PsychOUT Conference
May 7-8, 2010

Proceedings of the PsychOUT Conference


ABSTRACT: David Carmichael

Taking Our Health Back From Big Pharma Controlled Governments

(no paper is attached to this workshop)

On July 31, 2004, David Carmichael killed his 11-year-old son in London, Canada while he was psychotic on the antidepressant Paxil. He was charged with first-degree murder. On September 30, 2005, he was found to be not criminally responsible (NCR) on account of a mental disorder (diagnosed as major depression with psychotic episodes). He received an absolute discharge from the Ontario Review Board on December 4, 2009. You can read about his family tragedy at During this session, David Carmichael talked about his homicidal psychotic episode in 2004 and shared evidence that medical experts have collected, including his DNA test results from Australia, which indicated that Paxil, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), triggered his severe psychotic episode. He also shared what he has learned since his family tragedy about the unethical and, possibly, illegal relationship that some politicians in Canada, the United States and other G-20 countries seem to have with big chemical drug pharmaceutical companies (big pharma), and moderated a discussion about whether or not some politicians should face criminal charges.