PsychOUT Conference
May 7-8, 2010

Proceedings of the PsychOUT Conference


ABSTRACT: Nick Joseph Mulé, Andrea Daley

Queer Lens of Resistance: A Critical Anti-Oppressive Response
to the DSM-V Consultations
This paper provided a socio-political analysis as a consultative response to the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) currently being revised for its fifth edition to be released in spring 2013. Two subsections in the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders section were focused on. Utilizing a queer lens that resists heteronormative and cisgender notions of sexuality and gender identity, the subsections on Gender Identity Disorders and the Paraphilias were interrogated based on social constructions of dominant race, sexuality, gender and class notions of normality. The lack of scientific evidence to substantiate the inclusion of a number of diagnoses and resulting negative implications of labeling individuals will be addressed. We argue that such diagnostic labels contribute to oppressive forms of hegemonic discourse that serve to further marginalize LGBT populations. Strategies of Resistance: The presenters discussed strategies of resistance they have undertaken including the drafting of a formal position statement on behalf of the Rainbow Health Network for submission to the DSM-V Consultative Process, plans to hold a public forum on the issue and to submit a paper based on this presentation for publication in a journal. They also discussed with attendees ways in which they can resist the impact of the DSM on the LGBT communities.