![[picture of Peter King]](graphics/pk01.jpg)
Professor of Philosophy and of Mediaeval Studies
Department of Philosophy
170 St. George Street
The University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
M5R 2M8
phone: 1.416.978-4951
fax: 1.416.978-8703
For secure communications and digitally signing work, I use GnuPG, which is a GPL implementation of RFC 2440 (OpenPGP).
You can get my GnuPG/PGP public key as a text file here, and you can check my fingerprint by looking me up on the MIT keyserver:
$ gpg --fingerprint 7587EC42 pub 1024D/7587EC42 2004-02-07 Peter KingKey fingerprint = 2B14 A355 46BC 2A16 D0BC 36F5 1FE6 D32A 7587 EC42 sub 2048g/37599EF1 2004-02-07
Verify the fingerprint via a method not involving this webpage: email, phone, smoke signals, whatever.
I'm teaching our large Introduction to Philosophy course (PHL100) this year; in the Spring I'm also teaching a graduate seminar on Jean Buridan's Questions on Aristotle's "De anima". In the meantime I'm currently Placement Officer for the Philosophy Department, for my sins, which clearly have been many and grievous. My office hours are Mondays 11:30-1:00, and I'm never that far away from email if you need to get in touch with me.
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