Frequently asked questions
Question about visiting classes: What if I miss a class or a day?

Answer: First, you should contact Director of the course and get her permission for the amount of houres you plan to miss. Second, you should remember that no self-taught methodics is better than class participation. Third, please bear in mind that even if the teacher has a plan, it is not a bus schedule and students are not passengers. My experience show that usually 32% of your successs depends on the textbook, 33% depends on the teacher but 35% depends upon what happens in the classroom. That means that all the plans are subject to change in both directions. Please feel free to ask for personal consultation on the material missed. I shall do all I can. Hope you will suceed in mastering this difficult but beautiful language

Question about textbook: What textbook shall we use?

Answer: On the advaced level in 2004 we were using"Focus on Russian" (An Interactive approach to communication). 2nd ed. Sandra F. Rosenbrant, Elena D. Lifschitz. John Willey & Sons, Inc. N.Y,, etc. 1996. 370 pp.

For 2005 year Sumer Language Program the textbook has not been chosen yet.

Personal question about Canada: What country do you love more: USA or Canada?

No answer: I have Russian citizenship.

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