio rei et intellectus. Die Erl{\"a}uterung der Korrespondenztheorie der Wahrheit in der Zeit nach Thomas von Aquin}", editor = "M. Enders and J. Szaif", booktitle = "Die Geschichte des philosophischen Begriffs der Wahrheit", address = "Berlin", publisher = "Walter de Gruyter", year = "2006", pages = "149--66", keywords = "indirectdurand, thomas aquinas, truth", } @incollection{Koch:1973a, author = "Josef Koch", title = "Die Magister-Jahre des Durandus de {S}. Porciano {O}.{P}. under der Konflikt mit seinem Ordinem", pages = "7--119", volume = "2", fnote = "[Miscellanea Francesco Ehrle, Rome, Vatican Library, Vol.\ 1 (Studi e Testi 37), 1924, 265--306]", crossref = "zKoch1973", } @incollection{Koch:1973b, author = "Josef Koch", title = "{Die Verteidigung der Theologie des hl.\ Thomas von Aquin durch den Dominikanerorden gegen{\"u}ber Durandus de S.\ Porciano O.P.}", pages = "127--63", volume = "2", fnote = "[Xenia Thomistica 3 (1925): 327--362]", crossref = "zKoch1973", } @incollection{Koch:1973c, author = "Josef Koch", title = "{Jakob von Metz O.P., der Lehrer des Durandus de S. Porciano O.P}", pages = "133--200", volume = "1", fnote = "[AHDLMA 4 (1929): 169--229]", year = "1973", crossref = "zKoch1973", } @incollection{Koch:1973d, author = "Josef Koch", title = "{Ein neuer Zeuge f{\"u}r die gegen Durandus de S. Porciano gerichtete Thomistische Irrtumsliste}", pages = "119--25", volume = "2", fnote = "[AFP 13 (1943): 101--107]", crossref = "zKoch1973", year = "1973", } @incollection{Koch:1973e, author = "Josef Koch", title = "Neue Aktenst{\"u}cke zu dem gegen Wilhelm Ockham in Avignon gef{\"u}hrten Prozess", pages = "275--366", volume = "2", fnote = "[RTAM 7 (1935) 350--380; 8 (1936) 79--93; 168--197]", year = "1973", crossref = "zKoch1973", } @Book{Koch:1927, author = "Josef Koch", shorttitle = "Durandus de S.\ Porciano", title = "Durandus de {S}.\ Porciano {O}.{P}. Forschungen zum Streit um Thomas von Aquin zu Beginn des 14.\ Jahrhunderts. Erster Teil: Literargeschichtliche Grundlegung", series = bgptm, number = "26", address = "M{\"u}nster", publisher = "Aschendorff", year = "1927", keywords = "onlydurand, general, minor, sshrc_durand", } @Article{Koch:1928, author = "Josef Koch", title = "{Durandus de S. Porciano O.P.}", journal = "{\"U}berweg-Geyers Grundri{\ss{}} der patrist.\ und scholast.\ Philosophie", edition = "11th", year = "1928", pages = "522", keywords = "onlydurand, encyclopedia", } @Book{Koch:1930:TDH, author = "Josef Koch", year = "1930", title = "Durandi de {S}. Porciano {O}.{P}. Tractatus de habitibus. Quaestio quarta [De subiectis habituum] addita quaestione critica anonymi cuiusdam", shorttitle = "Tractatus de habitibus", series = "Opuscula et textus", number = "8", address = "M{\"u}nster", publisher = "Aschendorff", mss = "Several: see p.\ 6", keywords = "primary, durand, minor", } @Book{Koch:1928b, author = "Josef Koch", title = "Durandi de {S}. Porciano {O}.{P}. Quaestio de natura cognitionis ({II} {SENT}.\ ({A}) {D}. 3, {Q}. 5) et Disputatio cum anonymo quodam nec non Determinatio Hervei Natalis {O}.{P}. ({QUOL}.\ {III} {Q}. 8)", shorttitle = "Quaestio de natura cognitionis (1st ed.\@)", edition = "1st edition", address = "M{\"u}nster", publisher = "Aschendorff", series = ot, number = "6", year = "1928/9", fnote = "[Based upon Peter of Palude's \sent{III}{3}{1--3} (\basel{B II 22} and \vl{1073}).]", keywords = "primary, durand, minor", } @Book{Koch:1935, author = "Josef Koch", title = "Durandi de {S}. Porciano {O}.{P}. Quaestio de natura cognitionis ({II} {SENT}.\ ({A}) {D}. 3, {Q}. 5) et Disputatio cum anonymo quodam nec non Determinatio Hervei Natalis {O}.{P}. ({QUOL}.\ {III} {Q}. 8)", shorttitle = "Quaestio de natura cognitionis (2nd ed.\@)", edition = "2nd edition", address = "M{\"u}nster", publisher = "Aschendorff", series = ot, number = "6", year = "1935", keywords = "primary, durand, minor", } @Article{Koch:1942, author = "Josef Koch", title = "{Zu der Durandus-Hs.\ der Biblioteca Antoniana in Padua}", journal = DT, volume = "20", year = "1942", pages = "409--414", keywords = "onlydurand, bio", } @Book{Koch:1965, author = "Josef Koch and Takashiro Takada", title = "Disputationes Durandi et anonymi cuiusdam", year = "1965", address = "Kyoto", publisher = "[s.n.]", series = "Series of Hitherto Unedited Texts of Medieval Thinkers", number = "2", mss = "\amplon{F. 369}, ff.\ 80rb--81ra, 81ra--82ra", keywords = "primary, durand, hervaeus natalis, minor", } @incollection{Kovach:1978, author = "Francis Kovach", title = "Action at a Distance in Duns Scotus and Modern Science", booktitle = "Regnum Hominis et Regnum Dei. Acta Quarti Congressus Scotistici Internationalis", editor = "C. B{\'e}rub{\'e}", volume = "I", pages = "477--90", series = "Studia Scholastico-Scotistica", number = "6", address = "Rome", publisher = "Societas Internationalis Scotistica", year = "1978", } @incollection{Kretzmann:1993, author = "Norman Kretzmann", title = "Philosophy of Mind", booktitle = "The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas", publisher = "CUP", address = "Cambridge", year = "1993", editor = "N. Kretzmann and E. Stump", keywords = "sshrc_maybe" } @incollection{Kuksewicz:1982, author = "Z. Kuksewicz", title = "{The Potential and the Agent Intellect}", crossref = "zCHLMP", pages = "595--601", keywords = "misc medieval, sshrc_powers", } @book{Klubertanz:1965, author = "George Klubertanz", title = "Habitus and Virtues", year = "1965", address = "New York", publisher = "Appleton-Century-Crofts", keywords = "sshrc_habits", } @Article{Kuksewicz:1961, author = "Z. Kuksewicz", title = "Les trois `Questiones de habitu' dans le ms.\ Vat.\ Ottob.\ 318. Editions des textes de Jean de Jandun, Guillaume Alnwick et Anselme de {C}\^ome (?)", journal = "Mediaevalia Philosophica Polonorum", volume = "9", year = "1961", pages = "3--30", keywords = "habits, sshrc_habits", } % LLL @incollection{Lagerlund:2007, title = "{Introduction: The Mind/Body Problem And Late Medieval Conceptions of the Soul}", crossref = "FormingTheMind", pages = "27--58", } @incollection{Lagerlund:2007c, title = "{The Terminological and Conception Roots of Representaiton in the Soul in Late Ancient and Medieval Philosophy}", author = "Henrik Lagerlund", crossref = "zLagerlund:2007", pages = "xxx", } @incollection{Lagerlund:2007b, title = "{Introduction}", author = "Henrik Lagerlund", crossref = "zLagerlund:2007", pages = "xxx", } @Article{Lagerlund:2004, title = "Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy", author = "Henrik Lagerlund", journal = sep, URL = "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/representation-medieval/", year = "2004", keywords = "misc medieval", } @Article{Lanczkowski:1997, author = "M. Lanczkowski and R. Wittwer", title = "Les {\em Evidentiae contra Durandum} de Durandellus", journal = rt, volume = "97", year = "1997", pages = "143--56", keywords = "onlydurand, durandellus", } @book{Lauret:2009, author = "Fran{\c{c}}ois Lauret", title = "La cause du vouloir suivi de l'objet de la jouissance. Traduction, pr{\'e}sentation et notes", address = "Paris", publisher = "Les Belles Lettres", year = "2009" } @Article{Langston:2008, author = "Douglas C. Langston", title = "The Aristotelian Background to Scotus's Rejection of the Necessary Connection of Prudence and the Moral Virtues", journal = "Franciscan Studies", volume = "66", year = "2008", pages = "317--36", keywords = "role, sshrc_prudence", } @incollection{Leff:1957, author = "G. Leff", title = "Durandus of St Pour{\c{c}}ain: One of the Precursors", chapter = "2.10", booktitle = "Bradwardine and the Pelagians", address = "Cambridge", publisher = cup, year = "1957", pages = "165--87", keywords = "onlydurand", anote = "Schabel:2001 claims Leff misrepresents Durand as a sceptic about divine omniscience.", } @incollection{Leijenhorst:2007, author = "Cees Leijenhorst", title = "Cajetan and Suarez on Agent Sense: Metaphysics and Epistemology in Late Aristotelian Thought", pages = "237--63", crossref = "FormingTheMind", } @incollection{DeLibero:1992, author = "A. de Libero", title = "{\emph{Ex uno non fit nisi unum}. La \emph{Lettre sur le Principe de l'univers} et les condamnations parisiennes de 1277}", booktitle = "Historia Philosophiae Medii Aevi", editor = "B. Mojsisch and O. Pluta", publisher = "Amsterdam: B.R. Gr{\"un}er", year = "1992", pages = "543--560", keywords = "indirectdurand", fnote = "(Discusses \ds{I}{C}{4}{1})", } @incollection{DeLibero:2006, author = "A. de Libero", title = "{Augustin critique d'Averro{\`e}s. Deux mod{\`e}les du sujet au Moyen {\^A}ge}", crossref = "zII", volume = "xxx", pages = "xxx--xxx", keywords = "indirectdurand, augustine, averroes", } @Book{Lindberg:1983, author = "David Lindberg", title = "Bacon's Philosophy of Nature. A Critical Edition, with English Translation, Introduction, and Notes, of `De multiplicatione specierum' and `De speculis comburentibus'", year = "1983", publisher = oup, address = "Oxford", } @Book{Lindberg:1976, author = "David C. Lindberg", title = "Theories of Vision from Al-Kindi to Kepler", address = "Chicago", publisher = "University of Chicago Press", year = "1976", } @Book{Livesey:1989, author = "Steven Livesey", year = "1989", title = "Theology and Science in the Fourteenth Century: Three Questions on the Unity and Subalternation of the Sciences from John of Reading's Commentary on the Sentences", series = stgm, number = "25", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @incollection{Livesey:1990, author = "Steven Livesey", title = "John of Reading on the Subalternation of the Sciences", booktitle = "Knowledge and the Sciences in Medieval Philosophy: Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (S.I.E.P.M.) Helsinki 24--29 August 1987", volume = "II", editor = "S. Knuuttila and R. Ty{\"o}rinoja and S. Ebbesen", pages = "89--96", address = "Helsinki", publisher = "Yliopistopaino", year = "1990", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @book{Lonergan:2007, author = "Bernard Lonergan and Robert Doran and Daniel Monsour and Michal Shields and Lonergan Research Institute", title = "The Triune God: Systematics", series = "Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan", number = "12", year = "2007", publisher = "Toronto University Press", address = "Toronto", } @Article{Longpre:1992, author = "E. Longpr{\'e}", title = "Pietro de Trabibus, un discepolo di Pier Giovanni Olivi", journal = "Studi Francescani", volume = "8", year = "1992", pages = "267--90", } @Book{Loreti:1948, author = "G. Loreti", title = "La dottrina della conversione e della presenza eucaristica in Durando da {S}. Porciano", address = "Rome", publisher = "[s.n.]", year = "1948", addendum = "[I cannot locate this at all.]", keywords = "onlydurand", } @Book{Loss:1955, author = "R. Loss", title = "{La dottrina del libero arbitrio nel commento alle \emph{Sentenze} di Pietro de Palude O.P. Studio e testi}", address = "Rome", publisher = "Pont.\ Ateneo Salesiano", note = "Diss.", year = "1955", keywords = "indirectdurand, peter of palude, bio", anote = "Cited in Schabel:2001, Stella:1962. Stella:1962 tells us that Loss determines that Palude's II.24.2 contains the same text as A. IIAB.24.2", } @Book{Lowe:1999, author = "Elizabeth Lowe", title = "The Dominican Order and the Theological Authority of Thomas Aquinas: The Controversies between Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St.\ Pourcain", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertation, Fordham University", year = "1999", keywords = "onlydurand, hervaeus natalis", anote = "\cite[189]{Schabel:2001} urge (and I concur) one to read withgreat caution", } @Book{Lowe:2003, author = "Elizabeth Lowe", title = "The Contested Theological Authority of Thomas Aquinas. The Controversies between Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain", shorttitle = "The Contested Theological Authority", address = "London", publisher = "Routledge", year = "2003", } @Book{Lottin:1954, author = "Odon Lottin", title = "{Psychologie et morale aux XIIe et XIIIe si{\`e}cles}", address = "Leuven", publisher = "Abbaye du Mont C{\'e}sar", year = "1948", keywords = "indirectdurand, role, sshrc_prudence", volumes = "5", addendum = "[Vol.\ 1 = 2nd edition with imprint Gemblouy: J. Duculot, 1956]", anote = "Palude uses IIIB.23 not IIIA.23", fnote = "709--710 (Vol.\ 4)", } @Article{Lottin:1954b, author = "Odon Lottin", title = "{Les vertus morales acquises sont-elles de vraies vertus? La r{\'e}ponse des th{\'e}ologiens de saint Thomas {\`a} à Pierre Auriol}", journal = rtam, volume = "21", year = "1954", pages = "101--29", keywords = "indirectdurand, peter auriol, godfrey of fontaines, role, sshrc_prudence", } % MMM @Book{Makin:2006, author = "Stephen Makin", title = "Aristotle: Metaphysics Book Theta. Translated with an Introduction and Commentary", shortitle = "Metaphysics Book Theta", series = "Clarendon Aristotle Series", address = "Oxford", publisher = "Clarendon Press", year = "2006", } @Book{Macken:1979-, author = "Raymond Macken", year = "1979-", address = "Leuven", title = "Henrici de Gandavo Opera omnia", keywords = "henry of ghent, primary", } @incollection{Mahoney:1987, author = "Edward P. Mahoney", year = "1987", title = "Themes and problems in the psychology of John of Jandun", booktitle = "Studies in Medieval Philosophy", series = "Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy", number = "17", editor = "J. Wippel", address = "CUA", publisher = "CUAP", keywords = "minor, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Maier:1947, author = "Anneliese Maier", year = "1947", title = "Das Quodlibet des Thomas de Wylton", journal = rtam, volume = "14", pages = "106--110", keywords = "thomas wylton", } @Article{Maier:1948, author = "Anneliese Maier", title = "Literarhistorische Notizen {\"u}ber {P}. Aureoli, Durandus und den {\textit{Cancellarius}} nach der Handschrift Ripoli 77bis in Barcelona", shorttitle = "Literarhistorische Notizen", journal = "Gregorianum", volume = "29", year = "1948", pages = "213--251", keywords = "onlydurand, peter auriol, bio", } @Book{Maier:1952, author = "Anneliese Maier", year = "1952", title = "Codices Burghesiani Bibliothecae Vaticanae", address = "Rome", series = "Studi e Testi", number = "170", publisher = "Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana", keywords = "indirectdurand, thomas wylton", fnote = "37--8", } @Book{Maier:1952b, author = "Anneliese Maier", year = "1952", title = "An der Grenze von Scholastik und Naturwissenschaft", edition = "2nd edition", address = "Rome", publisher = "Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura", } @incollection{Maier:1967, author = "Anneliese Maier", year = "1967", hyphenation = "german", title = "Das Problem der {\em species sensibilis in medio} und die neue Naturphilosophie des 14.\ Jahrhunderts", booktitle = "Ausgehendes Mittelalter", volume = "2", volumes = "2", address = "Rome", publisher = "[s.n.]", pages = "419--51", keywords = "sshrc_species", } @Article{Mandonnet:1947, author = "P. Mandonnet", title = "Fr{\`e}res pr{\^e}cheurs", year = "1947", publisher = "Paris: Letouzey et Ane", volume = "4", journal = "Dictionaire de th{\'e}ologie catholique", pages = "863--924", keywords = "indirectdurand, encyclopedia", } @book{Marrone:2001, author = "Steven Marrone", title = "The Light of Thy Countenance: Science and Knowledge of God in the Thirteenth Century. I: A Doctrine of Divine Illumination. II: God at the Core of Cognition", shorttitle = "Science and Knowledge", year = "2001", publisher = "E.J. Brill", address = "Leiden", series = "Studies in the History of Christian Thought", number = "48", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @incollection{Marrone:2009, author = "Steven Marrone", title = "Scotus at Paris on the Criteria for Scientific Knowledge", crossref = "PDPEFC", pages = "383--400", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @incollection{Marrone:2007, author = "Steven Marrone", title = "Induction as an Element of Scientific Knowledge according to Duns Scotus", booktitle = "Erfahrung und Beweis: Die Wissenschaften von der Natur im 13.\ und 14.\ Jahrhundert / Experience and Demonstration: The Sciences of Nature in the 13th and 14th Centuries", editor = "A. Fidora and M. Lutz-Bachmann", pages = "207--22", series = "Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel", number = "14", address = "Berlin", publisher = "Akademie Verlag", year = "2007", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @Article{Marshall:1983, author = "Peter Marshall", title = "Parisian Psychology in the Mid-Fourteenth Century", journal = ahdlma, volume = "50", year = "1983", pages = "101--193", keywords = "major, sshrc_maybe", } @Book{Martel:1968, author = "B Martel", year = "1968", title = "La psychologie de Gonsalve d'Espagne", address = "Montreal-Paris", keywords = "godfrey, gonsalvus, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Martin:1929, author = "R. Martin", title = "{Le table des mati{\`e}res de l'ouvrage \emph{De quatuor materiis} d'Herv{\'e} de N{\'e}dellec, O.P.}", journal = rspt, volume = "18", year = "1929", pages = "291--95", keywords = "indirectdurand, bio", } @Book{Martin:1930, author = "R. Martin", shorttitle = "La controverse", title = "La controverse sur le p{\'e}ch{\'e} originel au d{\'e}but du {XIV}e si{\`e}cle. Textes in{\'e}dits", year = "1930", address = "Leuven", publisher = "Spicilegium sacrum lovaniense", keywords = "primary, durand, original sin", } @Article{Martini:2006, author = "Maria Gabriella Martini", title = "La dottrina della scienza in Walter Chatton: Un dibattito con Ockham", journal = "Studi francescani", volume = "103", year = "2006", pages = "583--602", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @Article{Maurer:1958, author = "Armand Maurer", title = "Ockham's Conception of the Unity of Science", journal = "Medieval Studies", volume = "20", year = "1958", pages = "98--112", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @Article{Maurer:1950, title = "\emph{Ens Diminutum}: {A} Note On Its Origin and Meaning", author = "Armand Maurer", year = "1950", journal = ms, volume = "12", pages = "216--22", keywords = "misc medieval, chapter 3", } @incollection{McGrade:1986, title = "Seeing Things: Ockham and Representationalism", author = "Arthur McGrade", pages = "591--597", volume = "2", crossref = "HUMA", } @Book{McCarthy:1976, year = "1976", author = "Edward McCarthy", title = "Medieval Light Theory and Optics and Duns Scotus' Treatment of Light in {D}.\ 13 of Book {II} of his Commentary on the Sentences", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertations, City University of New York", } @book{McCay-Morrissey:1999, author = "Bernard McCay-Morrissey", title = "The Notion of `Habitus' in the Later Writings of St.\ Thomas Aquinas (1224--1274) and Its Appropriation by Selected Contemporary Virtue Theorists", publisher = "M.A. Dissertation, Aquinas Institute of Theology", year = "1999", keywords = "sshrc_habits", } @incollection{Meier-Oeser:2008, author = "Stephan Meier-Oeser", title = "Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Angels: {A} Comparison", booktitle = "Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance", editor = "I. Iribarren and M. Lenz", address = "Aldershot", publisher = "Ashgate", year = "2008", pages = "187--200", keywords = "misc medieval", } @Article{Meier-Oeser:2003, author = "Stephen Meier-Oeser", title = "Medieval Semiotics", year = "2003", URL = "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/semiotics-medieval/", journal = sep, keywords+ = "misc medieval", } @Book{Meier-Oeser:1997, author = "S. Meier-Oeser", title = "Die Spur des Zeichen. Das Zeichen und seine Funktion in der Philosophie des Mittelalters und der Fruehen Neuzeit", publisher = "Berlin: W. de Gruyter", year = "1997", keywords = "misc medieval, augustine", fnote = "pp.\ 30--32 on Augustine and verbum mentis", } @incollection{Meier-Oeser:2004, author = "Stephan Meier-Oeser", title = "Mental Language and Mental Representation in Late Scholastic Logic", pages = "237--65", booktitle = "John Buridan and Beyond. Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300--1700", series = "Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters", address = "Copenhagen", publisher = "Reitzel", year = "2004", editor = "R. Friedman and S. Ebbesen", } @article{Menzies:SEP, author = "Peter Menzies", url = "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/causation-counterfactual/", year = "2009", publisher = sep, } @Article{Michalski:1922, author = "C. Michalski", title = "{Les courants philosophiques {\`a} Oxford et {\`a} Paris pendant le XIVe si{\`e}cle}", journal = "Bulletin international de l'Acad{\'e}mie polonaise des sciences et des letters", publisher = "Crackow", year = "1922", keywords = "indirectdurand, bio", fnote = "pp.\ 74--75", } @Book{Michalski:1924, author = "C. Michalski", title = "Die vielfachen Redaktionen einiger Kommentare zu Petrus Lombardus", publisher = "Rome: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana", year = "1924", anote = "Cf.\ Koch:1927, ch.\ 1, sec.\ 11; did not recognize B; Koch:1927, p.\ 191, n.\ 19: ``Michalskis Theorie von dem ``logischen Conceptualismus'' des Durandus wird bei der Darstellung des philosophischen Systems des doctor modernus abgewiesen werden.''", keywords = "indirectdurand, bio", fnote = "p.\ 223", } @Book{Michon:1994, author = "Cyrille Michon", year = "1994", title = "Nominalisme: La th{\'e}orie de la signification d'Occam", publisher = "J. Vrin", address = "Paris", } @incollection{Michon:2001, author = "Cyrille Michon", title = "Intentionality and Proto-Thoughts", crossref = "zPerlerIntentionality", pages = "325--341", keywords = "animals, sshrc_acquisition", } @incollection{Miethke:1993, author = "J. Miethke", title = "{Das \emph{Votum de paupertate Christi et apostolorum} des Durandus von S. Porciano}", booktitle = "Vera lex historiae. Studien zu mittelalterlichen Quellen. Festschrift f{\"u}r D. Kurze", publisher = "Cologne", year = "1993", pages = "149--96", keywords = "primary, durand", } @article{Moser:2011, author = "Robbie Moser", title = "Thomas Aquinas, Esse Intentionale, and The Cognitive As Such", journal = "The Review of Metaphysics", volume = "64", year = "2011", pages = "763--788", } @Article{Mueller:1941, author = "E. M{\"u}ller", year = "1941", title = "{Quaestionen der ersten Redaktion von I und II Sententarium des D. de S.P. in einer Hs.\ der Bibl.\ Antoniana in Padua}", journal = DT, volume = "19", pages = "435--440", keywords = "onlydurand, bio", } @Book{Mueller:1968, author = "H. M{\"u}ller", shorttitle = "Die Lehre vom verbum mentis", title = "Die Lehre vom verbum mentis in der spanischen Scholastik. Untersuchungen zur historischen Entwicklung und zum Verst{\"a}ndnis dieser Lehre bei Toletus, den Conimbricensern und Suarez", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertation, Westf{\"a}lische Wilhelms-Universit{\"a}t", year = "1968", keywords = "indirectdurand, suarez, sshrc_durand, sshrc_cited", fnote = "early modern durandianism", } @incollection{Muller:1947, author = "J. Muller", title = "{La th{\`e}se de Jean Quidort sur la b{\'e}atitude formelle}", booktitle = "M{\'e}langes Auguste Pelzer", series = "Recueil de travaux d'Histoire et de Philologie", number = "26", address = "Leuven", publisher = "Biblioth{\`e}que de l'Universit{\'e}", year = "1947", pages = "493--511", keywords = "indirectdurand, john quidort", fnote = "pp.\ 493--511", } @Book{Muralt:1991, author = "A. de Muralt", title = "{L}'Enjeu de la philosophie m\'edi\'evale: \'Etudes thomistes, scotistes, occamiennes et gr\'egoriennes", series = stgm, number = "24", year = "1991", address = "Leiden", } % NNN @article{Nederman:1989, author = "Cary Nederman", title = "Nature, Ethics, and the Doctrine of `\emph{Habitus}': Aristotelian Moral Psychology in the Twelfth Century", journal = "Traditio", volume = "45", year = "1989", pages = "87--110", keywords = "sshrc_habits", } @book{Nichols:2007, author = "Ryan Nichols", title = "Thomas Reid's Theory of Perception", year = "2010", publisher = "Clarendon Press", address = "Oxford", } @article{Nielsen:2009, author = "Lauge Nielsen and C. 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La s{\'e}mantique de Guillaume d'Occam et le nominalisme d'aujourd'hui", address = "Montreal-Paris", publisher = "Bellarmin-Vrin", year = "1992", keywords = "ockham, sshrc_panaccio", } @Article{Panaccio:1993, author = "Claude Panaccio", title = "{From Mental Word to Mental Language}", journal = "Philosophical Topics", volume = "20", number = "2", year = "1993", pages = "125--147", keywords = "misc medieval, sshrc_panaccio", } @Article{Panaccio:1996, author = "Claude Panaccio", title = "{Le langage mental en discussion: 1320-1355}", journal = "Les {\'{e}}tudes philosophiques", volume = "3", year = "1996", pages = "323--39", keywords = "misc medieval, sshrc_panaccio", } @incollection{Panaccio:1999, author = "Claude Panaccio", title = "{Semantics and Mental Language}", crossref = "zCCOckham", pages = "53--75", keywords = "sshrc_panaccio", } @incollection{Panaccio:1999a, author = "Claude Panaccio", title = "Grammar and Mental Language in Pseudo-Kilwardby", booktitle = "Medieval Analyses in Language and Cognition, Acts of the Symposium, `The Copenhagen School of Medieval Philosophy', January 10--13", year = "1999", editor = "S. 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A Reply to Some Critics}", journal = acpq, volume = "76", number = "3", year = "2002", pages = "483--90", keywords = "aquinas, sshrc_maybe", } @Book{Pasnau:2002b, author = "Robert Pasnau", year = "2002", title = "Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature. A Philosophical Study of Summa theologiae 1a, 75--89", address = "Cambridge-New York", publisher = cup, keywords = "other, sshrc_cited", } @incollection{Pasnau:2003, title = "Cognition", author = "Robert Pasnau", crossref = "zCCScotus", pages = "285--311", keywords = "scotus, major, sshrc_maybe", } @incollection{Pasnau:2007, title = "Abstract Truth in Aquinas", author = "Robert Pasnau", crossref = "zLagerlund:2007", pages = "xxx", } @incollection{Pasnau:2007b, author = "Robert Pasnau", title = "{The Mind-Soul Problem}", crossref = "zMCR", pages = "3--19", } @incollection{Pasnau:2008, author = "Robert Pasnau", title = "{Id Quo Cognoscimus}", booktitle = "Theories of Perception from Antiquity to Early Modern Philosophy", editor = "S. 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John Duns Scotus and Peter Aureol on Intentional Objects", journal = "Vivarium", year = "1994", volume = "31", number = "1", pages = "72--89", keywords = "scotus, peter auriol, minor, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Perler:1994a, author = "Dominik Perler", title = "{Peter Aureol vs. Hervaeus Natalis on Intentionality. A Text Edition with Introductory Remarks}", journal = ahdlma, volume = "61", year = "1994", pages = "227--262", keywords = "hervaeus natalis, peter auriol, edition, minor, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Perler:1995, author = "Dominik Perler", title = "{Intentionale und reale Existenz: eine sp{\"a}tmittelalterliche Kontroverse}", journal = "Philosophisches Jahrbuch", volume = "102", year = "1995", pages = "261--278", keywords = "misc medieval, sshrc_cited", } @Article{Perler:1996, title = "Things in the Mind: Fourteenth-Century Controversies over Intelligible Species", author = "Dominik Perler", journal = "Vivarium", volume = "34", number = "2", year = "1996", pages = "231--53", keywords = "species, misc medieval, scotus, aquinas, sshrc_species", } @incollection{Perler:1997, author = "Dominik Perler", title = "Descartes, critique de la th{\'e}orie m{\'e}di{\'e}vale des species", booktitle = "Descartes et le Moyen {\^A}ge", editor = "J. Biard and R. Rashed", publisher = "Paris: J. Vrin", year = "1997", pages = "141--53", keywords = "descartes, sshrc_species", } @incollection{Perler:1997a, author = "Dominik Perler", title = "Crathorn on Mental Language", booktitle = "Vestigia, Imagines, Verba. Semiotics and Logic in Medieval Theological Texts (XIIth-XIVth Century)", editor = "C. Marmo", address = "Turnhout", publisher = "Brepols", year = "1997", pages = "337--354", keywords = "crathorn, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Perler:1998, title = "{Hervaeus Natalis}", author = "Dominik Perler", journal = "Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy", editor = "E. 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Medieval Discussions on the Cognitive Capacities of Animals", crossref = "zII", volume = "1", pages = "72--98", keywords = "animals,misc medieval, sshrc_acquisition", } @Book{Perler:2006b, author = "Dominik Perler", year = "2006", title = "Zweifel und Gewissheit: Skeptische Debatten im Mittelalter", address = "Frankfurt am Main", publisher = "Klostermann", } @incollection{Perler:Forthcoming, author = "Dominik Perler", title = "Inferentialism or Representationalism? Early Modern Debates on Mental Content", booktitle = "Acts of the First Congress of the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy", editor = "H. Busche", publisher = "Hamburg: Meiner", year = "Forthcoming", keywords = "misc medieval", } @incollection{Perler:2008, author = "Dominik Perler", title = "Thought Experiments. The Methodological Function of Angels in Late Medieval Epistemology", booktitle = "Angels iin Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance", editor = "I. Iribarren and M. Lenz", publisher = "Ashgate", address = "Aldershot", pages = "xxx", year = "2008", keywords = "misc medieval", } @incollection{Perler:2008b, author = "Dominik Perler", title = "Seeing and Judging. Ockham and Wodeham on Sensory Cognition", booktitle = "Theories of Perception from Antiquity to Early Modern Philosophy", editor = "S. Knuuttila and P. K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen", series = "Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind", number = "6", address = "Dordrecht", publisher = "Springer", year = "2008", pages = "151--169", keywords = "ockham, wodeham, minor, sshrc_powers", } @Article{Philippe:1947, author = "Marie-Dominique Philippe", title = "Les processions divines selon Durand de Saint Pour{\c{c}}ain", journal = rt, volume = "47", year = "1947", pages = "244--248", keywords = "onlydurand", } @Article{Piccari:1995, author = "P. Piccari", title = "{La \emph{Opinio de difficultatibus contra doctrinam fratris Thomae} di Erveo di N{\'e}dellec. Edizione critica}", journal = "Memorie Domenicane", volume = "26", year = "1995", pages = "5--183", keywords = "indirectdurand, hervaeus natalis, edition", } @article{Pickave:Forthcoming, year = "Forthcoming", author = "Martin Pickav{\'e}", title = "Innate Cognition", pubstate = "Forthcoming", keywords = "sshrc_powers" } @incollection{Pickave:2010, author = "Martin Pickav{\'e}", title = "{Causality and Cognition: An Interpretation of Henry of Ghent's Quodlibet V, q.\ 14}", crossref = "zKlima:2010", keywords = "henry of ghent, sshrc_powers", } @incollection{Pickave:2000, author = "Martin Pickav{\'e} and Wouter Goris", title = "Von der Erkenntnis der Engel. Der Streit um die {\textit{species intelligibilis}} und eine {\textit{quaestio}} aus dem anonymen Sentenzenkommentar in ms. 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Radulphus Brito, Hervaeus Natalis und Petrus Aureoli}", journal = cimagl, volume = "13", year = "1974", pages = "49--59", keywords = "indirectdurand, radulphus brito, hervaeus natalis, peter auriol, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Pini:1999, author = "Giorgio Pini", title = "Species, Concept, and Thing: Theories of Signification in the Second Half of the Thirteenth Century", journal = "Medieval Philosophy and Theology", volume = "8", number = "2", year = "1999", keywords = "species, sshrc_species", pages = "21--52", } @Book{Pini:2002, author = "Giorgio Pini", title = "Categories and Logic in Duns Scotus: An Interpretation of Aristotle's Categories in the Late Thirteenth Century", year = "2002", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. 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Scotus's Case Against the Causal Account of Intentionality", journal = jhp, volume = "49", number = "1", year = "2011", pages = "39--63", keywords = "sshrc_cited" } @Book{Pizzo:1998, author = "Giovanni Pizzo", title = "Intellectus und memoria nach der Lehre des Johannes Duns Scotus: Das menschliche Erkenntnisverm{\"o}gen als Vollzug von Spontaneit{\"a}t und Rezeptivit{\"a}t", series = "Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Johannes-Duns-Scotus-Akademie f{\"u}r Franziskanische Geistlichkeit und Spiritualit{\"a}t", number = "7", address = "Kevelaer", publisher = "Butzon und Bercker", year = "1998", keywords = "animals, sshrc_acquisition", } @incollection{Pizzo:1995, author = "Giovanni Pizzo", title = "Natura e funzione della memoria: Il percorso scotiano tra Agostino e Aristotele", crossref = "zViaScoti", volume = "1", pages = "525--560", keywords = "animals, sshrc_acquisition", } @Article{Porro:1994, author = "Pasquale Porro", title = "Il {\em Sextus Latinus} e l'immagine dello scetticismo antico nel medioevo", journal = "Elenchos", volume = "15", year = "1994", pages = "229--53", } @Article{Porro:2007, author = "Pasquale Porro", title = "Henry of Ghent", journal = sep, year = "2007", URL = "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/henry-ghent/", keywords = "henry of ghent", } % QQQ @book{echard:1719, author = "Iacobus Qu{\'e}tif and Iacobus Echard", title = "Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum", volumes = "2", year = "1719--21", address = "Paris", } % RRR @Article{Rayman:2005, title = "{Ockham's Theory of Natural Signification}", author = "Joshua Rayman", journal = fs, volume = "63", year = "2005", keywords = "ockham, sshrc_maybe", } @incollection{Reichberg:2002, author = "Gregory M. Reichberg", title = "The Intellectual Virtues", booktitle = "The Ethics of Aquinas", pages = "131--50", editor = "S. Pope", year = "2002", address = "Washington, D.C.", publisher = "Georgetown University Press", keywords = "role, sshrc_epistemology", } @Article{Read:1977, author = "Stephen Read", title = "The Objective Being of Ockham's Ficta", journal = "Philosophical Quarterly", year = "1977", volume = "27", pages = "14--31", keywords = "sshrc_maybe", } @book{Reid:IHM, author = "Thomas Reid", title = "Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense", address = "University Park", publisher = "Pennsylvania State University Press", year = "1997", } @Book{Reid:EIP, author = "Thomas Reid", title = "Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man", address = "University Park", publisher = "Pennsylvania State University Press", year = "2002", } @incollection{Reina:1986, author = "Maria Elena Reina", title = "Un abbozzo di polemica sulla psicologia animale: Gregorio da Rimini contro Adamo Wodeham", crossref = "HUMA", volume = "2", pages = "598--609", keywords = "animals, sshrc_acquisition", } @incollection{Rijk:1994, author = "Lambertus {de Rijk}", title = "John Buridan on Man's Capability of Grasping the Truth", booktitle = "{\em Scientia} und {\em ars} im Hoch- und Sp{\"a}tmittelalter", editor = "I. Craemer-Ruegenberg and A. Speer", series = "Miscellanea Mediaevalia", number = "22.1", address = "Berlin--New York", publisher = "Walter de Gruyter", year = "1994", volume = "I", pages = "281--303", keywords = "number, sshrc_knowhow", } @Book{Rijk:2005, author = "Lambertus {de Rijk}", title = "Giraldus Odonis {O}.{F}.{M}., Opera philosophica. {II}: De Intentionibus. Critical Edition with a Study on the Medieval Intentionality Debate up to ca.\ 1350", series = stgm, number = "60", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", year = "2005", keywords = "indirectdurand, sshrc_cited", fnote = "25, 148--150, 635--642", } @Book{RobertsAndWood:2007, author = "Robert C. Roberts and W. Jay Wood", title = "Intellectual Virtues: An Essay in Regulative Epistemology", publisher = oup, address = "New York", year = "2007", keywords = "role, sshrc_epistemology, sshrc_cited", } @Article{Rohmer:1927, title = "{Sur la doctrine franciscaine des deux faces de l'{\^a}me}", author = "J. Rohmer", journal = ahdlma, volume = "2", year = "1927", pages = "73--77", keywords = "misc medieval, avicenna, cognition", } @Book{Roling:2008, author = "B. Roling", title = "Locutio angelica. Die Diskussion der Engelsprache als Antizipation einer Sprechakttheorie in Mittelalter und Fr{\"u}her Neuzeit", series = stgm, number = "97", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", year = "2008", hyphenation = "german", keywords = "indirectdurand", } @Book{Rooney:1949, author = "M. Rooney", title = "A Comparison of the Notion of Habitus in the Philosophy of St.\ Thomas Aquinas and Godfrey of Fontaines", year = "1949", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Montreal", } @incollection{Rosier-Catach:2000, author = "I. Rosier-Catach", year = "2000", title = "{Aristotle and Augustine. Two Models of Occidental Medieval Semantics}", booktitle = "{Signs and Signification}", volume = "2", editor = "H. Gill and G. Manetti", publisher = "New Delhi: Bahri", pages = "41--62", keywords = "misc medieval", } @Book{Rowlands:2010, author = "Mark Rowland", title = "The New Science of the Mind: From Extended Mind to Embodied Phenomenology", year = "2010", address = "Cambridge, MA", publisher = "MIT Press", } @Book{Rozemond:1998, author = "Marleen Rozemond", title = "Descartes's Dualism", year = "1998", publisher = "Harvard University Press", address = "Cambridge, MA", } @incollection{Rozemond:2009, author = "Marleen Rozemond", title = "Can Matter Think? The Mind-Body Problem in the Clarke-Collins Correspondence", booktitle = "Topics in Early Modern Philosophy of Mind", series = "Studies In The History Of Philosophy Of Mind", number = "9", year = "2009", pages = "171--192", editor = "J. Miller", address = "Dordrecht", publisher = "Springer", } @book{Ryle:COM, author = "Gilbert Ryle", title = "The Concept of Mind", publisher = "Routledge", address = "New York", year = "2009", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } % SSS @Article{Schabel:2001, author = "Chris Schabel and Russell Friedman and Irene Balcoyiannopoulou", title = "Peter of Palude and the Parisian Reaction to Durand of St Pour{\c{c}}ain on Future Contingents", shorttitle = "Peter of Palude", journal = afp, volume = "71", year = "2001", pages = "183--300", keywords = "durand, primary, bio, sshrc_durand_recent", } @Book{Schoenberger:1994, author = "Rolf Sch{\"o}nberger", title = "Relation als Vergleich. Die Relationstheorie des Johannes Buridan im Kontext seines Denkens und der Scholastik", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", year = "1994", keywords = "sshrc_dispositions" } @incollection{Schoenberger:2001, author = "Rolf Sch{\"o}nberger", title = "Philosophical Theology in John Buridan", booktitle = "The Metaphysics and Natural Theology of John Buridan", year = "2001", editor = "J. Thijseen and J. Zupko", publisher = "E.J. Brill", address = "Leuven", pages = "265--81", keywords = "john buridan", } @Book{Schoenberger:1994x, author = "R. Sch{\"o}nberger and B. Kible", title = "Repertorium edierter Texte des Mittelalters aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und angrezender Gebeite", publisher = "xxx: Akadamie-Verlab", year = "1994", keywords = "durand indirect", fnote = "\\#12468--12471", } @incollection{Schmutz:Forthcoming, title = "{La migration des concepts. La distinction entre concept formel et concept objectif au croisement des scolastiques parisienne et espagnole}", author = "J. Schmutz", booktitle = "Philosophie et th{\'e}ologie {\`a} Paris au XVe si{\`e}cle", publisher = "Paris: J. Vrin", year = "Forthcoming", keywords = "late scholastic, mental word, thomism", } @Article{Sedivy:2004, year = "2004", author = "Sonia Sedivy", title = "Minds: Contents Without Vehicles", journal = "Philosophical Psychology", volume = "17", number = "2", pages = "149--81", } @Article{Segarra:1933, author = "F. Segarra", title = "Un precursor de Durando, Pedro d'Auvergne", journal = "Estudios Ecclesiasticos", volume = "12", year = "1933", pages = "114--124", keywords = "onlydurand, peter of auvergne", } @Book{Siegel:2010, author = "Susanna Siegel", title = "The Contents of Visual Experience", publisher = oup, address = "Oxford", year = "2010", } @Book{Simoncioli:1956, author = "F. Simoncioli", title = "Il problema della libert{\`a} umana in Peitro di Giovanni Olivi e Pietro de Trabibus", address = "Milan", year = "1956", } @article{Silva:2010, title = "The Active Nature of the Soul in Sense Perception: Robert Kilwardby and Peter Olivi", year = "2010", journal = "Vivarium", volume = "48", pages = "245--78", author = "Jos{\'e} Silva and Juhana Toivanen", } @book{Simons:2010, title = "The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us", author = "Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons", year = "2010", publisher = "Crown", address = "New York", } @Article{Snow:2006, author = "Nancy Snow", year = "2006", title = "Habitual Virtuous Actions and Automaticity", journal = "Ethical Theory and Moral Practice", volume = "9", pages = "545--561", keywords = "animals, sshrc_acquisition", } @incollection{Stampe:1977, author = "Dennis Stampe", year = "1977", title = "Toward a Causal Theory of Linguistic Representation", editor = "P. French and H. Wettstein and T. Uehling", booktitle = "Midwest Studies in Philosophy", volume = "2", address = "Minneapolis", publisher = "University of Minnesota Press", pages = "42--63", } @Article{Stanley:2001, author = "Jason Stanley and Timothy Williamson", year = "2001", journal = "Journal of Philosophy", volume = "97", pages = "411--44", title = "Knowing How", keywords = "number, sshrc_knowhow, sshrc_cited", } @Article{Stufler:1923, author = "Johann Stufler", title = "Der hl.\ Thomas und das axiom: Omne, quod movetur ab alio movetur", journal = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r katholische Theologie", year = "1923", volume = "47", pages = "369--90", } @incollection{Sirridge:1999, author = "M. Sirridge", title = "{`Quam videndo intus dicimus': Seeing and Saying in De Trinitate XV}", booktitle = "Medieval Analyses in Language and Cognition, Acts of the Symposium, `The Copenhagen School of Medieval Philosophy', January 10--13", year = "1999", editor = "S. Ebbesen and R. L. Friedman", series = "Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters", address = "Copenhagen", publisher = "Reitzel", pages = "318--330", keywords = "augustine", } @incollection{Sobol:2001, author = "Peter Sobol", year = "2001", title = "Sensations, Intentions, Memories, and Dreams", booktitle = "The Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy of John Buridan", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", editor = "J. Thijssen and J. Zupko", pages = "183--98", keywords = "animals, sshrc_acquisition", } @incollection{Solere:1994, author = "Jean-Luc Sol{\`e}re", title = "Pr{\'e}sentation, traduction et annotation de textes de Guillaume d'Auxerre (Summa aurea, {I}, trait{\'e} {XI}) et Durand de Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain (Commentaire des Sentences, {I}, d. 43--44)", booktitle = "La puissance et son ombre. De Pierre Lombard {\`a} Luther", editor = "O. Boulnois", address = "Paris", publisher = "Aubier biblioth{\'e}que philosophique", year = "1994", pages = "99--127 and 289--320", keywords = "onlydurand, edition, william of auxerre", } @incollection{Solere:1994b, author = "Jean-Luc Sol{\`e}re", title = "La puissance et l'infini: Durand de Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain", booktitle = "La puissance et son ombre. De Pierre Lombard {\`a} Luther", editor = "O. Boulnois", address = "Paris", publisher = "Aubier biblioth{\'e}que philosophique", year = "1994", pages = "287--320", keywords = "onlydurand", } @Article{Solere:1997, author = "Jean-Luc Sol{\`e}re", title = "Thomistes et antithomistes face {\`a} la question de l'infini cr{\'e}{\'e}: Durand de Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain, Herv{\'e} de {N}{\'e}dellec et Jacques de Metz", year = "1997", journal = rt, volume = "97", number = "1", pages = "219--244", hyphenation = "french", keywords = "onlydurand, hervaeus natalis, james of metz, sshrc_intensification", } @article{Solere:2006, author = "Jean-Luc Sol{\`e}re", pubstate = "Forthcoming", shorttitle = "The Activity of the Cognitive Subject", title = "{The Activity of the Cognitive Subject according to Durand of Saint-Pour\c{c}ain}", year = "Forthcoming", keywords = "onlydurand, minor, sshrc_durand_recent", } @incollection{Solere:Forthcomingb, author = "Jean-Luc Sol{\`e}re", title = "Jacques de Lausanne, censeur et plagiaire de Durand de Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain: {\'e}dition de la q. 2, d. 17 du l. {I}, de son Commentaire des Sentences", booktitle = "Medieval Philosophy and Theology in the Long Middle Ages: A Tribute to Stephen F. Brown", editor = "K. {Emery, Jr} and R. Friedman and A. Speer", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", year = "Forthcoming", keywords = "onlydurand, james of lausanne, sshrc_intensification", } @Article{Sorabji:1991, author = "Richard Sorabji", title = "From Aristotle to Brentano: The Development of the Concept of Intentionality", journal = "Festschrift for A. C. Lloyd: On the Aristotelian Tradition [= Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy Supplementary Volume]", pages = "227--59", year = "1991", keywords = "sshrc_cited", } @Book{Sorabji:1993, author = "Richard Sorabji", title = "Animal Minds and Human Morals: The Origins of the Western Debate", year = "1993", address = "London", publisher = "Duckworth", keywords = "animals, sshrc_acquisition", } @Article{Spade:1972, author = "Paul Spade", title = "The Unity of a Science according to Peter Auriol", journal = "Franciscan Studies", volume = "32", year = "1972", pages = "203--217", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @Book{Spade:1980, title = "Peter of Ailly: Concepts and Insolubles", publisher = "Dordrecht: Reidel", author = "Paul Spade", year = "1980", keywords = "peter d'ailly", } @Book{Spruit:1994, title = "Species Intelligibilis I: From Perceptions to Knowledge. Classical Roots and Medieval Discussions", shorttitle = "Species Intelligibilis I", series = "Brill's Studies in Intellectual History", year = "1994", number = "48", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", author = "Leen Spruit", keywords = "indirectdurand, species, sshrc_species, sshrc_cited", fnote = "pp.\ 281--283", } @Book{Spruit:1995, title = "Species Intelligibilis II: From Perceptions to Knowledge. Renaissance Controversies, Later Scholasticism, and the Elimination of the Intelligible Species in Modern Philosophy", shorttitle = "Species Intelligibilis II", series = "Brill's Studies in Intellectual History", year = "1995", number = "49", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", author = "Leen Spruit", } @Article{Stella:1959, author = "Prospero Stella", title = "{La prima critica di Hervaeus Natalis O.P. alla noetica di Enrico di Gand: Il \emph{De intellectu et specie} del cosiddetto \emph{De quatuor materiis}}", journal = "Salesianum", volume = "21", year = "1959", hyphenation = "italian", pages = "125--70", anote = "Durand in Sent (A) ``makes us of'' De quatuor materiis, a work against Henry of Ghent; see also Martin:1929, Kaeppeli:1970; is this what King:2004 has in mind with his claim about Scotus's invention of mental content?", keywords = "indirectdurand, hervaeus natalis, edition, bio, species, sshrc_species", } @Article{Stella:1960, author = "Prospero Stella", title = "{A proposito di Pietro da Palude (\emph{In I Sent.}, d.\ 43, q.\ 1): La questione inedita {\textit{Utrum Deum esse infinitum in perfectione et vigore possit efficaci ratione probari}} di Erveo Natalis}", journal = "Salesianum", volume = "22", year = "1960", pages = "245--325", hyphenation = "italian", anote = "Follows \cite{Maier:1948}. Palude doesn't use IA.43.1 or IC.43.1.", keywords = "indirectdurand, peter of palude, hervaeus natalis, bio, edition", } @Book{Stella:1965, author = "Prospero Stella", title = "Magistri {D}. Durandi a Sancto Porciano Ordinis Praedicatorum. Quolibeta Avenionensia tria additis Correctionibus Hervei Natalis supra dicta Durandi in Primo Quolibet", address = "Z{\"u}rich", publisher = "Pas Verlag", series = "Textus et studia in historiam scholasticae cura pontificii athenaei salesiani", number = "1", year = "1965", keywords = "primary, durand", } @Article{Stella:1970, author = "Prospero Stella", title = "{La data delle \emph{Quaestiones de habitibus} di Durando di S. Porciano}", journal = "Salesianum", volume = "32", year = "1970", pages = "407--23", keywords = "onlydurand, bio, minor, sshrc_habits", } @Article{Stella:1962, author = "Prospero Stella", year = "1962", title = "{Le \emph{Quaestiones de Libero Arbitrio} di Durando da S. Porciano}", journal = "Salesianum", volume = "24", pages = "450--542", keywords = "primary, durand, bio, minor", } @Book{Stella:2003, author = "Prospero Stella", year = "2003", title = "Nicolai Medensis (Durandelli) Evidentiae contra Durandum", shorttitle = "Evidentiae", publisher = "T{\"u}bingen: A. Francke Verlag", keywords = "durand, durandellus, primary", } @incollection{Stufler:1935, author = "J. Stufler", title = "Bemerkungen zur Konkurslehre des Durandus von St.\ Pour{\c{c}}ain", booktitle = "Aus der Geisteswelt des Mittelalters", editor = "A. Lang and J. Lechner and M. Schmaus", address = "M{\"u}nster", year = "1935", pages = "1080--1090", keywords = "durand only, bio", } @Article{Stump:1998, author = "Eleonore Stump", title = "Aquinas's Account of the Mechanisms of Intellective Cognition", journal = "Revue internationale de philosophie", volume = "52", year = "1998", keywords = "other, sshrc_powers", pages = "287--307", } @incollection{Stump:1999, author = "Eleonore Stump", title = "The Mechanisms of Cognition: Ockham on Mediating Species", shorttitle = "The Mechanisms of Cognition", crossref = "zCCOckham", pages = "168--203", keywords = "sshrc_species", } @Book{Stump:2003, author = "Eleonore Stump", title = "Aquinas", publisher = "Routledge", location = "New York", year = "2003", keywords = "aquinas, sshrc_cited", } @Book{Suarez-Nani:2002, author = "T. Suarez-Nani", title = "Connaissance et langage des anges selon Thomas d'Aquin et Gilles de Rome", address = "Paris", publisher = "Vrin", year = "2002", } @Article{Sylla:1993, author = "Edith Dudley Sylla", year = "1993", journal = "Vivarium", volume = "31", number = "1", title = "Aristotelian Commentaries and Scientific Change: The Parisian Nominalists on the Cause of the Natural Motion of Inanimate Bodies", pages = "37--83", } @incollection{Synan:1990, author = "E. Synan", title = "{Sensibility and Science in Medieval Theology. The Witness of Durandus Saint-Pour{\c{c}}ain and Denis the Carthusian}", editor = "R. Ty{\"o}rinoja and A. Lehtinen and D. F{\"o}llesdal", booktitle = "Knowledge and the Sciences in Medieval Philosophy", publisher = "Helsinki", year = "1990", volume = "3", pages = "531--539", keywords = "onlydurand, sshrc_durand", } % TTT @incollection{Tabarroni:1989, author = "Andrea Tabarroni", year = "1989", title = "Mental Signs and the Theory of Representation in Ockham", booktitle = "On the Medieval Theory of Signs", editor = "U. Eco and C. Marmo", address = "Amsterdam", publisher = "Benjamins", pages = "195--224", keywords = "ockham", } @Article{Tachau:1982, author = "Katherine Tachau", title = "The Problem of the {\em species in medio} in the Generation after Ockham", journal = "Medieval Studies", volume = "44", year = "1982", pages = "394--443", keywords = "sshrc_species", } @Article{Tachau:1985, author = "Katherine Tachau", title = "Walter Chatton on Sensible and Intelligible Species", journal = "Rivista critica di storia della filosofia", volume = "40", year = "1985", pages = "711--48", keywords = "species, sshrc_species", } @Book{Tachau:1988, title = "{Vision and Certitude in the Age of Ockham: Optics, Epistemology and the Foundation of Semantics 1250--1345}", shorttitle = "Vision and Certitude", author = "Katherine Tachau", year = "1988", series = stgm, number = "22", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", keywords = "indirectdurand, passions, major, sshrc_cited", fnote = "passim; see index", } @incollection{Tachau:1999, author = "Katherine Tachau", title = "Some Aspects of the Notion of Intentional Existence at Paris, 1250--1320", editor = "S. Ebbesen and R. Friedman", booktitle = "Medieval Analyses in Language and Cognition", address = "Copenhagen", year = "1999", pages = "331--53", keywords = "sshrc_maybe", } @Book{Takada:1963, author = "Takeshira Takada", title = "Durandi de {S}. Porciano {O}.{P}. Tractatus de habitibus ({Q}. 1--{Q}. 3)", address = "Kyoto", publisher = "[s.n.]", year = "1963", series = "Series of Hitherto Unedited Texts of Medieval Thinkers", number = "1", keywords = "primary, durand, minor", } @Book{Takada:1968, author = "Takeshira Takada", title = "Durandi de {S}. Portiano {O}.{P}. {QUOL}.\ {PARIS}.\ {I} ({Q}. {I}--{Q}. {IV})", comment = "Portiano [sic]", address = "Kyoto", publisher = "[s.n.]", series = "Series of Hitherto Unedited Texts of Medieval Thinkers", number = "4", year = "1968", mss = "\vl{1075}, ff.\ 31va--39fa; \vl{1076}, ff.\ 9vb--7ra; \madrid{226}, ff.\ 235vb--242rb; \dertus{43}, ff.\ 47va, 48r, 52v, 53r--57rbb, 60va, 61v--62r.", keywords = "primary, durand, minor", } @Book{Takada:1966, author = "Takeshira Takada", title = "Hervei Natalis {O}.{P}. De relatione contra Durandum et Durandi de {S}. Porciano {O}.{P}. {QUOL}.\ {PARIS}.\ {I} {Q}. 2 (3)", address = "Kyoto", publisher = "[s.n.]", series = "Series of Hitherto Unedited Texts of Medieval Thinkers", number = "3", year = "1966", mss = "Hervaeus: \vl{772}, ff.\ 162ra--164va; \marz{Z. L. 139}, ff.\ 106rb--108vb. Durand: \vl{1075}, ff.\ 35va--36vb; \vl{1076}, ff.\ 15ra--16ra; \bnm{226}, ff.\ 239va--240rb; \dertus{43}, ff.\ 52vb--53rb, 61va.", keywords = "primary, durand, hervaeus natalis, edition, minor", addendum = "[Contains a poor edition of \dq{I}{2}. Re-edited in \cite{Takada:1968}.]", } @incollection{Takada:1974, author = "Takeshira Takada", title = "{Die gegen Durandus gerichtete Streitschrift des Herveus Natalis \emph{De articulis pertinentibus ad primum librum Sententiarum Durandi} (Art. 1-5)}", editor = "T. K{\"o}hler", booktitle = "Sapientiae procerum amore", publisher = "Rome", year = "1974", pages = "439--55", keywords = "onlydurand, hervaeus natalis, bio, edition, minor", } @incollection{Teske:1996, author = "Roland Teske", title = "Henry of Ghent's Rejection of the Principle \emph{Omne quod mouetur ab alio mouetur}", year = "1996", booktitle = "Henry of Ghent: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Occasion of the 700th Anniversary of his Death (1293)", series = "Ancient and Medieval Philosophy", number = "15", editor = "W. Vanhaml", address = "Leuven", publisher = "Leuven University Press", pages = "279--308", keywords = "henry of ghent", } @incollection{Thijssen:1987, author = "J. M. M. H. Thijssen", title = "Buridan on the Unity of a Science. Another Chapter in Ockhamism?", booktitle = "Ockham and Ockhamists. Acts of the Symposium Organized by the Dutch Society for Medieval Philosophy Medium Aevum on the Occasion of Its Tenth Anniversary (Leiden, 10--12 September 1986)", editor = "E. Bos and H. Krop", address = "Nijmegen", publisher = "Ingenium Publishers", year = "1987", pages = "93--105", keywords = "number, sshrc_science", } @Book{Trifogli:2000, author = "C. Trifogli", title = "Oxford Physics in the Thriteenth Century (ca.\ 1220--1270). Motion, Infinity, Place, and Time", series = stgm, number = "27", publisher = "Leiden: Brill", year = "2000", keywords = "indirectdurand", } @incollection{Trifogli:2007, author = "C. Trifogli", title = "The Quodlibet of Thomas Wylton", pages = "231--67", volume = "2", crossref = "TQMA", } @book{Toivanen:2009, author = "Juhana Toivanen", title = "Animal Consciousness. Peter Olivi on Cognitive Functions of the Sensitive Soul", year = "2009", publisher = "Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Jyv{\"a}skyl{\"a}", keywords = "sshrc_acquisition", } @Article{Trottmann:1997, author = "C. Trottmann", title = "{Verbe mental et no{\'e}tique thomiste dans le \emph{De verbo} d'Herv{\'e} de N{\'e}dellec}", journal = rt, volume = "97", year = "1997", pages = "47--62", keywords = "indirectdurand, hevaeus natalis, cognition, animals, sshrc_maybe", } @Book{Trottman:2001, author = "Christian Trottman", title = "La vision de Dieu aux multiples formes, question de Quodlibet tenue par Guiral Ot {\`a} Paris fin 1333", address = "Paris", publisher = "J. Vrin", year = "2001", keywords = "indirectdurand, avignon condemnation, gerald odonis", fnote = "37--41", } @incollection{Trottmann:1995, author = "Christian Trottmann", title = "{Vision b{\'e}atifique et science th{\'e}ologique. Interf{\'e}rences scotistes dans le {\textit{Quodlibet}} parisien de Guiral Ot (d{\'e}cembre 1333)}", crossref = "zViaScoti", volume = "2", pages = "739--747", keywords = "indirectdurand, avignon condemnation", } @incollection{Tweedale:1990, author = "Martin Tweedale", title = "Mental Representations in Later Medieval Scholasticism", year = "1990", editor = "J. Smith", booktitle = "Historical Foundations of Cognitive Science", address = "Dordrecht", publishere = "Kluwer", pages = "35--51", keywords = "misc medieval, major, sshrc_maybe", } @Article{Tweedale:1992, author = "Martin Tweedale", title = "Origins of the Medieval Theory that Sensation is an Immaterial Reception of a Form", journal = "Philosophical Topics", volume = "20", pages = "215--31", year = "1992", keywords = "sshrc_species", } @incollection{Tweedale:2007, author = "Martin Tweedale", title = "{Representation in Scholastic Epistemology}", crossref = "zLagerlund:2007", pages = "xxx", } @Book{Tuninetti:1996, author = "L. Tuninetti", title = "{\textit{Per se notum}}: die logische Beschaffenheit des Selbstverst{\"a}ndlichen im Denken des Thomas von Aquin", publisher = "New York: Brill", year = "1996", keywords = "indirectdurand, aquinas", fnote = "111--123. (Discusses \ds{I}{C}{3}{2}.)", } % UUU @Book{Ullrich:1966, author = "Lother Ullrich", title = "Fragen der Sch{\"o}pfungslehre nach Jakob von Metz, {O}.{P}.", publisher = "Leipzig: St.\ Benno-Verlag", year = "1966", keywords = "indirectdurand, james of metz", fnote = "pp.\ 138--151", } % VVV @Book{VanRiel:2004, author = "Gerd {van Riel} and Caroline Mac{\'{e}}", year = "2004", title = "Platonic Ideas and Concept Formation in Ancient and Medieval Thought", address = "Leuven", publisher = "Leuven University Press", keywords = "major, sshrc_cited", } @Article{DelVal:1953, author = "U. {del Val}", title = "Juan de Guevara, {O}.{S}.{A}., Revisi{\'o}n critica de los errores de Durando de {S}. Porciano {O}.{P}.", journal = "Ciudad de Dios", volume = "165", year = "1953", pages = "145--56", keywords = "onlydurand", } @incollection{Vos:2003, title = "Duns Scotus at Paris", author = "Antonie Vos", crossref = "DSP", pages = "3--20", } % WWW @Article{Walsh:1986, author = "James J. 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Brill", } @collection{zMCR, title = "Mind, Cognition, and Representation", booktitle = "Mind, Cognition, and Representation", editor = "Paul Bakker and J. Thijssen", year = "2007", publisher = "Ashgate", address = "Aldershot", } @collection{zViaScoti, title = ViaScoti, booktitle = ViaScoti, editor = "L. Sileo", volumes = "2", address = "Rome", publisher = "Edizioni Antonianum", year = "1995", } @collection{JCST, year = "1997", editor = "G. Bedouelle and R. Cessario and K. White", title = "Jean Capreolus et son temps. 1380--1444: Colloque de Rodez", booktitle = "Jean Capreolus et son temps. 1380--1444: Colloque de Rodez", shortbooktitle = "Jean Capreolus et son temps", address = "Paris", publisher = "Cerf", } @collection{1308, year = "2010", title = "1308", booktitle = "1308", editor = "Andreas Speer and D. Wirmer", series = mm, number = "35", address = "Berlin-New York", publisher = "De Gruyter", } @collection{TQMA, title = "Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century", booktitle = "Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century", shortbooktitle = "Theological Quodlibeta", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", series = "Brill's Companion to the Christian Tradition", number = "7", year = "2007", volumes = "2", editor = "Chris Schabel", } @collection{SMAN, title = "Self-Motion From Aristotle to Newton", booktitle = "Self-Motion From Aristotle to Newton", editor = "M. Gill and J. Lennox", publisher = pup, address = "Princeton", year = "1994", } @collection{DSP, title = dsp, booktitle = dsp, series = "Textes et {\'e}tudes du Moyen {\^A}ge", number = "26", editor = "O. Boulnois and E. Karger and J-L Sol{\'e}re and G. Sondag", address = "Turnhout", publisher = "Brepols", keywords = "scotus, major", } @collection{TSAP, title = "Transformations of the Soul: Aristotelean Psychology 1250--1650", booktitle = "Transformations of the Soul: Aristotelean Psychology 1250--1650", shortbooktitle = "Transformations of the Soul", editor = "Dominik Perler", address = "Leiden", publisher = "E.J. Brill", year = "2009", } @collection{FormingTheMind, year = "2007", title = "Forming the Mind: Essays on the Internal Senses and the Mind/Body Problem from Avicenna to the Medical Enlightenment", booktitle = "Forming the Mind: Essays on the Internal Senses and the Mind/Body Problem from Avicenna to the Medical Enlightenment", shortbooktitle = "Forming the Mind", series = "Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind", editor = "Henrik Lagerlund", address = "Dordrecht", publisher = "Springer", } @collection{HUMA, year = "1986", title = HUMA, booktitle = HUMA, volumes = "2", series = "Philosophes m{\'e}di{\'e}vaux 26-27", editor = "C. Wenin", address = "Leuven", publisher = "Peeters", } @collection{zKoch1973, year = "1973", title = "Kleine Schriften", booktitle = "Kleine Schriften", editor = "Karl Bormann", series = "Storia e letteratura. Raccolta di studi e testi", number = "127--8", publisher = "Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura", address = "Rome", volumes = "2", } @collection{zCHMP, year = "2010", editor = "Robert Pasnau", title = "Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy", booktitle = "Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy", volumes = "2", address = "Cambridge", publisher = cup, } @collection{zCPMA, booktitle = "A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages", title = "A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages", editor = "J. Gracia and T. Noone", address = "Malden, MA", publisher = "Blackwell", year = "2003", }