ABELARD: LOGICA INGREDIENTIBUS LI 1 = Glosses on Porphry's "Isagoge" LI 2 = Glosses on Aristotle's "Categories" LI 3 = Glosses on Aristotle's "Perihermeneias" LI 4 = Glosses on Boethius's "De syllogismo categorico" [*] LI 5 = Glosses on Boethius's "De syllogismo hypothetico" [*] LI 6 = Glosses on Boethius's "De divisione" [*] LI 7 = Glosses on Boethius's "De topicis differentiis" * = no known text The title "Logica ingredientibus" is derived from the incipit. No single exemplar of the whole work exists. There are four primary witnesses, each from the twelfth century: A = MS Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana M63sup. ff.1ra-72rb (Geyer refers to this manuscript as A in his edition of LI and as A1 in his edition of LNPS.) B = MS Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz lat.fol.624 ff.97r-146r M = MS Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale cod.lat.7493 ff.168r-184r T = MS Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal cod.lat.910 ff.120vb-121rb In addition, there are three secondary witnesses from the twelfth century that consist in or include pastiches of Abelard's commentary, and can therefore be useful in establishing his text: S = MS Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana M63sup ff.74ra-91vb (Anonymous gloss on the Isagoge called the *Glossae secundum vocales*, a pastiche of LI and LNPS. Transcribed in Ottaviano [1933] 106-207. Geyer calls this manuscript A2 in his edition of LNPS. The same manuscript includes the bulk of LI.) P = MS Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale cod.lat.13368 ff.195ra-218v (Anonymous gloss on the Categories. Pastiche of LI 2. There is no edition. The same manuscript includes the Introductiones paruulorum.) V = MS Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale cod.lat.15015 ff.180ra-199ra (Anonymous gloss on the De interpretatione, called the *Glossae doctrinae sermonum* from its incipit. Pastiche of LI 3. There are close parallel passages in the anonymous gloss on Porphyry's Isagoge found in W = MS Vienna, Pal.lat.2486 ff.4ra-60vb and in the incomplete anonymous commentary on the De interpretatione found in B ff.87va-96vb. There is a transcription of ff.180ra- 180va given in De Rijk [1967] Vol. II-1 210-212, which has several misreadings. Other extracts are found in Cousin [1855] 326-333; De Rijk [1962] 613-615, partially corrected against W and B; De Rijk [1966] 46-52.) It is likely that Abelard conceived the *Logica ingredientibus* as a full cycle of glosses on the eight primary sources of the logica vetus: some internal cross-references support this, and it is suggested by the plan of the *Introductiones paruulorum* and the *Dialectica*. Under this assumption, we can describe the state of the text as follows. LI 1 Glosses on the "Isagoge". Primary witness A (complete), secondary witness S. The material covering universals was partially edited in Rosmini-Serbati [1963] 10-17 (originally published in 1857). References are to the edition, based on A alone, in Geyer [1919] 1-109. LI 2 Glosses on the "Categories". Primary witness A (complete), secondary witness P. There is an edition, based on A alone, in Geyer [1921] 111-305. LI 3 Glosses on the "De interpretatione". Primary witnesses A (to c.13) and B (complete), secondary witness V. Edition based on all witnesses currently in preparation by Klaus Jacobi and Christian Strub, with a separate edition of V by Peter King, to appear in the Corpus christianorum: continuatio mediaevalis. Some older editions of the text are as follows: o Edition based on A alone of the glosses on De interpretatione 1-12 in Geyer [1927] 307-483.7. Minio-Paluello [1958] lists in an appendix some variant readings in B to the text published in Geyer [1927] 307-333 alone, and other selected passages in 333-483. De Rijk [1982], Jacobi [1985], and Lewis [1987] offer corrections to various passages on the basis of both A and B. o Edition based on A and B of the glosses on De interpretatione xii-xiii in Minio-Paluello [1958] 1-29.15. Geyer [1927] 483.7- 497.19 uses A alone. Geyer [1927] 497.20-503.28 (end) is spurious; A is incomplete at this point. o Edition based on B alone of the glosses on De interpretatione 13-14 in Minio-Paluello [1958] 29.16-108.27. LI 4 Glosses on the "De syllogismo categorico". No known witnesses. LI 5 Glosses on the "De syllogismo hypothetico". No known witnesses. There are two reasons to think that such glosses existed. First, in LI 2 291.24-26 Abelard writes "sicut alibi ostendum est, ubi scilicet de hypotheticis propositionibus disputabitur". Second, in LI 3 389.7 Abelard writes "de quibus in hypotheticis disseremus". LI 6 Glosses on the "De Diuisione". No known witnesses, and no apparent references to such a work (if it ever existed). LI 7 Glosses on the "De topicis differentiis". Primary witnesses M (complete) and T (fragmentary). o Edition based on M alone in Dal Pra [1969] 205.4-330.17. Green-Pedersen [1977] 127-128 called attention to T, described in Green-Pedersen [1984] 424-425 (under the heading B.12). The material in T corresponds only to Dal Pra [1969] 256.34-263.23. The attribution of these glosses to the Logica ingredientibus rather than to the Introductiones parvulorum has been disputed, but two points make the attribution secure: (i) the style of this gloss is unlike the other glosses found in the Introductiones parvulorum; (ii) there is a reference to glosses on the Topics in LI 3 327.34-35, apparently to Dal Pra [1969] 248.23-249.1.