Random Variables

Example 1| Example 2 | Example 2.1-4 | Useful Web Resources| Solutions


Random Variables

A random variable can be thought of as a function that maps the points of the sample space into the set of real numbers.

Continuous Random Variable:

A continuous random variable is one in which the probability is spread continuously over intervals of real numbers. Eg height, weight, time etc.

Discrete Random Variable:

A discrete random variable is one which the possible values are countable. Its probability is concentrated on a finite or countably infinite set of real numbers. Eg the random variable representing the number of people with black hair in a group of 20, has probability concentrated on the points 0,1,2,..., 20.

Definition 2.1-1:Probability Mass Function

The probability mass function of a discrete random variable X is the function that assigns a probability to each of the possible values of X. The probability mass function X is denoted as p(x) and is defined by p(x) = P (X=x) .


Example 1:

Consider rolling a dice 3 times. Let the random variable X denote the number times the dice rolls a 2. The probability mass function p(x) is given below.


The corresponding histogram:

Properties of Probability Mass Functions

We can use Example 1 to show that these properties hold.


  • 0 £ p(0)=125/216 £1
  • 0 £ p(1)=75/216 £1
  • 0 £ p(2)=15/216 £1
  • 0 £ p(3)=1/216 £1

ii) p(0) + p(1) + p(2) + p(3) = (125+75+15+1) / 216= 216 / 216=1

Definition 2.1-2: Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

For each real number x, the function F(X)= P(X £ x ) is called the cumulative distribution function of X. F(x) is probability that X is less than or equal to x.

For example, if X has a probability mass function P(X = x) then F(x) = P(X £ x) = SP(X = x). So for each value of X that is less than or equal to x, find the probability of X at that value and sum up the results.


Example 2:

Lets consider Example 1 again. F(x) for x=0,1,2 and 3 are:

P(X £ 0)= P( zero or fewer 2's)= 125/216
P(X £ 1)= P( One or fewer 2's)=(125+216)+(75/216) =200/216
P(X £ 2)= P( Two or fewer 2's) =(125+216)+(75/216)+(15/216)=215/216
P(X £ 3)= P(Three or fewer 2's) =(125+216)+(75/216)+(15/216)=216/216


It is possible to compute F(x) for values of x not equal to 0,1,2, or 3. Although p(2.5)=0,

F(2.5)=P(X £ 2.5)=P(2.5 or fewer 2's)


=125/216 +75/216 + 15/216


The cumulative distribution function in the discrete case is a step function. The size of the step at x is equal to the probability mass function p(x).

The size of the step at x =1 is 200/216 -125/216 = 75/216 = p(1)

What is the size of the step for x =2?

(Round to 3 decimal places)

What is the size of the step for x=3?

(Round to 3 decimal places)


Exercise 2.1-4

A multiple choice test has three possible answers for each question, one of which is correct. Let X denote the number of correct answers in an exam consisting of four questions. Find the probability mass function of X and the cumulative distribution of X, assuming the student guesses on each question.


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Useful Web Resources

Random Variables and Statistics

Random Variables and Distributions

Math Revision: Discrete Random Variables





Solution to Example 2

The size of the step at x =2 is 125/216 -200/216= 15/216 = p(2) =0.069

The size of the step at x=3 is 216/216-215/216= 1/216 = p(3)=0.004629=0.005

Solution to Multiple Choice

x P(x) F(x)
0 16/81
1 =32/81
2 6(1/3)^2(2/3)^2=24/81 72/81
3 =8/81
4 (1/3)^4=1/81 1

6) P(X>2) = 1-P(X £ 2)=1-(72/81)=9/817) P(0<X<3)= 32/81 + 24/81 = 56/81 because 0 and 3 are not included in the range.

8) P(1 £ X £ 3)=32/81+24/81+8/81=64/81 because 1 and 3 are included in the range


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