PsychOUT Conference
May 7-8, 2010

Proceedings of the PsychOUT Conference


ABSTRACT: Mary Ellen Maddock, Jim Maddock

Anti-psychiatry Resistance in Ireland

(no paper is attached to this workshop)

Section 59(b) of our national Mental Health Act of 2001 allows for the administration of shock on the say-so of two psychiatrists even if the recipient is “unable or unwilling” to consent to the procedure. Our group, which consists of people who have experienced shock, supporters and three dissident psychiatrists, has been campaigning since 2003 for a total ban on shock. Our campaign strategy operates on three levels – public protest, media and political. Our presentation detailed how each of these approaches operate – how we have gone about things, what contacts we have made, how we have generated public debate, what we have learned from our campaign and what successes and failures we have to report. The presentation was of interest to all opponents of not just shock but other forms of psychiatric oppression such as forced drugging and compulsory treatment orders and also served to highlight an international dimension to what is a worldwide struggle.